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Guest Doyo

2 Cold Scorpio vs. Yoshinari Ogawa, NOAH 03-01-03

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Guest Doyo

Every once in a while I see a match that just leaves me laughing at how

goofy wrestling can be. Of course this usually happens with matches in

the USA, but here is an exception.


First of all, I haven't seen Scorpio in years. He now looks chunkier than

ever, but he doesn't really have much of a gut. It is all in his ass and

thighs. Scorpio comes out to music that sounds like MC Hammer and

spends many minutes dancing. He is accompanied by Michael Modest,

Donovan Morgan and Bison Smith. Scorpio and them spend a lot of time

during the match telling Ogawa and the crowd to "fuck off!" and giving

them the finger.


Anyways, about 5 minutes into the match Ogawa is down on the mat

and Scorpio goes up and performs a move off the top turnbuckle. 1... 2...

kickout. Scorpio goes up and performs another big flying move. ... 1...

2.... kickout. Time for Ogawa to mount some type of comeback right?

No, up goes Scorpio again.... 1... 2... kickout. Scorpio then goes up for

the 4th frigging time, hits a move.... 1... 2... 3! End of match in about 6

minutes. I believe Scorpio did the Tumbleweed, Moonsault, 450 and

something else. Despite his weight, he looks as graceful as ever flying

through the air.


Scorpio then goes on to spend the next 5 mintues or so dancing. Michael

Modest even gets down with some pathetically hilarious dancing.


Dancing + swearing + 4 consecutive top turnbuckle moves to end the match

in about 6 minutes = not your typical Puroresu


And yes Misawa vs. Kobashi is quite the spectacle. I'm not sure how I'd rate

it, I'll have to watch it again. I'd go with ****1/2 right now.

The crowd heat, historical significance of the match, and the big moves like the

tiger suplex off the ramp can easily make the match seem greater than it really


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Guest Tim Cooke

Misawa/Kobashi made me sad that sick bumps are all they can do for pops now.


*** for the match.



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Guest Doyo

I watched that tiger suplex in slow-mo and noticed that they timed it

about as perfect as possible. Kobashi mostly landed with his back on

the ringside mat and rolled with it. Still dangerous though.


Metlzer gave this the holy ***** which makes it tied for the best match

ever. Hahaha.

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Guest RickyChosyu

I'd be interested to see you go in depth on the match, Tim. No offense to you, Doyo, I'd like to see your thoughts too, it's just I've heard pretty much nothing but a universal ****1/2 on this one aside from Meltzer (but then, isn't the rule with him "Add and extra 1/2* if it's Kobashi"? :P). I'd like to hear the con side take it appart and look beyond the sick bumps and the emotional crowd so I can see if it really holds up. Based on their history together, I'm going to have to guess not, but you never know.


I wouldn't mind the sick bumps so much if it sounded like they were using them smartly instead of busting them out for kicks.

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Guest Doyo

It wasn't one of MC Hammer's big hits, but it sounded like him

to me. Maybe I'll watch it again here sometime soon and see if I can

make out any of the words.

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