Guest converge241 Report post Posted April 7, 2003 It just happens to involve HHH but it wouldnt matter who was saying or may have said it: one of the reasons mentioned for trips not wanting to lose was that "it would cheapen the title if both titles change hands on the same show" now i actually agreed before and after that HHH should win at Wrestlemania..pre WM my reason was that it should be a chase with a rematch now that Goldberg is there I also ageree with the sentiment that Goldberg's win over HHH will mean more if there is not a transition reign with Booker i disagree with the idea that Booker is not going to get a win after the racial overtones becuase thats the only reason for usin them that being said read that statement again "it would cheapen the title if both titles change hands on the same show" hmmm was Armaggeddon THAT long ago?!? I mean unless I'm crazy Angle and HHH both won their respective world titles..right??? that didnt seem to damage them , well as damaged as a belt that is awarded and not even won from someone can get Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WhenDanSaysJump Report post Posted April 7, 2003 I wasn't aware the RAW championship could be devalued any further... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted April 7, 2003 With Bookers case, anything is better than nothing at this point. They are in dire need to main eventers on Raw, and never giving them an inch isnt helping the situation. Even him having a one month reign would work wonders compared to the state he's in now, after Mania and that horrible finish that buried him. On the subject of HHH refusing to do the job to Booker since it would "devalue the title to switch it back and forth" leading to a Goldberg feud, I think the reality of that is Hunter just making another excuse to hold a threat down. I predict within the year HHH will totally contradict himself and give Nash a month run as champion, only to win it back from him, much like his other friend, Michaels. Might happen as soon as next month even, before the Goldberg feud. I think its completely ironic he is talking about not devaluing titles since my feeling is that as long as he has it, the title will keep devaluing itself since he can't work like he used to, not to mention he now basically books all of his own programs (this apparently has been moreless ever since he returned from injury last summer) according to Meltzer and it has really shown, and seems like a legit statement given his run since last year. Also, his bright idea to just "bring back" a title that was already established as being unified with the WWE belt less than a month before obviously devalued it from the start as well. Add in the fact that their attempt to give the title credibility by unifying it with the IC, Euro, and HC belts, and that title has certainly done way way way more damage than one title (or person) should ever do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JN News 0 Report post Posted April 7, 2003 Craple H is a liar, a hypocrite, and a cancer to the wrestling business, and if nothing is done about this within the next few years, we can all kiss the WWE goodbye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted April 8, 2003 Another double standard is how apparently the locker room has heat with The Rock for saying he'd beaten everyone last week. Funny how HHH said the same thing the night Steiner debuted and no one said shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted April 8, 2003 on a side note, did anyone catch the "Triple H is BORING" sign, right in front of JR/Lawler...? It was best seen when Lawler and JR were talking about the Austin issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest creativename Report post Posted April 8, 2003 Last week, I started to get this sneaky suspicion that Nash will beat HHH the PPV after Backlash (Judgement Day), then job to Goldberg at Badd Blood. My main reasons for suspecting this: 1) Obviously, HHH wouldn't mind jobbing to Nash. 2) HHH would, however, mind jobbing to Goldberg. 3) They would probably bill it as Goldberg getting "revenge" on Nash for the Tazer job. With the HHH-Nash emphasis on Raw, I am now thinking this is even more possible. The big problem is that Nash is a face right now, and in this scenario, he'd win the belt as a face only to be a heel vs. Goldberg the next month. Unless they do face vs. face, which is unlikely, or perhaps Nash turns during the match. Nash turning during the match is the more likely possibility, but then he'd have to win, which just isn't happening. That's why I admit this scenario isn't likely, but I still don't see how HHH will accept jobbing to Goldberg, even if he does get to kick out of the Jackhammer a few times. I guess maybe as long as he looks stronger against Goldberg than Rock does (which you know will happen), he'll be content...but I doubt it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted April 8, 2003 Isn't the Backlash main event going to be a 3-way tag? Nash-Booker-HBK versus HHH-Jericho-Flair? If so than the title wouldn't be up for grabs anyway, unless they do one of those "whoever gets the pin wins the belt things," but that wouldn't make storyline sense; the championship tag match angle is supposed to stack the deck against the faces -- since they can't trust each other -- and the heel champ should be teaming with his lackeys (i.e. HHH-Vince-Shane from KOTR 2000). But this would actually stack it against HHH, since he shouldn't have any reason to trust Jericho. I think HHH will still be champ for a long time. Maybe he'll lose it at SummerSlam. But I bet when he does lose, he won't be the one actually getting pinned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted April 8, 2003 If Nash wins the title, I will stop watching Raw. I fuckin HATE NASH, he is the true cancer of wrestling. Has the man done anything good? ANYTHING?? And I actually agree with Triple-Juice about needing a strong face challenger for Backlash. It makes sense, but I still wish Booker won at WM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest converge241 Report post Posted April 8, 2003 "Another double standard is how apparently the locker room has heat with The Rock for saying he'd beaten everyone last week. Funny how HHH said the same thing the night Steiner debuted and no one said shit. " good point and look how long rock had to wait to get one win over Austin to say that he beat him in using that same speech Share this post Link to post Share on other sites