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Guest tpww7

One and Only NWA:TNA Week 38 Thread

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Guest RedJed

God damn Alexis is just fucking hot


This might be good as far as the ladies stuff goes here.

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Guest Dmann2000

Oh, I know this is totally off topic, but seeing as how Brian Lawler used one, and missed, I thought I'd mention, I think the enziguri should be called an Owenziguri. That's what I call it.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Needs more seasoning. She's a stuntwoman turned wrestler, so she can take and give some nice flips, kicks, etc. Her stuff's looking good, and she'll be really good if she can wrestle even once a week for a year.


My last post ended up at the end of the first page of the thread, so I'll repost the most important part of it:


I kind of just, well, woke up from a long nap. Can anyone tell me real quick as to what exactly happened up to Dusty Rhodes saying he gets lots of posse.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Raven sits in the corner while Trinity finishes off Alexis with a standing shooting star press. I believe that was it, as I blinked.


Raven gives Trinity the Evenflow, Kid Kash doesn't come in the ring (announcers push how she's saved him so many times), and Raven drags Alexis to the back unwillingly.


Awesome. This whole thing smells like ECW, and I love it.

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Guest RedJed
Needs more seasoning. She's a stuntwoman turned wrestler, so she can take and give some nice flips, kicks, etc. Her stuff's looking good, and she'll be really good if she can wrestle even once a week for a year.


My last post ended up at the end of the first page of the thread, so I'll repost the most important part of it:


I kind of just, well, woke up from a long nap. Can anyone tell me real quick as to what exactly happened up to Dusty Rhodes saying he gets lots of posse.

Disco and Styles had a brawl to start the show.......which led to Raven and D-Lo also having a staredown.


Konnan and Lynn made up in an interview


Lawler beat Chris Harris.......that should cover it.


They keep up the thing with Kash and Trinity heat, which is cool........weird way to get it done though. Laree with Raven might be interesting.

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Guest RedJed

They can do just about anything with Jarrett and I think he'll still get over as a face with the Nashvillians

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Guest tpww7

XXX = Ratings? Too bad this is PPV and there are no ratings, just buyrates.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I love the possible Raven/flock angle coming up, with Laree.


Jarrett going heel? WTF? I'm sorry, but not even bad ass faces choke women like that.

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Guest RedJed

Well New Jack finally came in.......I wonder if they will do an ECW faction here with these guys? Sounds like it.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Thanks Jed.


I'm so confused as to why they're treading a line with Jeff Jarrett. I understand how he's like this with everyone after him, but they have to be careful. Not for the live audience, but for the crowd at home.


Here's New Jack! We better get some real weapon shots and New Jack gushing blood if I have to watch this guy.

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Guest RedJed

I thought Saturn with the Church was a good idea, apparently its already over though.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Daniels with a beautiful double springboard moonsaul to Saturn.


Daniels is doing all the work so far, so it's not that bad.


And as I say that, we're evolving into the pier-six.

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Guest RedJed
I'm so confused as to why they're treading a line with Jeff Jarrett. I understand how he's like this with everyone after him, but they have to be careful. Not for the live audience, but for the crowd at home.

I think as long as they keep the live shows in Nashville, its all good. I think I said this last week but Jerry Lawler used to be booked alot like this by Jerry Jarrett way back when as well, and nothing, and I mean NOTHING turned the guy heel.


I love the whole Tennessee style booking in that some of the characters certainly aren't one dimensional to say the least.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

If New Jack's only here for a show or two it's alright i guess, but if he stays any longer than that his act will get tired fast.

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Guest RedJed

Wow, a Harris brother did a job, call me surprised.


Tenay said it right, a train wreck.


Wow, Mike Barton!!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I like the Memphis style, but they need to be a bit careful with how they do it all.


I liked Brian Lee attacking New Jack, then also attacking Harris #1.


DVD to #2 after he takes out Slash, and Saturn is the winner.


Wow, they didn't let New Jack bleed, use real weapons, etc.


Mike Barton?!?!?!?!? BART GUNN IS HERE!!!! He's got a S.E.X. shirt on. At least he's from Japan, so his ringwork is probably a lot better now.

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Guest RedJed
Mike Barton?!?!?!?!? BART GUNN IS HERE!!!!  He's got a S.E.X. shirt on.  At least he's from Japan, so his ringwork is probably a lot better now.

Yeah he is waaaay better now than he was in WWE. He'll be able to work well.


LOL........I think I heard guys arguing about a finish in the backstage, probably werent supposed to hear that


EDIT: Nevermind, it was an angle. And one I dont want to see at that, with the AMW breaking up possibly. BAD BAD BAD IDEA

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Umm... Who was yelling at the end of the Kash interview? I think I heard the name Vince, but I'm not sure. Goldy acted like she was trying to ignore it.


Siaki and Desire are out now to face David Young. I think Young needs some nicer tights in order to give him a better look.


Tenay and West just answered me. It was Haris and Storm.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I hope Barton sticks around. New Jack, I could live without.


Young/Siaki up now!

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Guest RedJed

Desire looks hotter than ever tonight in that leopard outfit.


Match is starting out with some great ringside brawling.

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