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Guest ravman77

Latest WWE Tours In UK

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Guest ravman77

Got myself up nice and early to get my ticket for both tours (Smackdown in May, Raw in June), just logged on to Ticketmaster again out of interest and all dates still have tickets left.


I know business has slumped over the water, but here the tours have sold out pretty much instantly for years. I'm very surprised.



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Guest PencilJobber

I thought they would have sold out over here in like a few hours it always seemed that whatever the business slump was there was still a base audience that pretty much sold out all WWE events in hours i got to say i'm very surprised that hasn't happened this time.

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Guest RickyB

You've got to think though, in the past they'd only run 1-3 shows. This time they're running 5 shows, they can't expect to sell out 5 shows in a country that isn't really a big Wrestling Territory. Especially with the high ticket prices.

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Guest PencilJobber

True but even if they don't sell all 5 out you would assume they would still get more people then they would for an average show in the USA at the moment.I still assumed they would have sold all 5 out quickly the UK has always been a place the WWF could come and almost guarantee a sell out with ease but you also have to account that the WWF is looked at as a really shitty thing in most parts of the UK.In all my years its never had as bad a rep as it has at the moment so i guess 5 shows may have been a little too many right now.

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Guest caboose

I would be going to at least one of these shows. But I'm now on the road to Wrestlemania XX so I've got to save every penny.

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You've got to think though, in the past they'd only run 1-3 shows. This time they're running 5 shows, they can't expect to sell out 5 shows in a country that isn't really a big Wrestling Territory. Especially with the high ticket prices.

Very true. Since they started hitting the UK in 89, the WWF would only have a handful of stops per tour - and then would return 6 months later. Even in 92 when the company was in a similar downturn, they had the British Bulldog on the roster who would main event all the UK shows against guys like Dibiase or Flair. Tickets sold pretty quickly.


Matter of fact, Summer Slam 92 sold out after a matter of hours (or so they say). The WWF came back to the UK just a few weeks afterwards with Flair defending against Savage and Bret. Not sure how those tickets went but Bulldog was kept in the U.S. for that tour.

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Guest welshjerichomark

I think the location of the shows is a problem, they're all too far away for me to go. Had there been shows in Cardiff, Swansea, Bristol or Birmingham i could have gone. Plus, why spend £50+ on a wwe ticket when you can go and catch a decent fwa show for £5?

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Guest welshjerichomark
Birmingham is not far from Nottingham, maybe 30 minutes in a car. They usually stick to main city's, nottingham, birmingham, london and man.

it half an hour too long, there's a fwa show booked about 10 miles away- better wrestling and about 1/20th of the overall cost.

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lol, could be right, not sure about the better wrestling thing though, i've not been imperssed with the fwa stuff i've seen. Btw, the nottingham one is the Raw brand, so i'm gonna miss Kurt, and i bet Trip makes a special appeance.....

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump

I like it when JR monotones details of the upcoming UK tours over RAW and we're meant to think that he's announcing it live. :lol:

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Guest welshjerichomark
I like it when JR monotones details of the upcoming UK tours over RAW and we're meant to think that he's announcing it live. :lol:

yeah, that's the best. wwe update is cool as well, when they have to fill 15 minutes talking about the upcoming shows, and they can't think of anything to say, so they just announce who's gonna be there over and over again- three weeks in a row josh matthews has been saying the same thing: "billy kidman is going to bring his shooting star press" i mean big f'n deal.

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Guest welshjerichomark
And then after all that, Kidman misses the tour, due to an injury CAUSED by the SSP..

lol exactly- that's the thing with british wwe events, they advertise an awesome main event, and then someone gets injured and you end up with some shitty handicap match.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I got my tickets easy enough, (Sheffield) because I heard Taker and Hogan ain't going. SCORE~%

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