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Guest BoboBrazil

Some News From Dave Sherer's Hotline For 4/9

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Guest BoboBrazil

1. Willie the worker will no longer be writing columns for 1wrestling.com Dave Sherer asked him some questions that any WWE worker should no and he didn't answer some of him and the ones he did answer he got wrong. Willie also got angry when another columnist called out Willie and Willie asked Dave to remove his column and he wouldn't so he said he wouldn't write columns anymore.


2. 6 sources have told Sherer that Steph has been said to act like a princess backstage to the writing team and she expects them to kiss her ass and do things her way, but she acts business like to the wrestlers backstage. She is also completely on board with HHH and she does whatever he wants.


3. HHH has blatantly refused lobbied against losing the title to RVD, Kane, and Booker T. The plan was for HHH to lose the title to Booker T as of a few weeks, but HHH lobbied enough and he got to keep the title. The payoff to that racial stuff was Booker winning the title.


4. When they filmed the segment at Raw for next week's show they forgot to get the script when they left the building and a worker at the building found it and faxed it to Dave. He said it is fleshed out like a movie script with everything written for the wrestlers with no need for adlibbing. He says this is one of the problems with WWE now.

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Guest Goodear

It's funny that he opens saying that a story he's be running with for about a week now is totally false and then gives you more stories with no sources. That's just plain lovely.

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1wrestling continues its incredible lack of credibility.



"Dave Scherer is a Giant Tool"

by Willie the Worker


I knew all those questions douche but I worked ya baby! Oh and another thing Undertaker doesn't sell enough!



Scoop of the century!

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Guest dreamer420
1. Willie the worker will no longer be writing columns for 1wrestling.com Dave Sherer asked him some questions that any WWE worker should no and he didn't answer some of him and the ones he did answer he got wrong. Willie also got angry when another columnist called out Willie and Willie asked Dave to remove his column and he wouldn't so he said he wouldn't write columns anymore.



we've been had.

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Guest Rob Edwards

only about 10 pop ups to get to articles without any decent source?


Sounds like a godsend to me ;)

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But this means Meltzer got played too... OR DOES IT?

Now when Meltzer posted on wrestlingclassics.com did he say that yes it was a legit e-mail from a real wrestler or just yes it was a legit e-mail?


You know what's so funny about this also is if Scherer supposedly has all these questions that only wrestlers would know gee why didn't he ask them BEFORE posting the e-mails? I'm sure these questions Scherer mentions don't exsist and that if you asked Scherer questions only a wrestler would know he wouldn't know the answers either.

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Guest Mole

Oh shut up people.


Dave is usually 89% right with what he is talking about. Him and Meltzer are the only two guys on the net who have a source.

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Guest Doyo

In the second Willie column didn't he say he had set up

a yahoo email account? Maybe the first email was legit

and then a prankster set up the yahoo account and mailed

columns to Scherer.


here is Meltzer's full message

found at http://wrestlingclassics.com/.ubb/ultimate...=1;t=035850;p=2


This is going to surprise a few people but here goes.


I received the same thing, and like Bob Magee said, the person writing it said he was sending to me because he didn't like Scherer and Ryder (who he sent it to, and I'm figuring he wrote them saying he didn't like me--typical wrestling con).


The idea of printing something anonymous like that is mind boggling. I've gotten tons of stuff from guys in that company and they say who they are but know I won't print their names because that's the business. This came anonymously and I did later find out it was from a wrestler that I know a little (and really didn't like Scherer at least in the past) and...


It is legit.

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OK, being the hard working reporter I am, I made some inqueries and was given this answer:


"I'm guessing first as legit, and him saying fraud to protect the guy at this point since WWE thinks they know who it is" - Meltz

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Besides all the b/s about Willie the dorker, how about that damn evil HHH holding people down like RVD,Book and Kane?Damn that's the scoop of the century, give the man a pulitzer price. :phaser:

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Guest nikowwf

Hell, they expect people to pay for Joey Styles hotline report so i guess they'd expect people to pay for this.



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Guest Vitamin X
OK, being the hard working reporter I am, I made some inqueries and was given this answer:


"I'm guessing first as legit, and him saying fraud to protect the guy at this point since WWE thinks they know who it is" - Meltz

Speaking of being a hard working reporter, when's the next Shades of Gray comin out?

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Guest swan
1. Willie the worker will no longer be writing columns for 1wrestling.com Dave Sherer asked him some questions that any WWE worker should no and he didn't answer some of him and the ones he did answer he got wrong. Willie also got angry when another columnist called out Willie and Willie asked Dave to remove his column and he wouldn't so he said he wouldn't write columns anymore.

Told ya. it's Tommy Fiero.

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Besides all the b/s about Willie the dorker, how about that damn evil HHH holding people down like RVD,Book and Kane?Damn that's the scoop of the century, give the man a pulitzer price. :phaser:

" Hoss Lovin' "

by Willie the Worker


Don't forget A-Train only gets pushed because he's a HOSS but he's really a total DOUCHE!




Scoop of the Millennium!

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Guest Miss Indy Queen

Well as much as I like Dave Scherer (Although maybe I shouldn't be admitting that), I think he's bs'ing about it being a fake. Sounds to me like maybe he's trying to put a swerve in there since this has been leaking out everywhere. I listened to the hotline and he's rambling in circles which gives me the idea he's lying about it.

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Guest humongous2002
3. HHH has blatantly refused lobbied against losing the title to RVD, Kane, and Booker T. The plan was for HHH to lose the title to Booker T as of a few weeks, but HHH lobbied enough and he got to keep the title. The payoff to that racial stuff was Booker winning the title.

I just can't wait for someone to just go postal on Trips, i bet Book wouldn't mind doing time again in the big house.

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Guest wwF1587
2. 6 sources have told Sherer that Steph has been said to act like a princess backstage to the writing team and she expects them to kiss her ass and do things her way, but she acts business like to the wrestlers backstage. She is also completely on board with HHH and she does whatever he wants.


3. HHH has blatantly refused lobbied against losing the title to RVD, Kane, and Booker T. The plan was for HHH to lose the title to Booker T as of a few weeks, but HHH lobbied enough and he got to keep the title. The payoff to that racial stuff was Booker winning the title.

ahh more BULSHHHIT from our friends in power... i swear i pray every fucking day HHH injures himself and steph has a horrid accident...

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Guest The Amazing Rando

the last time HHH injured himself....we got the Invasion and he came back being alot worse than he was before he left...


Can't we just have him implode on himself in the middle of the ring...BUYRATES WOULD BE HUGE

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