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Guest Brian

May 5th

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Guest creativename
There is a campaign here in England for all those that attend Insurrextion in Newcastle to stand up and turn their backs to the ring when HHH comes to the ring.  It a bit extreme but is something similiar to what Brian is suggesting.  Ultimately, I think what is trying to be achieved here is to let WWE know that internet fans make up more of their current fanbase than they believe.  If this is the case, it should, in theory, work in arenas as well?

If you really want WWE to know how much we hate Triple H, we should all walk out up the stairs during a live event. While he is cutting one of his long, boring ass promos, just get up and leave! When he wrestles, get up and leave, especially for a non-title match or when you're absolutely sure he isn't dropping the belt.

Not buying tickets to a live Raw to begin with would send a even better message.

No it wouldn't, it wouldn't send any sort of message at all.


WWE business is down over 50% from it's peak. If Vince was going to get a message from his business sucking, he would've gotten it by now. The only way to enact change is feedback. Whether this be live audience reactions, or communication with WWE/TNN/UPN.


Im pretty sure its more than 1% of the audience...


It is way, way, way under 1% of the audience. The number of smarks is, I'd say, 5% of the audience; I don't know how many people have Nielsen boxes, but it is much less than 5% also. Even if the proportion of smarks is 10%, that's only half a percent of smarks with boxes; and that number is a gross overstatement.


I've said this before, but everyone seems to no-sell me: We should just ditch this Raw boycott idea altogether and concentrate on something that can actually do something. Even if we get only 200 people to send in letters to WWE/TNN/UPN, that will surely get somebody's notice. If we got 20,000 people to skip Raw once, or even every week until the end of time (which we won't; even if you're being insanely optimistic, a few hundred people is the most we can hope for), then no one will notice at all.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I've said this before, but everyone seems to no-sell me: We should just ditch this Raw boycott idea altogether and concentrate on something that can actually do something. Even if we get only 200 people to send in letters to WWE/TNN/UPN, that will surely get somebody's notice.


That's basically what we are doing. Right now I am scouting email addys and stuff.

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Guest Downhome
I've said this before, but everyone seems to no-sell me: We should just ditch this Raw boycott idea altogether and concentrate on something that can actually do something. Even if we get only 200 people to send in letters to WWE/TNN/UPN, that will surely get somebody's notice.


That's basically what we are doing. Right now I am scouting email addys and stuff.

Wait, so now you are ditching the entire boycott plan?

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Guest Downhome
What do you care?

I told you I care, I've been trying to help.


From the looks of things, not many here care, seeing the lack of responding to your posts in the last day, hmmm.

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Guest snuffbox

So is it basically officially that the plan is now emails/letters and such and not so much the boycott?


Seems to make sense this way anyway, and anyone who doesnt want to watch wwe programs just wont anyway.


And we should consider supporting NWA, other alternatives.

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Guest snuffbox

Who here would be interested in spending 10 bones on a selected Wed night for NWA?


Or other support of alternative companies/programming?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Marek emailed me back, expect to see the letter up on the LAW website in a few.

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Guest Downhome
Marek emailed me back, expect to see the letter up on the LAW website in a few.

Was it ever posted?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Do you mean my letter on this site, or on the LAW Site? On this site it's already been posted, on the law..


When I said "a few" I meant days. Should be up in the Friday or Saturday update.

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Guest Downhome
Do you mean my letter on this site, or on the LAW Site? On this site it's already been posted, on the law..


When I said "a few" I meant days. Should be up in the Friday or Saturday update.

I meant on the site, I'll look for it. Have you submitted it to Dave Scherer to post as an independent article or something yet?

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Guest Downhome

Also, you should post it over at WrestlingClassics as well. While those guys already basicly don't watch WWE for the most part anyway (some do however), there are a number of "famous" people who post and read over at that site.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Not yet, I'm takin it slowly. First I will start with the Law, see how that goes. Then I will spread the word around. Then I will go to other message boards - I have a pretty good idea in how they will respond from syxx's preliminary tests (I have much more hope if I post, however as the concept will be presented in a better light). When I encounter people who say "you don't have enough people" I will record their name. I will work a whole bunch of sites and expect a lot of disagreements -those names will be written down. I will add up all the people who think that there isn't enough people to make it work, and then post the amount as another reply. That should put a new spin on things.

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We should just use PTC tactics and start boycotting WWE's sponsors, that's where it hurts them the most their pockets.

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Guest Dmann2000
I've said this before, but everyone seems to no-sell me: We should just ditch this Raw boycott idea altogether and concentrate on something that can actually do something. Even if we get only 200 people to send in letters to WWE/TNN/UPN, that will surely get somebody's notice.


That's basically what we are doing. Right now I am scouting email addys and stuff.

I just wrote a whole post supporting this idea, except I think it would be better that the letters are mailed rather than emailed (always better when the person can hold the letter in their hands). Also I think a whole bunch (like you said 200) should be sent together (also good, 200 letters that they have to hold in their hands).

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I totally agree. Actual hand-written letters are so much more personal than an email.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Hey, it's up on the LAW site... fuckin bastard spelled my name wrong and included my preface. He shall pay...

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Guest Coffey
Hey, it's up on the LAW site... fuckin bastard spelled my name wrong and included my preface. He shall pay...

What's the URL to LAW?

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Guest snuffbox

Well written TripleR...good job getting the ball rolling a bit here.


I continue to not watch the Raw product, and Smackdown only sporadically.


Im waiting for Raven-JJ on NWA...might buy that one...definitly need to support the other guys.

Im thinking of taking a trip to the east coast, and possibly an RoH early this Summer.


Any new ideas? or other people doing anything?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Me and Curry just called into the LAW about an hour ago - I think we did well. He called in first and gave a very intense performance, took it to Jeff and Dan in a way I haven't seen before, very aggressive, nice psychology; a ***** performance no doubt.


I believe I was after him, maybe there was a caller in between (i think there was), I don't really know how to describe it - very disjointed, bumpy, but focused. I hit the points I wanted to hit for today and I think the disjointedness added to the message and got the effect and emotion I wanted across. I don't know how it came across on the radio so no star rating :) all I can say is that I felt really odd and (emotionally) drained afterwards - I believe curry was the same way.


Though it wasn't planned, I think Curry and I presented two different views and attitudes towards the promotion, put our complaints in a unique light and complemented the respective call quite nicely. All I can say is that we changed the tone of the show and Marek felt compelled to give an editorial in the final moments - a great way to 'plant the seed' - hopefully we forced some people to re-evaluate their viewpoints.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

When I say "not planned" I mean our respective approach to the calls - we discussed what we were going to talk about beforehand but in the heat of the moment shit like that changes - and this time it was definitely for the better IMO.

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Guest treble charged

I don't think Marek agreed with you two, for the most part, though.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh no, of course not. The LAW is sponsored by Viewers Choice - VC is heavily influenced by the WWE and their success - therefore, the LAW wants you to keep on watching the WWE product and buy the ppvs because that means VC gets money which means the LAW gets money.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Regardless of whether or not he agreed with us, myself and Rudo changed the shows format in a way no caller has done before. The voice Marek was using to close off the show was the kind usually reserved for when a wrestler dies. He was serious, almost afraid. Kudos to the LAW for allowing myself and Rudo to go on there and say what we wanted but after listening to what Marek said at the end aka "Hang on faithful fans, help is on the way" the question one should ask is:


Why should we hang on?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The better question is:


Why does the WWE deserve our loyalty?

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