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Guest GameCop

The best and worst moments of RVD's career

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Guest GameCop

Well, I've come to the conclusion that RVD IS WILLIE THE WORKER. Meltzer said it was legit (he's the most reputable source on the 'net), Scotsman or the Hacker has never been wrong, and most of all it makes sense -- RVD has a right to be miffed with WWE.


Now that RVD's days are numbered, lets recount his BEST and WORST moment since joining WWE.


Here are mine:


BEST moments: I-C title runs, match with J. Hardy (Invasion), Ladder matches with Eddy and Jeff.


Worst moment: Losing to HHH at Unforgiven 2002

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Guest Trivia247

Who'd a thunk RVD who would actually complain, i'd imagine it was someone who didn't even wrestle the heat match....


Hell I consider the Heat matches at WM to be a WM match between your still getting the arena exposure.

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Guest GameCop

I hope RVD goes to TNA and sets the wrestling world on fire. If anyone can make TNA seem like a viable threat to WWE, it's Rob............Van.............Dam

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Guest TheHulkster

Best: This past Monday, winning the IC title, his invasion match Vs Jeff Hardy


Worst: Falling off of the ladder in his ladder match against Eddie, Whiffing a spinkick by a mile at summerslam 2001, his months long potato-thon at the end of 2001.


He isn't going anywhere though.

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I'd almost say he's better off in TNA. He would give TNA another recognizable and very much over face, which would bring them more popularity.


They would probably use him better too.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
I'd almost say he's better off in TNA. He would give TNA another recognizable and very much over face, which would bring them more popularity.


They would probably use him better too.

And think of the matches he will have.












The only thing that I really wouldn't want to see is RVD/Jarrett. Clash of styles there.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Were RVD to be fired from WWE, and were RVD to go the TNA route...RVD/Styles would be THE match.

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Guest RenegadeX28

I am still shocked to know that RVD is the PO'ed worker. He doesn't deserve a spot in the WWE, not because he sucks, but just for the fact how the WWE uses him.......

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Guest Army Eye

It would be good for RVD to be paid peanuts compared to his WWE pay? LOL


Renegade you don't KNOW it's him.

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Guest Eagan469
It would be good for RVD to be paid peanuts compared to his WWE pay? LOL

money isn't everything

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Guest JHawk

Why would they put the tag team title on a worker who's about to be fired? That'll just piss the fans off even more if he's the guy who's leaving.

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Guest Eagan469
Why would they put the tag team title on a worker who's about to be fired? That'll just piss the fans off even more if he's the guy who's leaving.

because the "Willie The Worker" story broke after the fact


two words: Wendi Richter

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Chyna left.....while she was the Women's champ too if im not mistaken.


Anyway, i think the worst moment of RVD was when he cut that promo on Ric Flair I think it was on Armageddon and he did cut one of the worst promos ever complete with a horrible Flair strut. It was so bad i couldnt stop cracking up :lol:

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Guest TheGame2705

cough*NET WORK*cough


Some of you act as if Meltzer's word is undeniable law.

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Guest Eagan469

I'm not saying it's RVD either - but if it comes out that it WAS him, then we saved a few days of bitching by doing this now :P

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Guest natholy

Best RVD moment leading into his match with Austin and Angle at the October ppv 2001 , and getting a world title shot in the main event of a ppv...




worst moment not been on the big daddy of them all Wrestlemania instead he looked at the sky on heat..



regards nate holynski

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Guest The Hamburglar

RVD in TNA would be utterly pointless. Styles and Red are both better spot machines, and RVD's strikes would be shown up as the shit they are by Lo-Ki's kicks. RVD would simply go back to all his old thirty minute stall-a-thon ways. Also, he'd have to cut the 'WWE held me down/misude me blah blah blah" promo that it seems every crappy WWE reject has to do when they enter TNA. Don't TNA realise that they're better off just not having to constantly refer to the happenings of past promotions? It comes off as lame in the extreme.

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Guest Lil Naitch
Why would they put the tag team title on a worker who's about to be fired? That'll just piss the fans off even more if he's the guy who's leaving.

Since when has that stopped them? :cheers:

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Guest Flyboy
RVD in TNA would be utterly pointless.



Hardly. RVD in TNA will be the biggest name they have in the company, and might actually give them some wanted attention.

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Guest eiker_ir

Best: Ladder match vs. Eddie, being put in Main events with just two months in the company in 2001


Worst: not being officialy on WM this year, despite being one of the most over guy in the company

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Guest Brian

I really doubt it's him, especially commenting on others' workrate when he's never been that great to begin with.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy

I think its Christian, Lance Storm, or maybe Al Snow.

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Guest bob_barron

He hasn't been fired yet people.


Vince will just suspend him or job him out before firing him.

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Guest Flyboy
I think its Lance Storm

Storm isn't that dumb.


If he wanted to bad mouth the WWE he could do so in his commentaries.

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Guest bob_barron

Al Snow recently just signed a new contract so I don't think he's too unhappy

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Guest Brian

Al Snow had a really cushy job too, with Tough Enough, which meant tons of exposure. I could see RVD but he was on HEAT, never complained in the past, doesn't write that well, and is just not one to talk about how others' work.

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