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Guest notJames

Goldberg's Debut

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Guest notJames

(Bold emphasis mine)


Many in WWE wanted Goldberg to come out and destroy the Rock, complete with a Jackhammer. However, the company opted for a more subtle debut. Many backstage became concerned during the Rock's promo due to the fact that he was getting face reactions.


Due to Steve Austin being portrayed as a cripple and The Rock beating Austin the night before, it became obvious that the fans viewed the Rock as a "winner" and started to cheer him throughout the night. Despite this, the company was happy with the response that Goldberg got once he came out.


There was even talk of giving Goldberg more mic time, but WWE eventually decided that his strengths are in his intensity, and having him try to cut a promo against the Rock would only make him look bad and take away from his mystique.


WWE remains somewhat concerned that the fans won't really remember or care about Goldberg since his history is exclusively with WCW.


As for the backstage response, Goldberg is already rubbing people the wrong way with how he carried himself. Of course, Goldberg is used to heavy politics backstage since he rose to stardom in WCW at a time when the backstage scene was out of control.


WWE management has been trying hard to impress him with the company's professionalism compared to WCW, but the bickering over what he would do in his debut pretty much ruined that.


Credit: Torch VIP - PWTorch.com




So if the fans demand that Rocky is the face, what happens to Project: Goldberg? Do they insist that he's the face no matter what the crowd response is? And what of Goldberg's future matchups (HHH, possibly Nash, who wants to come back as a heel Diesel)?


And what's the over/under on weekly missives from anonymous disgruntled undercardsmen about how Goldberg's an asshole to be around?

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Guest nikowwf

The fans were not exactly shitting on Goldberg. I'm not a Goldberg fan, but it looks like he's at least an equal face to rock if not the out and out face against a heel.


4 months from now this might be a problem, but now thats really jumping the gun.


Fans didn't turn on Steiner until the HHH title match, and he deserved it 100% as he was delivering a Gayda of a performance.



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Guest FeArHaVoC

Goldberg won't bring huge ratings and won't bring big PPV buy rates, but he will be over with the live crowds.


Give it time. He'll hopefully flop.


And of course there is gonna be backstage 'heat' over him being there.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Rock is leaving soon anyway so they don't have to worry about him getting cheers. Goldberg vs HHH will have the faces and heels aligned properly.


Rock is just so damn funny they can't help but cheer him. When he first went heel he was being and ass and getting booed. Then he started being funny and singing songs and it was sing along with the rock all over again.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
As for the backstage response, Goldberg is already rubbing people the wrong way with how he carried himself. Of course, Goldberg is used to heavy politics backstage since he rose to stardom in WCW at a time when the backstage scene was out of control.


WWE management has been trying hard to impress him with the company's professionalism compared to WCW, but the bickering over what he would do in his debut pretty much ruined that

Because, as we all know, the WWE locker room is a veritable campfire sing-along, where everybody gets along and political games/maneuverings are nonexistant, and trivial mis-steps, whether real or perceived, are nothing to be worried about.

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Guest Pigsy

Did he shake hands with Droz? If he didn't, then damn him, damn him straight to hell.

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Guest nikowwf

I think Goldberg will bring bigger buyrates than they would have had without him. I'm not a fan, but what match were they going to do at Backlash to garner as much interest as Rock/Goldberg?

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Guest Downhome

I don't understand why some of you WANT WWE to fuck up this Goldberg thing, that makes no sense to me.

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Guest notJames

It's not so much a desire to see WW_ fail as much as I wish they'd learn from the mistakes of the past. History has shown that unless you build for the future, you'll have no one to rely on if/when the old-timers and desperation signees stop being draws. Someone like Goldberg, who is apparently only in it for the short term sends the message that he has no interest in the company except how many zeroes are on his paycheque. What does that do for the guys working scale who bust their asses 300 days a year, get 1/8 the exposure of Goldberg, are expected to perform at top shape no matter how misused they are, and might never get the respect commensurate to the dedication they display to the company, much less the entire sport?


It's hard to separate the character from the man, when they walls delineating them are paper thin.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Bring back Gillberg! He will be the answer to cure the WWE's woes.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Goldberg's hardly an old timer, plus he's exactly the kind of guy WWE have had success with in the past (Austin, Rock) in that he's a mid sized- Fairly Big guy with awesome ring presence, good charisma and crossover appeal.


If Vince pushes him properly (I have no reason to believe he won't) then Goldberg will be huge all over again

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Guest Brian

I want them to fuck it up because everytime they pull in big deals like this, they're negating the future and relying on short-term fixes. That's not how a company is run.

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Guest NoCalMike

I like how Torch is reporting the concerns of WWE worried about people not remembering Goldberg and/or not caring about him being back, well yah that is nice to worry about AFTER he is signed. I mean come on get a clue. I know Goldberg's WCW contract was ridiculous, but if he was gonna be brought back, it should have been during the Invasion angle to lead the Alliance.

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Guest Downhome

Good lord, you people are rather odd. You pray for something to go right, and then when they are trying something, you actualy wish and WANT them to fuck it up.


Many of you are hopeless.

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Guest bob_barron

After Goldberg there really is no one left and Vince will be forced to do something.


Why not push new stars instead of signing an old one?

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Guest Jobber of the Week
having him try to cut a promo against the Rock would only make him look bad and take away from his mystique.

What Mystique?


He's been around for what, six years now? He's got a book, been in a (bad) movie or two, and appeared on the cover of Entertainment Weekly (thus spurring a stupid flame letter from Vince Mcmahon.) You mean some people haven't figured him out yet?

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Guest BionicRedneck

The Torch is always "reporting" stuff like "so and so is rubbing people the wrong way" I wouldn't put much stock in that.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
After Goldberg there really is no one left and Vince will be forced to do something.


Why not push new stars instead of signing an old one?

Don't forget Sting or Luger. He might even bring back Savage if he gets desperate enough.

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Guest Rob Edwards
After Goldberg there really is no one left and Vince will be forced to do something.


Why not push new stars instead of signing an old one?

because he was the biggest "old star" that was on the market post WCW's demise, he isn't that old, has the 4th biggest name value in the business and he's someone Vince has always wanted. If this was Sting or Luger then I'd see the point but Goldberg is an entirley different animal

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Guest Trivia247
Good lord, you people are rather odd. You pray for something to go right, and then when they are trying something, you actualy wish and WANT them to fuck it up.


Many of you are hopeless.

Goldberg is NOT a good thing. Maybe its because we aren't Drooling over the piece of Crap. Unless all we been hearing is wrong Goldy still is a Prick, and judging the fact he is here means he got his way, on his contract where he didn't want to Job to certain people. WWE Is Sinking low just to bring in a guy who is Suppose to be a wrestler.


But hell Lets all Take up the Sparklers and Chant Goldberg to the Piped in Chant from the loud speakers...and Watch him Death March from his Dressing room, Not Locker room... to the arena floor...Yea thats fun.


And lets make sure whatever shreds of credibility whomever his opponent is Just evaporates too the MIGHT of Goldberg!

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Guest Rob Edwards

yeah damn WWE for hiring someone who could actually win them ratings and bring people in to watch the future stars develop so that when they finally do more people are aware of who they are, curse them to hell


It's also about time there was someone in the locker room with enough stroke to stand up to HHH

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Guest bob_barron
yeah damn WWE for hiring someone who could actually win them ratings and bring people in to watch the future stars develop so that when they finally do more people are aware of who they are, curse them to hell


It's also about time there was someone in the locker room with enough stroke to stand up to HHH

I don't recall Goldberg ever winning any ratings- well none in the last 5 years. In 2000 WCW gave a huge hype job to his return (even taking out a full page ad in USA Today) and WWF conceded the rating by putting on a Brisco-Crash Holly segment.


Goldberg's return got cremed by Gerald Brisco and Crash Holly.


With Goldberg's creative control and the fact that has he done jobs before what makes you think he will help make future stars. The viewers were aware of-


Nash, Hall, Bischoff, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair Hogan, Rock, Austin and Scott Steiner and yet they didn't make a dent in the ratings.

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Guest Rob Edwards

as much as many claim it isn't Goldberg in WWE is still one of the great "what if?" questions in markdom. Along with the past it Sting he's the biggest WCW star to have never wrestled in WWE, Ratings in late WCW didn't really mean anything, the show was losing ratings because it sucked regardless of who was on it.


I'm willing to bet Goldberg brings improved ratings at least for the first few months he's there and if I'm wrong I'm more than willing to accept that

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Nobody will improve ratings for more than a couple of weeks because the roster isn't the problem. WWE has more big names than any other promotion in the history of North American wrestling. This is just another case of Vince trying to take the easy way out.


It doesn't matter if they had Hogan, Flair, Savage, Steamboat, Austin, Rock, Piper, Sting, Dibiase, Angle, Benoit, Jericho, Michaels & Hart all in their primes. The problem is not with the stars, it is how they are being used and that hasn't changed.

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Guest Trivia247
as much as many claim it isn't Goldberg in WWE is still one of the great "what if?" questions in markdom. Along with the past it Sting he's the biggest WCW star to have never wrestled in WWE, Ratings in late WCW didn't really mean anything, the show was losing ratings because it sucked regardless of who was on it.


I'm willing to bet Goldberg brings improved ratings at least for the first few months he's there and if I'm wrong I'm more than willing to accept that

Oye Whatiffffffff questions



What if Austin vs Goldberg well thats not gonna happen because evidently Austin leaves and goldberg comes in.......seem they can't exist in the same arena without a Paradox.


and Rock vs Goldberg oh yea whatttt a What if...


about as big as a What if a Rock at the Prime of his life and wipe a Aging nearly crippled Hogan.


Goldberg will be a ratings blip for a while, but after a while it will run down. There is only so much you can do With Goldberg because he isn't easy to work with evidently and the possibility of Opponents for him isn't that many, because he simply won't work with others.

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In some ways I want them to fail with Goldberg so they will finally stop using "quick fixes" but we all know they'd just try another one.


It's time for the WWE to start building new stars just like they had to in the mid 90's slump.


I am a little pumped to see the crowd heat when Austin/Goldberg finally happens though.

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Guest Sakura

I hope Macho is the next quick fix. Ohhhhh yeah~! I want to see him shoot on Hogan and ramble about the World Wide Web on air.

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So lets......see You guys WANT Goldberg to flop and WWE to fail even more because you say "Goldberg sucks"......hmmmmm.....The guy gets big face pops. He 's a big time name. I dont understnad why you guys WISH he fails. Do you not want to see WWE do well?

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