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Guest AndrewTS

Backlash card predictions?

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Guest AndrewTS

Bold matches are more or less confirmed.

Regular text are highly likely

Italics matches are possible/guesses by me.


"Big Daddy Diesel" Kevin Nash, "Not-HBK" Shawn Michaels, Booker T vs. Triple H, "Highlight of the Night" Chris Jericho, Ric Flair


Piper vs. Hogan


Goldberg vs. Rock


Nowinski vs. Steiner


Torrie vs. Sable


Cena vs. Brock Lesnar


Taker and Jones vs. 2+ FBI members?


Women's Title Match:

Jazz w/ the Mack and Theodore Long vs. Trish Stratus w/ Jeff "I'm not gay" Hardy


Cruiserweight Title Match:

Matt Hardy v. 1 vs. Brian Kendrick


Smackdown Tag Team Title Match:

Team Angle vs. a team announced last minute


Raw Tag Team Title Tables Match:

Dudleys vs. Storm and Morely vs. RVD & Kane


or maybe just:

RVD/Kane vs. Storm and Morley


Oh crap...this doesn't look good.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Let's see...


"Big Daddy Diesel" Kevin Nash, "Not-HBK" Shawn Michaels, Booker T vs. Triple H, "Highlight of the Night" Chris Jericho, Ric Flair


I will say Nash gets the win. Probably over Jericho.


Piper vs. Hogan


Hogan will win this one with the real loser being the fans.


Goldberg vs. Rock


I will say Goldberg.


Nowinski vs. Steiner


Well, one's a young wrestler with a ton of potential, while the other is a steroid freak who has been booed out of two areas despite being the face. Obviously, by WWE logic, Steiner wins in a squash.


Torrie vs. Sable


Most of the fans will probably be taking a piss break during this match anyway, but I will say Torrie wins.


Cena vs. Brock Lesnar


Lesnar, of course.


Taker and Jones vs. 2+ FBI members?


Taker and Jones, duh. May it at least be short.


Women's Title Match:

Jazz w/ the Mack and Theodore Long vs. Trish Stratus w/ Jeff "I'm not gay" Hardy


THE MACK~! *marks out* Oh, sorry. I say Jazz wins.


Cruiserweight Title Match:

Matt Hardy v. 1 vs. Brian Kendrick


I will say Hardy take this one in an incredibly short match.


Smackdown Tag Team Title Match:

Team Angle vs. a team announced last minute


Team Angle, I guess. Another short match to give Hogan-Piper more time.


Raw Tag Team Title Tables Match:

Dudleys vs. Storm and Morely vs. RVD & Kane


or maybe just:

RVD/Kane vs. Storm and Morley


I will say Storm + Morley if it's a tag match, but, the Dudley Boyz if they are added.

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Guest razazteca

Nash get the pin


Piper with the Main Event Sleeper


can Goldberg last 10 minutes?






Dudleys win back the titles for the 20th time


don't know about or care enough about the rest

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Guest Anglesault
Taker and Jones vs. 2+ FBI members?

Yeah, let's replace that with a 20 minute Angle promo. We MUST NOT HAVE an Angle-free PPV.

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Guest AndrewTS

Will: I mainly made the thread to get people's opinions on what the card will be. You kinda jumped the gun on match predictions. :P Still, that's cool.


The Mack could be on the PPV card. Maybe not wrestling...but hey, that's more than most of the roster. That's good enough news for you, now. :P

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Guest Will Scarlet
I mainly made the thread to get people's opinions on what the card will be. You kinda jumped the gun on match predictions.  Still, that's cool.


Oh, oops. Well, that card looks to be about right to me. Though I am guessing you could plug Tajiri/Mysterio into the Smackdown Tag title match.

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Guest AndrewTS


Taker and Jones vs. 2+ FBI members?

Yeah, let's replace that with a 20 minute Angle promo. We MUST NOT HAVE an Angle-free PPV.

We can hope, but Angle rarely got that much time on the show when he was champion.


Oh...thought of another possible match...


Goldust vs. Test. I think they'll just blow that off on Raw though, since Test is in the hoss barn (since he can't be in the dogg house).

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Guest AndrewTS
I mainly made the thread to get people's opinions on what the card will be. You kinda jumped the gun on match predictions.  Still, that's cool.


Oh, oops. Well, that card looks to be about right to me. Though I am guessing you could plug Tajiri/Mysterio into the Smackdown Tag title match.

Yeah, although probably they'd only do that if there was a three-way tag team match.


Still, I mark for Team Non-White Male Cruiserweights Who Wear Shiny Pants.


Or Lucharesu, or--geez, they need a team name.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I thought that Los Guerreros would get the title shot, until what happened this week with Tajiri and Mysterio. I guess it'll be a three-way at Backlash, and likely rushed just like at Mania.


Does anyone know how long Taker will be out after the elbow surgery?


Add Benoit vs. Rhyno as a potential match.

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Guest AndrewTS
no rey rey +

no benoit +

no guerrerros +

no rhyno +


PPV OF THE DECADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Plus Edge and Angle are both out due to injuries.


Geez, SD went down the shitter in a hurry.

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Guest AndrewTS
Does anyone know how long Taker will be out after the elbow surgery?

Not long enough. :P


You mean that Taker really is due to have surgery? News to me.


I'd say 6 weeks or so.

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Guest Anglesault
no rey rey +

no benoit +

no guerrerros +

no rhyno +


PPV OF THE DECADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

+No Angle


+No Edge

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Guest Choken One

Hey don't worry...We still have BAD BLOOD With Goldberg/HHH as YOUR main event of the century!

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Guest AndrewTS
Hey don't worry...We still have BAD BLOOD With Goldberg/HHH as YOUR main event of the century!

I will be checking website reports of it the following morning with baited breath.

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We're getting a preview of Nash, HBK, Booker vs. Flair, Jericho, Triple H and RVD / Kane vs. the Dudleyz vs. Storm / Morley tonight in Roanoke. ...Should be interesting.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1
no rey rey +

no benoit +

no guerrerros +

no rhyno +


PPV OF THE DECADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I have a bad feeling that Benoit and Rhyno will be jobbing to Big Show and A-Train. I think I'd rather have them off the card, not that I'll be watching it or anything.

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Guest AndrewTS
We're getting a preview of Nash, HBK, Booker vs. Flair, Jericho, Triple H and RVD / Kane vs. the Dudleyz vs. Storm / Morley tonight in Roanoke. ...Should be interesting.

Then probably those will be on the PPV. So I guess that Triple Threat Tag Team Title Table Tatch--er, Match, won't be happening.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

And this is why splitting the PPVs is a good idea. It limits the number of old guys that can possibly be on it.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

My God...


I had not realized how utterly shitty this card looked like until now.


Methinks I'll skip watching it at home or at Hooters this time.


Christ, talk about BAD...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



Angle and Benoit being out isn't WWE's fault...


but no Benoit/ReyRey/Guerreros???


Good thing they removed Heyman from the writing of that show.


Nathan F'N Jones 4 LIFE!!!

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Guest Space_Cowboy

I wouldn't be surprised to see the WWE rush a Rhyno heel turn so they can have Benoit vs Rhyno at Backlash, though that would take away time from Hogan/Piper and the Kliq-fest, so both of them will most likely be left off the card.


Oh yeah, Benoit/Rhyno could end up jobbing to Fat and Hairy, can't have a PPV without A-Train and Big Show on it.

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Guest AndrewTS
My God...


I had not realized how utterly shitty this card looked like until now.


Methinks I'll skip watching it at home or at Hooters this time.


Christ, talk about BAD...

Likely a number of those matches won't make it to the card. However, I basically assumed that each issue brewing will likely make it to a PPV match, and went from there. There...really isn't much that looks promising, is there?

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Guest Mole

Wow, this card does suck.


Just give it to Triple-Juice to make wrestling better. Just think how much better this card could be if he lost to RVD. Just think.


I know he would get the title back sometime, but if he was actually a business man. If that was the case, Jericho wouldn't of lost the title to him.

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Guest bob_barron
Wow, this card does suck.


Just give it to Triple-Juice to make wrestling better. Just think how much better this card could be if he lost to RVD. Just think.


I know he would get the title back sometime, but if he was actually a business man. If that was the case, Jericho wouldn't of lost the title to him.

Considering RAW's lack of credible heels how would Triple H losing to RVD make the situation any better?

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Guest CanadianChick
Wow, this card does suck.


Just give it to Triple-Juice to make wrestling better. Just think how much better this card could be if he lost to RVD. Just think.


I know he would get the title back sometime, but if he was actually a business man. If that was the case, Jericho wouldn't of lost the title to him.

Considering RAW's lack of credible heels how would Triple H losing to RVD make the situation any better?

The sad thing? There is a lack of credible faces to face Trips. Raw is just in a bad place right now.

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Guest Lightning Flik
The sad thing? There is a lack of credible faces to face Trips. Raw is just in a bad place right now.

What's worse? The fact that they can't really build anyone to credible without the midcard belts.


They got rid of those belts because there were too many and now they could probably use them to get people over with the crowd.

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Guest edotherocket
Considering RAW's lack of credible heels how would Triple H losing to RVD make the situation any better?


Triple H is way above anyone else. So its a foregone conclusion that he will win. However, there are lots of heels on RVD's level. Well, before he jobbed to the elbow drop. RVD's on the level of Nowinksi at the moment.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Triple H is way above anyone else. So its a foregone conclusion that he will win. However, there are lots of heels on RVD's level. Well, before he jobbed to the elbow drop. RVD's on the level of Nowinksi at the moment.

Dude~! RVD's also been taken out with a freaking DDT as well.


And considering those moves are moves that everyone should shrug off and get back in the match... ugh.


As for the Nowinski part, I agree.

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