Guest Mole Report post Posted April 4, 2003 When I was in the Galley at my school, which makes you food and stuff, the people who make the food were talking about Jerry Springer. I said to them, "Springer is more fake then wrestling is." Then the women said, "Well, anytime you wanna watch mind-less TV, just watch either of the two and you can laugh the whole time." And when I was trying to get this bar to order WM, I asked her if she knew what wrestling was. Her response "Junk TV like Springer" I gave her a dirty look and walked away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted April 4, 2003 It's too bad that at times, she's right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Its true WWE is the junk food of sports: Tastey and addictive but not nutritious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Its true WWE is the junk food of sports: Tastey and addictive but not nutritious. If WWE is the junk food of sports, then what was Roller Jam and Slam Ball? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Steviekick Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Roller Jam and Slam Ball would be the third rate fast food of the sports world Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 4, 2003 It's an acquired taste. Nothing you can do about that. Cars, drinks, a lot of things in life say things about you and project an image. A guy driving a Mercedes is probably rich and/or pretentious, while the guy in the Toyota could be an average Joe, and the guy in the tiny car is either cheap or an environmentalist. The guy in the old junker beat-up car is just likely poor. In that same vein, wrestling gets a bad rap. It's probably no worse than football (although the football players wear a lot more clothes and gear and aren't showing their guns off all the time) but the wrestling geek is usually an idiot like the comic book geek or the Star Trek geek. Meanwhile, the football geek is a "sports fan." The point of this is I've never expected establishments to carry wrestling (especially with so many once-famous sports teams around here like the Raiders) but wrestling also shoots itself in the foot as McMahon/Russo/et al haven't helped with their less-than-classy angles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted April 4, 2003 You're surprised somebody feels this way? Trade your thin skin in for a shell because wrestling is always going to be socially unacceptable. Unless you're a big fan of it, you'll never really "get it". My parents don't. Some of my friends don't. No matter how many times The Rock appears on Leno, no matter how many times Vince makes the New York Times wrestling will always be a dirty word. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted April 4, 2003 You're surprised somebody feels this way? Trade your thin skin in for a shell because wrestling is always going to be socially unacceptable. Unless you're a big fan of it, you'll never really "get it". My parents don't. Some of my friends don't. No matter how many times The Rock appears on Leno, no matter how many times Vince makes the New York Times wrestling will always be a dirty word. Aww, no. I never said I felt surprised. I just felt low for being a wrestling fan at that point. I don't watch wrestling for all the backstage crap, or anything like that. I watch wrestling for wrestling, to see these men peform amazing acts of athletic ablitiy. That is what people don't understand, how hard it is to become a wrestler. And that is what pisses me off the most. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Galactic Gigolo Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I head up to Philly all the time for ROH, CZW, XPW (usd to), etc. and whenever someone asked me where I was/where I'm going to be that night, I say something like, "I was in Philly at a wrestling show. A friend of mine works there, so we go and hang out with him." Well, I hang out with the internet PBP guy for CZW up in the Eagle's Nest, but other than that, it's a blatant lie. I don't even mention WWE anymore. At least when you're watching the independents, you're seen a little bit different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I blame the Vinces. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted April 4, 2003 This doesn't apply to me, but I'd rather be a wrestling fan than a Trekkie. They seem to be a lot lower on the social acceptability scale. A lot lower. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Springer's crowd goes apeshit whenever some chick says she's a lesbian or that she slept with a woman. One of the common chants is "WE LOVE LESBIANS!" WWE had HLA; Sable kissing Torrie was supposed to be cool, as was Dawn Marie going after Torrie, and even Victoria licking Stacy's neck and ear. So there's one similarity. Another is the crowds at both shows can act severely retarded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I gave her a dirty look and walked away. Way to show your wrestling fan maturity there. You guys take this all too seriously/personally. Just relax. And don't pout about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 4, 2003 People give me weird looks when I tell them I watch wrestling. Then I smile knowingly at them and that seems to freak them out. Meh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted April 4, 2003 Its true WWE is the junk food of sports: Tastey and addictive but not nutritious. If WWE is the junk food of sports, then what was Roller Jam and Slam Ball? going with the food analogy I say they would be those cheap generic cereals that come in the bags instead of boxes Or as said before a 3rd rate fast food place like Jack in the Box or Whataburger where its only business is at night from drunks leaving the clubs or bars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 4, 2003 People give me weird looks when I tell them I watch wrestling. Then I smile knowingly at them and that seems to freak them out. Meh. Exactly. Who Cares. Fuck 'em. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted April 4, 2003 For christ's sake it's just a TV Show with athleticism and an aspect of sport thrown in, that's what I tell people. if they don't like it or respond wit the typical "that shit's so fake" comment, you can tell them that if they watch action or martial arts movies it's the same thing, except those are even MORE fake because of the amount of choreography involved. If they try responding to that, I'd just laugh at them for not having the ability to dismiss that line of thinking and just trying to enjoy yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smell the ratings!!! Report post Posted April 4, 2003 I always marvel at people who fall all over themselves to tell me that my favorite TV show is scripted. Well, I'm just shocked to hear that TV isn't real. shocked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J.B. Buzzkill 0 Report post Posted April 5, 2003 Well, I'm just shocked to hear that TV isn't real. shocked. OH, MY GOD. TV ISN'T REAL?! [/sarcasm] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest oldschoolwrestling Report post Posted April 5, 2003 Those bitches watch soap operas, where the characters sleep with someone different ever other month. Have you ever seen some of their storylines? I'm not complaining though, I used to watch Sarah Michelle Gellar when she was on All My Children back in the day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted April 5, 2003 Who cares what other people think? Really. I used to care, but I'm not much of a closet fan anymore. I tell people all the time I don't watch it for the T&A, I watch it for the athletes. It's just too bad people critize Pro Wrestling from the Diva junk match, and not something like Angle vs. Benoit from Rumble 2003. People never go to me and say "I remember I saw that awesome match with GOOD WRESTLER vs. GOOD WRESTLER on TV once." It's always what you guys are saying above. Too bad, but oh well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted April 5, 2003 Pfft....I never care for what people think. Side note: The most annoying question for a non-fan to ask a fan is "Whose your faveorite wrestler?" Anyone else get pissed off by that question? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted April 5, 2003 You get even more heat for watching it if you're not male. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted April 5, 2003 You do? Hmm..I haven't. Well, that's probably because most assume chicks only watch it for the guys. And, yes, while I have my faveorite guys to watch just for looks, that's not the MAIN reason I watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted April 5, 2003 I know what you mean Sakura. Perish the thought that we watch it instead of soap operas or Oprah or whatever the hell girls are suppose to watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J.B. Buzzkill 0 Report post Posted April 5, 2003 People that criticize wrestling, however, don't usually watch wrestling, but rather swallow what the media feeds them. The media ALWAYS makes it look like events such as Mick Foley getting thrown off the cell ALWAYS happen in wrestling. The media makes it look like there's always weapon usage and T&A (not the tag team) occuring , and use that as a representation of the WWE as a whole. The media makes it look like wrestlers (and wrestling fans) are uneducated bums, and the wrestling detractors buy it. So I don't completely blame non wrestling fans for criticizing the WWE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted April 5, 2003 I know what you mean Sakura. Perish the thought that we watch it instead of soap operas or Oprah or whatever the hell girls are suppose to watch. Yeah. I mean, oh my gosh, we're not watching cheesy love stories! Oh, the humanity! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted April 5, 2003 What's worse is, I've got heat for being into games too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted April 5, 2003 Oh, now THAT is a stereotype that pisses me off. What's so wrong with chick gamers? What, we can't enjoy good RPGs like the Final Fantasy series and stuff?? Okay, I'll stop here before I enter into rant mode. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 5, 2003 I don't have a problem with chick gamers. Some of the most bad-ass players at first person shooters are women, and I've seen/met a number of them. They even play in tournaments and what have you and do very well. The chick gamers I can't stand are usually into Japanese games. The reason I can't stand them is the really bad amount of "fan fiction" they put out. Some of that stuff just makes me want to cut my eyes out or something. This is not to say that males are exempt from this (in fact, they usually just put a character that looks and sounds and acts like themselves in the game's universe, then makes themselves ultra-powerful and a sex god as well), it's just that women make up so much more of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites