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Guest Mole

I used to HATE Matt Hardy...

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy

I don't understand all this Matt Hardy love. His character is fresh, his wrestling is still good, but his mic work still bothers me. I think he is in a good position as a Cruiserweight bully, but I don't see him as much else. Maybe its my cynicism.

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Guest Ram
I don't understand all this Matt Hardy love. His character is fresh, his wrestling is still good, but his mic work still bothers me. I think he is in a good position as a Cruiserweight bully, but I don't see him as much else. Maybe its my cynicism.

I kind of agree. he just has this wierd tone when he does his mic work and it just sort of takes away from it in my opinion.

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Guest creativename

I always enjoyed Matt Hardy. Never liked Jeff; probably because of his freaky look. And this was before he went completely over the edge. I was a Matt fan though. Now of course, I'm a much bigger fan; Mattitude is one of the best and most entertaining gimmicks I've ever seen.


As for Cena, I wanted to like him when he first came in, because I saw a special about UPW on A&E (I think it was A&E) a couple years back, and he was featured prominently on that (they pushed him as something "special", even in this documentary). Plus, he's apparently a big fan of Star Wars. His incredibly lame character and the stupid tights made it hard to be a fan though. Now that he's finally got a good gimmick going, it's easy to be entertained by him.


BTW, anyone else think that Kendrick has somehow inherited Cena's gay tights thing? He only wears the one pair, but they are truly awful.

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