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Guest justcoz

Return of Piper's Pit

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Guest justcoz

First, I think Willy The Worker brought this up in one of his columns but I don't want Piper's Pit inside the Smackdown ring. Sadly, I think that's more than likely what we'll see. I want to see the old school Superstars set from the Hulk-Andre days. Don't put the Pit in the ring with some cheesy plaid rug and chairs!!!!


Too bad Randy Orton couldn't be Piper's bodyguard/protege.


The first Pit should be Piper trashing Hogan, WWF fans, the product, etc. They need to bring home the fact that Piper isn't a company man and that anything could be said on the Pit. Actually a Pit with Piper vs. McMahon one on one could be great.


I think the Pit will be a great way to set up and develop feuds. I've been wanting a segment like this to reappear for some time. I wish Raw could counter with something like The Snake Pit (if Jake's not on crack). A Raven's Nest would have been cool but creative couldn't come up with anything for Raven or his mic skills, you know?


Guests I'm most looking forward to:

5. Stone Cold Steve Austin

4. Rikishi (if Piper's a heel you know he's got a stinkface coming up.

3. John Cena

2. Matt Hardy

1. Paul Heyman


They should go old school from time to time and have Piper do serious spots with Jesse Ventura or maybe Bobby Heenan.




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Guest edotherocket

They should use it as a platform for giving some of the newer talent some mic time without Piper totally overriding them. Cena I think particular should comfortably hold his own here and could get over as a threat to Brock simply by having the two of them on the same show with Cena verbally making Brock look stupid (not hard). Unfortunately, this might risk making Cena the face as Brock is kinda dull.


Matt Hardy is another who could benefit from something like Piper's Pit. Basically, I want it to help further other wrestlers agendas and not just Piper's feuds.

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Guest AndrewTS

If Piper had returned a PPV ago, we could have seen him bust a watermelon over Booker's head.


I'd like to see Torrie on there if Piper would just rip her a new one and make her look like clueless dumbass bitch she obviously is.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

*Piper starts Pipers Pit*

*Tajiri comes into ring and destroys Piper and then leaves*

*Virgil makes his triumphant return and says "get up! GET UP!"*


Sorry, I have a soft-spot in my heart for that angle... :)

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I KNEW I wasn't the only one waiting to see Piper vs Tajiri!

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Guest Nanks

I would LOVE to see The Rock in Piper's Pit, pity Piper's on SD! Although, I reckon an argument could be made to have the Pit on both shows. Promote it as a WWE segment, not just a SD! segment. Stone Cold could be given some serious shoot time on there. Piper would quit before allowing himself to be the victim of a Stink Face. The Pit would be used best for elevating guys like Kendrick, Kidman, etc whose mic skills may not be the best

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Guest edotherocket

Not sure why they'd want to allow Austin or ANYONE backstage to shoot.


But I can think of a bunch of RAW wrestlers who'd benefit from a little mic time. Almost a whole roster actually (barring about 3 people).

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Guest JDMattitudeV1
I would LOVE to see The Rock in Piper's Pit, pity Piper's on SD! Although, I reckon an argument could be made to have the Pit on both shows. Promote it as a WWE segment, not just a SD! segment. Stone Cold could be given some serious shoot time on there. Piper would quit before allowing himself to be the victim of a Stink Face. The Pit would be used best for elevating guys like Kendrick, Kidman, etc whose mic skills may not be the best

I wouldn't risk giving Piper a live mike if I was Vince, so keep him on Smackdown only so the production crew can edit his ramblings.

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Guest notJames

Have any of you guys listened to the ramblings of that Scottish imbecile lately? His jokes are outdated, he rambles more than HBK on the mike, and still is under the delusion that he and Hogan can still put asses in the seats. You put him in with someone like the Rock, and the Rock will not only talk circles around him, Piper will drag Rock down with his nonsensical lame jokes and non sequiturs.


I say have Piper interview an oncoming train.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

I expect the segment will be mildy entertaining for about 10 seconds, before Piper goes off on some random tangent that doesn't make sense, dissapearing into his own little reality as he rambles on about crap noone cares about for 20 minutes.

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Guest areacode212

Bringing back an interview segment was a good idea, since as edotherocket said, most of the talent gets little to no mic time. The art of cutting promos seems to have been lost, in favor of third-rate comedy sketches, which very few wrestlers are good at (Rock & Angle are the only ones that come to mind). Most of the time, those sketches just expose the wrestlers' pathetic acting.


But I wouldn't have brought back Piper. For one thing, he looks like crap. It's embarrassing. And nobody cares what he has to say anymore.


Matt Hardy would have be perfect for that spot. He's funny on the mic, and he would be great as the weasel who kisses up to his fellow heels and insults the faces. He & Shannon could have had a similar chemistry to HBK & Diesel (only Shannon would be the minion, not the impassive cool bodyguard) during the old "Heartbreak Hotel". Screw Piper.

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Guest edotherocket

I don't think its too much of a problem that Piper is a lumbering piece of crap if they remake him as just an interviewer and not as a threat to anyone under the age of 50. gorilla monsoon wasn't exactly in peak physical condition when he made the transition from wrestler to commentator.

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Guest areacode212

But it would be more fun if the interviewer used the interview show to further his own feuds, as well as those of other wrestlers. If he does a Brother Love kind of thing where he just acts like a dick, and gets beaten up every once in a while, it would be OK I guess. Just as long as he doesn't overshadow his guests. I'd still rather see an active wrestler in that role.

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Hopefully it'll provide something memorable...like the Snuka Piper segment from all those years ago. We haven't had anything TRULY memorable for a long time. A Hogan beatdown would work well, but be too predictable. Saying that, it can't be too predictable.


Vince actually needs to remember back to the old days...every big segment and feud needs to be part of Piper's Pit. A Jones heel turn on Taker...Shane McMahon's eventual return to power...interviews that turn into attacks. It's the perfect setting. Remember the Barber Shop Rockers break-up? If it had of just 'happened' in the parking lot or wherever, it wouldn't have had the same effect. If it's gonna be a part of the show, it has to be a BIG part of the show.

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