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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

New Development on Willie the Worker

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Guest BoboBrazil

Come on who else uses the term "fart" like that other than Goldust? I think he has even said it on tv during promos. Plus everything matches up with him. He wasn't on mania, he sells more merchandise than alot of people, he is a veteran, and he was there when Sable caused trouble last time.

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Guest bob_barron

Goldust doesn't have much merchandise though.


He has a shirt that didn't sell and a mask.

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Guest Flyboy

The chances that this is RVD is slim to none.


The chances that this is an actual worker is impossible to 'hell no'.


I'm leaning towards none and 'hell no' for the aforementioned statements.

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I still don't think it's Rob. He always critisized Schere and has never liked him, why would he give him this?

and Meltzer posted this at WrestlingClassics


Der Hoss Meltzer said:

This is going to surprise a few people but here goes.


I received the same thing, and like Bob Magee said, the person writing it said he was sending to me because he didn't like Scherer and Ryder (who he sent it to, and I'm figuring he wrote them saying he didn't like me--typical wrestling con).


The idea of printing something anonymous like that is mind boggling. I've gotten tons of stuff from guys in that company and they say who they are but know I won't print their names because that's the business. This came anonymously and I did later find out it was from a wrestler that I know a little (and really didn't like Scherer at least in the past) and...


It is legit.


Very odd..

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Guest RedJed
I still don't think it's Rob. He always critisized Schere and has never liked him, why would he give him this?

and Meltzer posted this at WrestlingClassics


Der Hoss Meltzer said:

This is going to surprise a few people but here goes.


I received the same thing, and like Bob Magee said, the person writing it said he was sending to me because he didn't like Scherer and Ryder (who he sent it to, and I'm figuring he wrote them saying he didn't like me--typical wrestling con).


The idea of printing something anonymous like that is mind boggling. I've gotten tons of stuff from guys in that company and they say who they are but know I won't print their names because that's the business. This came anonymously and I did later find out it was from a wrestler that I know a little (and really didn't like Scherer at least in the past) and...


It is legit.


Very odd..

That right there makes me think more than ever its RVD

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Oh well - I'm going to bed...here's hoping that RVD goes ends up on TNA in 3 months or so!

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Guest Choken One

O.K I've checked into the sadness of Scotsman and I Vaugely recall him during the EZboard days...We actually got into it a couple times...


I am certain that this has likely gotten around the Lockerroom by now (well...Hotel)...and By Sat. Morning...I am sure Vince will be notified about it...


I am somewhat certain WWE is paying some attention to it...Likely, They will look into it...Maybe even take legal recourse over Scotsman for Defamantion of Character or some shit like that.


I am not buying it...


Would RVD sign the thing...


Sincerly, Rob Van Dam...?

I doubt he has smoked that much...


I don't trust this idiot loser...Neither should we...

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Guest edge007
I still think it's Edge.


Edge? How do you figure/ He's injured for a star5t, and even said i his column that he stayed home deliberately, when Mania was on.


And also, there is no actual proof that we, the public can piece together to say that it is RVD, so we'll never know, unless it gets found out.

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Ummmm didn't Willie submit to 1wrestling ANONYMOUSLY?? That was the reason meltzer didn't post the articles, because it was sent anonymously...... so how the frell could someone look in 1w's mailbox and find out who it is?


I don't believe Scotsman, and even if he's right, I think he's a piece of shit for trying to get RVD fired, of course I'm biased by the fact that I agree with almost everything Willie has said. BIAS! But like Stephanie McMahon I dont let personal feelings get in the way of business! :lol:

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Guest Choken One

However, Maybe it was really Jeff Hardy but RVD realize that he could easily leave WWE because of this...So he'll "admit" to doing it...Wait wither 3 months...Make a HUGE Splash in NWA and be handed 50 minute Stallfest...All the weed he wants...


Or he can make movies with Chow Fat in Taiwan...


He can finally be "happy" again?


But again...I still don't buy it...



BTW...Where does this rank in IWC history?


If it is true...I will say easily one of the biggest things to ever occur on the IWC...


False? Something that will pop up once every while...while we laugh at Ibob some more...

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Scotsman is just trying to stir shit as always, I wouldn't put it past him to behind the whole thing. I mean there is no way a WWE worker would be able to post 3 columns in 3 days and be able to answer e-mails with their schedule.


If it is a genuine WWE worker (which I doubt) lets just hope their identity is kept a secret as I don't want to see anyone losing their job over something as stupid as this.


Lets just hope RVD can prove his innocence (assuming he is innocent of cause) so that his career doesn't suffer from this.

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This is what pisses me off about this, by now WWE has surely gotten wind of this claim, and it wont fucking matter. RVD is fucked unless it is conclusively proven to be someone else. Knowing the idiotic way people like Vince, Steph, HHH think, RVD is so completely fucked right now.


Next time you want to complain about how workers sit back and dont' say anything, they can't publicly or they are buried, and now they do, and the IWC fucks them over! At this point it doesn't matter whether or not RVD REALLY is Willie, RVD is going to be punished somehow.

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Guest Choken One

However, what is that old saying?


If you tell a lie often enough, It becomes truth...

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Guest teke184
However, what is that old saying?


If you tell a lie often enough, It becomes truth...

That's been proven a fallacy. Triple H has been getting a Jesus push and verbal blowjobs for a year and he STILL isn't the force for ratings that the WWE claims... unless they mean the force for changing the channel.

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Guest Choken One

I meant...If everyone believes RVD is the Guy...Then he will become the guy...


Get what I mean?

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Guest HHH123007
It's Vince McMahon himself

If it is, then I'd crap my pants laughing....

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Guest El Satanico
I mean there is no way a WWE worker would be able to post 3 columns in 3 days and be able to answer e-mails with their schedule.

It wouldn't be nearly as hard as you're making it out to be.


All he would need is access to a computer(lap top) and an hour or two a day to do it. It's not that hard to quickly type a letter if you're writing with purpose.


It's not like these guys are doing something 24 hours a day, they could find the time to do this if they wanted to do it.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Figure it: A normal wrestler has a 5-15 minute match. Then you have the of course pre-match whatever (excercising, puking, whatever), after match (showering, getting ready to go to next city.).


Minus that time is about 22 hours or so. Enough time to write a few letters and a column.

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^ not to mention WWE wrestlers have no house shows this week, as a break after Wrestlemania.


A RAW wrestler would only have worked Monday this week, and a SD wrestler only Tuesday...


So you're saying Monday/Tuesday (depending on brand), Wednesday, and Thursday (the ENTIRE days except maybe an airplane flight or car ride, where they could have a laptop) aren't enough time to write 3 short columns???

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Guest Choken One

Ummm...It isn't just The wrestling itself...It's Traveling...Working out...Socializing...A Guy Like RVD is likely very personable...


If another Wrestler sees you pounding away on a Lap top...They notice it...


So It's not 22 hours...

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Guest nWoScorpion

I was only using 22 hrs it as an example. Besides, there are no house shows this week like mentioned earlier which gives a lot of free time.


I'm still not 100% sure to believe this is a legit wrestler doing it, or some smart guy pretending.

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Guest Rob Van Dam
He could easily make a lot of money in Japan, TNA and the Philly indies or go into acting.


Whomever it is deserves to be fired

Why does the person who wrote the letter deserve to be fired? because he's are telling the truth?

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Guest bob_barron

No- because it's in thier contracts that they're not allowed to do that.


And they wrote this knowing that fact. So fire their ass

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Guest Flyboy
No- because it's in thier contracts that they're not allowed to do that.


And they wrote this knowing that fact. So fire their ass

What if it was Regal?

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Guest bob_barron

Fire him.


I love the guy but if he wrote that knowing the consequences then I really don't feel sorry for him.


Plus it wasn't Regal. He never has had any merchandise put out except for something that was never released

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