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King Cucaracha

The RVD to TNA(?) thread...

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Well, after all this speculation about the 'Willie The Worker' guy leading to RVD as the 'suspect', it's probably only a matter of time before the McMahons accuse and fire him IMO. Sad to hear as RVD is not only a great wrestler but a great guy for and to the fans.


So...IF(and it is a big if, I have to say that) RVD is fired and IF(slightly smaller if) he decides to then go to TNA, what does it mean for TNA? If RVD goes to TNA...


Will it increase interest in TNA?

Increase buyrates?

Become the catalyst for a new T.V deal?

Encourage more guys to join TNA as a result, possibly from WWE?

Hell, even bring TNA up to a 'national level'?


So IF RVD joins TNA any time in the future, how big will it be for the NWA? Lynn vs RVD...Killings vs RVD...Low Ki vs RVD...Jarrett vs RVD...Styles vs RVD. The dream matches are there...would it be that big of a jump start for TNA though?


Discuss(as Dames would say)

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Guest SP-1

If he does, it'd be quite the score for them, IMO. Though I'd keep him away from the Heavyweight title for a while. Build him up to it. Slowly.

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I'm sure RVD would work in TNA supposing all this "Wille the Worker" nonsense actually is true and its him and he gets fired ect ect. The only way I could see him not doing that is if he wanted to work in Japan exclusively, but I just don't see that happening.


So to answer your questions, in my opinion:


1. Yes, but maybe not as much as one might think.


2. It probably would spike buyrates a little, as RVD is at least on par with anyone on the TNA roster.


3. No, RVD solely will not get TNA a TV deal. I think that goes for basically any one worker.


4. If by encourage from WWE you mean write crazy columns and get themeselves fired, no. People fired from WWE probably already have TNA at the top of their list of other jobs. As far as outside of WWE, I'm sure these people are already shopping around TNA if they want to work there, RVD wouldn't really change anything there.


5. Again, I don't think that any one worker can carry an entire company these days.



If RVD does join TNA in the near future it would be a decent boost for TNA, and we could get quite a few good matches. The only thing that worries me is how they'd fit RVD in with current storylines. As WWE is firing workers every couple of months, to adjust the storylines to accomadate new main eventers must take a lot of planning ahead.

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Guest edge-o-matic

You believe that Willie the Worker is RVD just because of Scotsman's theory? The whole deal is kind of unbelieveable..

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

"theory" - the guy's on scherer's HD.


Confirmed mail (albeit illegal means) +

Meltzer Confirming the Mail is Authentic =


75% by my estimation it's true.

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I hate to beat a dead horse here, but again, I must point out I HIGHLY doubt Willie the Worker would sign these "Sincerely, Rob Van Dam". These are anonymous e-mails (to the best of my knowledge) that Scherer took a gamble on posting because Meltzer, before figuring it was legit, refused to post an anonymous letter.

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As for your other questions, I think he'd have some good 20 minute X-Division spotfests, but he won't carry the promotion to new heights. ECW is dead, after all. He'll probably increase buyrates though.

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Guest edge-o-matic
"theory" - the guy's on scherer's HD.


Confirmed mail (albeit illegal means) +

Meltzer Confirming the Mail is Authentic =


75% by my estimation it's true.

Meltzer isn't always right, though. Plus, how do you know that Scotsman isn't lying? He has pulled large-scale pranks before.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Venkman, nobody's saying the e-mails weren't anonymous. The way it worked was that Scotsman allegedly hacked into the mailbox of 1wrestling's Dave Scherer, who these "Willie The Worker" e-mails have been going to, and then traced the source of the e-mails. He then did some sort of hacking, and "discovered" that the source was RVD. If you can hack, you could do that.


I'm doubting it's RVD. If it was, don't you think that WWE would have known about it? I'm pretty sure they have computer experts that know even more about hacking than Scotsman does.

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Guest Gary Busey
...and then traced the source of the e-mails. He then did some sort of hacking, and "discovered" that the source was RVD. If you can hack, you could do that.


Hacking isn't magic.


You can't trace, no matter how amazing your hax0ring skills are, an email directly to a person. You can examine the headers and maybe follow the servers, or follow the ip where the email originated, but that would be pointless because it still wouldn't yield results. You can't type into your Gibson the information found in an email and magically trace back to a user.


Let's say Scots got into Scherer's mailbox somehow (by guessing his password or finding a flaw in their software), and found the messages (if they were even left on the server). Considering nobody knows if these are legit, they probably came from an unfamiliar (most likely junk) email account; a hotmail or yahoo account for example. The person obviously wouldn't want to use their normal home accounts. Dead end. A junk account would yield no results, because no identifying information is required to start one. If the emails were truly anonymous, there is no way to find out who it was. Scherer said he wasn't sure if they were legit, so they obviously weren't signed.


Although we can't trace emails, corporations and the government can. With the cooperation of the ISPs, they can trace emails. But they need a lot of money, a lot of man power and a lot of help. If tracking emails (and other things online) were so easy, catching pedophiles and those doing kiddie porn wouldn't be so tough.


(How did Scots get all of that information about Bower? He was able to get into the guy's email, either by guessing the password or by following a flaw in the software, and all of the info (his mom's email, cc#, pictures, girlfriend's name & work, etc) were contained in the messages. He didn't hack the banks, schools, etc.)


Edit- spelling.

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Guest Black Tiger

I tend to avoid 1wrestling.com like the plauge, can someone fill me in on this whole "Willie the Worker" story?

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Guest Ram

RVD would be the perfect way to get TNA big.


We'll see if this a blessing in disguise.

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Guest Morality Check

Rob Van Dan was God in ECW because Paul Heyman actually let him wrestle. In WWE, Big Mac HATES midcarders out -showing his Main Event fools. Which is why the Cruiserweight Division in WWE sucks.


In NWA-TNA, it's so much better because they're allowed to wrestle. They're 'let go' in terms of what they can and cannot do in the ring. Hence how at the start of TNA the X Division was the best thing to watch, it 'carried' TNA if you will.


So... if RVD ever did go to TNA for whatever reason, he'd fit right into the X Division. Which IS a good thing.

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styles vs rvd....hmmmm


and im sure that scherer didn't just get the email and go "oh you are rvd right. sure you can rant on my site" he must have asked for some kind of facts that only scherer would know like what were plans for wm, or upcoming plans for backlash that only scherer knows right now.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...I still don't beleive Willie the Worker exists...and even if he did the letter couldn't have come from RVD...too well written.


This thread mocks me because I want nothing more than for WWE to fire RVD and have him land in TNA. Nothing.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
If he does, it'd be quite the score for them, IMO. Though I'd keep him away from the Heavyweight title for a while. Build him up to it. Slowly.

No, that's the mistake ECW made. It was apparant that the fans wanted RVD, and only RVD, as champ. When Paul E. kept playing cutesy bullshit with Justin Credible, the seeds of ECW's demise were sown.


If the crowd shows sufficient intrest, a long RVD babyface title reign, made be the kind of the thing that could keep fans watching if other portions of the program arn't to their liking.

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what does the letter being well written have to do with anything. he could have had someone do it for him. and i thought rvd was smart, at least from what i remember from the confidential show.

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Guest snuffbox

RVD could be just what NWA needs to break national.


Id start watching....if hes used properly, and considering the treatment of the right guys so far, I think he would be.

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Guest geniusMoment

Gary are you kidding me, you can hack into pretty much everything on the net if you know what you are doing. You can get into Email accounts, govt. files and pretty much everything else.

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Guest Mad Dog

Even if it were RVD I doubt McMahon is willing to just drop a big name star right into TNA's lap.


He'll be pulling jobber duty but McMahon won't fire him just so TNA can't have him.

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