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Guest Breetai

The WWE title situation

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Guest Breetai

First of all, this must be done AFTER the split ends. No question about it. The split just isn't working, and it must be ended for the WWE's own good. Secondly, weight divisions are instituted.


Now, following the re-unification of the World/WWE championship belts (Into the WWE Undisputed World Championship belt) two new belts will be created. The full listing of belts will be as follows:


WWE Undisputed World Championship belt - King of the hill, the most sought after belt in the WWE. Worn by the most over guy in the company, or whoever he's feuding with. No weight restrictions.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship belt - Entertaining little guys who fly around the ring like pinballs in a washing machine for our amusement. Weight restrictions as is.


WWE Middleweight Championship belt - Weight range eligability for this belt is from 230-280/285 pounds. The people who can work; mat technicians and all round good wrestlers.


WWE Superheavyweight Championship belt - Gives the hosses something to do. 290+ pounders.


WWE Tag Team Championship belt - No weight restrictions.


WWE Women's Championship belt - Eye candy.


We add to this one simple rule regarding non title/contendership matches; Cruiserweights NEVER fave super-heavies. Ever. If you can't get a superheavy over without squashing a cruiser, he wasn't worth the effort to begin with. Middlewieghts can face anyone though.


The pros are as follows;


1. Encourages people to work with people they are capable of working with.


2. Keeps the hosses out of our hair in the main.


3. Weight divisions lend an air of legitimacy.


4. The new secondary titles have a REASON for existing, they aren't just titles with no point that the audience won't buy as important.


5. Helps legitimasize the cruiser division.


So whadda y'all think?

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Guest Downhome

The Women's Champion ship should be for wrestling as it is right now. More than once for the past few weeks those matches have been my favorite. All eye candy, ie those that do not wrestle, should be kept to only valets.


I also don't think the split should end. It only started a year ago, and it hasn't even fully been split as it will be soon. After one year of a total split, then they can put it back together. Just, for now, it wouldn't be good to radically change the company again. WCW tried to do it so offten and it really hurt them, WWE should not do the same.

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Guest Coffey

This isn't boxing. No one wants to watch the "superheavyweight." Besides, would they go on after the heavyweight? Fuck that.

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Guest bravesfan

The brand extension has been a joke from the start; not only have they just NOW begun to go through with the idea of split PPVs, but the rosters are slowly dwindling in size. With the departure(s) of the Rock and Steve Austin, how strong do you think RAW will be? Where are all the babyfaces to contend against Hunter? What heels are we relying on to play the roles right below HHH?

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Guest Downhome

For one, we need a "middle title" for both RAW and SD for the other guys to fight over. Some of these guys know they'll NEVER reach the top, they need something there to call theirs, and WWE also needs something there to act as something of a ladder, a title to be symbolic of their climbing up that ladder.


I want the IC and US title back.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

I disagree with that. I point to Austin's leaving the second time, and causing McMahon to hotshot Flair/Vince, as the point at which the roster split became a joke.


That said, I think they should wait until at least SummerSlam before they put both brands back together. Give them a chance with seperate PPVs before trashing the split.

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

I agree with Downhome, and I also think the Hardcore Title should be restored and be defendable on both brands ('cause its HARDCORE and all) as another option for wrestlers to use to get over. For example, if the HC title division existed right now, I'd build up Nathan Jones as a badass there so that his questionable wrestling skills aren't so blatantly obvious. Plus, it's another reason for guys to feud and for guys like Dreamer, 3MW, DeMott, and A-Train to be on TV.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The brand extension is the only thing that makes the WWF worthwhile. Do we really need to see HHH hogging all the time on both shows?


Without the brand extension Kurt Angle would have be nowhere near the main event of Wrestlemania.


Keep things the way they are now.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I wanna see the IC belt return and have Cruiserweights AND heavyweights fighitng for it. That way, Cruiserweights have something more to do and can feud with some of the large number of heavyweights that have nothing else to do.


I'd hate to see Mysterio wasted on little guys only, and it's not like Rico is going to be getting the big belt anytime soon. a middleground IC belt would allow both sides something to do.

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Guest chirs3
The brand extension is the only thing that makes the WWF worthwhile.  Do we really need to see HHH hogging all the time on both shows?


Without the brand extension Kurt Angle would have be nowhere near the main event of Wrestlemania. 


Keep things the way they are now.


Ditto. I'd rather the majority of crap be limited to Monday nights, so I can avoid it, rather than spread evenly over both shows.

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Guest AndrewTS
The brand extension is the only thing that makes the WWF worthwhile.  Do we really need to see HHH hogging all the time on both shows?


Without the brand extension Kurt Angle would have be nowhere near the main event of Wrestlemania. 


Keep things the way they are now.


Ditto. I'd rather the majority of crap be limited to Monday nights, so I can avoid it, rather than spread evenly over both shows.



*points to Sable, Torrie, the Hogan-Vince storyline*


We're getting crap on both sides. It isn't as much on SD, but still...


Ideally, we'd like to be able to fire HHH, kick Steph out of any booking duties, ditch all the fucking time-wasting recaps, "moments ago" and all that other bullshit and we'd have an assload worth of extra time we could use for wrestling.

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Guest chirs3
The brand extension is the only thing that makes the WWF worthwhile.  Do we really need to see HHH hogging all the time on both shows?


Without the brand extension Kurt Angle would have be nowhere near the main event of Wrestlemania. 


Keep things the way they are now.


Ditto. I'd rather the majority of crap be limited to Monday nights, so I can avoid it, rather than spread evenly over both shows.



*points to Sable, Torrie, the Hogan-Vince storyline*


We're getting crap on both sides. It isn't as much on SD, but still...

Well, I'm not saying Smackdown is perfect or anything. It has its fair share of bad. What I'm saying is... well...


Look at it this way. The top storylines in the WWE, for the moment, are Vince/Hogan, Rock/Goldberg, and we know of the impending Michaels/Nash/Book vs. HHH/Flair/Jericho feud.


I'd rather not have those three feuds taking up the majority of the time on EVERY show. By limiting Triple H to ONE 20-minute interview a week (Raw) instead of two (Smackdown), that's 20 minutes more for Smackdown to use.


If the split ends, Triple H gets his interview, then McMahon/Hogan get their segment, then Rock gets his interview, all in one night, on every show.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
*points to Sable, Torrie, the Hogan-Vince storyline*


We're getting crap on both sides. It isn't as much on SD, but still...

The Hogan/Vince stuff is limited to the 20 Minute Promo segment. In case you haven't noticed, SD usually starts with a match anymore, where for much of the past five years a great big long-winded promo killed the crowd at the start.


Moving this into the main event spot, while not good ratings, adds a cliffhanger element and doesn't ask too much from the crowd that's usually worn out by that time anyway.


The Hogan/Vince promos, while not Hemingway, have resulted in only one PPV match and are using up the same promo time that always has been used.


Too early to tell where Sable's angle is going.

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Guest AndrewTS
I'd rather not have those three feuds taking up the majority of the time on EVERY show. By limiting Triple H to ONE 20-minute interview a week (Raw) instead of two (Smackdown), that's 20 minutes more for Smackdown to use.


When's the last time HHH got a 20 minute promo? Did they re-institute that tradition since I stopped watching Raw?

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Guest chirs3

Actually, I've pretty much given up on Raw too, so I dunno.


That's just me assuming the usual, I suppose, since I've only seen bits and pieces of the shows, or none at all, for a few weeks. I've been pretty much coverted to a Smackdown! follower.


See? Proof that the brand split is a good thing. ;)

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Guest AndrewTS
Too early to tell where Sable's angle is going.


Does it MATTER where it is going? It's Sable and Torrie in an angle. They are fucking useless. They can't act, they can't wrestle, they can't do a single thing right that I care to see. Don't even bring up T and A since I could see Torrie nude if I wanted or I could see Sable from several years ago when she was still hideous-looking to me. Fuck Sable. Any angle she's in will suck no matter what. There is no good that can come from this unless Austin comes out and stuns them both.

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Guest AndrewTS
Actually, I've pretty much given up on Raw too, so I dunno.


That's just me assuming the usual, I suppose, since I've only seen bits and pieces of the shows, or none at all, for a few weeks. I've been pretty much coverted to a Smackdown! follower.


See? Proof that the brand split is a good thing. ;)

I usually watch Heat. Heat has most of the important matches from Raw and has Molly on it, so that's how I follow Raw these days besides the One and Only Raw threads.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
It's Sable and Torrie in an angle.  They are fucking useless.  They can't act, they can't wrestle, they can't do a single thing right that I care to see.

It's not like either is going over anyone better or winning a title, the most it does is take up time.


Yes, that time could be used for another wrestling match, but I doubt the writers are able to manage so many feuds and matches at once. Plus injuries to guys like Edge and Kurt Angle mean there's less guys ready to go out there and do something.


I can sort of understand where your coming from. I don't care about T&A either because of my lifestyle, but I don't think it's the end of the world or even really a problem. And seriously, you can't tell me with a straight face that your feelings on that issue represent the average viewer in Vince's targeted demographic. Not all 18-24 year old males are workrate-centered and would have such a problem with a pointless porno angle taking up a few minutes of every show.

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Guest AndrewTS

Yeah, but remember that wonderful Torrie/Dawn angle? Dawn's more attractive and a better wrestler than Sable. That angle still sucked and turned off viewers. Live crowds were pissed off.


That's likely what we're headed for.


If they're going to have Tn'A, have something enjoyable. The Stacy/Trish mud match and the Thanksgiving Dawn/Torrie brawl? That was kinda fun to watch and didn't eat up too much time.


However, do you think for one fucking second that anyone outside of their families wants to see Torrie or Sable talk?


In other words: Sable, Torrie--shut the fuck up. Sable go home. Torrie, take off your clothes and roll around in pudding because that only thing you are good for to a wrestling fan.


That or be a valet.

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Guest CanadianChris
Too early to tell where Sable's angle is going.


Does it MATTER where it is going? It's Sable and Torrie in an angle. They are fucking useless.

I just assumed they would fight over Torrie's uncle, Hal Wilson (Al's twin brother).


But yes, you are correct.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
However, do you think for one fucking second that anyone outside of their families wants to see Torrie or Sable talk?

Do you think anyone outside of Savage wanted to see Liz on TV?

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Guest AndrewTS
However, do you think for one fucking second that anyone outside of their families wants to see Torrie or Sable talk?

Do you think anyone outside of Savage wanted to see Liz on TV?

Yes, in fact I do.

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I've been saying all alon that if the brand split DOES stay in place that you have to bring the U.S. Title to RAW (which would match the World Heavyweight Title), and bring the I.C. Title to smackdown. With the brand only ppv's coming up they have to establish new stars and feuding for a belt would make that much easier. If you end the brand split then i think they should have the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship, Middleweight, Cruiserweight, and Women's title.

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