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B. Brian Brunzell

B. Brian- The Musical Mad Scientist

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So this week I've been conducting a few musical experiments because, well, I've been really fucking bored. Here are my experiments and results:


My first experiment involved Syd Barrett's soo work vs. his work with The Floyd. After listening to The Madcap Laughs and Barrett, then listening to the 1st three Floyd singles and Piper..., I came to the conclusion that not only did Syd go nuts, but he went REALLY FUCKING BONKERS. His stuff with The Floyd was well-written, it flowed nicely, the lyrics actually made some sense, and were fully audible. His solo work, especially on Barrett, is very dis-jointed. there's no real flow to it, and the lyrics are often incoherent and naudible.


Conclusion: For those who haven't heard that much of Syd, go with The Floyd. Unless you're a die-hard Barrett mark like I am, you probably won't like Barrett's solo work.


The next experiment was the old Van Halen vs. Van Hagar debate. Of course, I already explained my theory towards the Halen in the Hale thread down the page.


Conclusion: After listening to 1984, Van Halen II, 5150, and OU812, my theory was proven to be correct.


On to the final experiment. I wanted to find the ultimate "musicians" band. So, I took a listen to Dream Theater's Images and Words, Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory, and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. After listening to those records, I popped in Fresh Cream and Disreali Gears by Cream, whom many people consider to be the ultimate musician's band.


Conclusion: Dream Theater all the way. Mike Portnoy blows ginger Baker away on drums, as well as Pete Brown as a lyricist. Clapton is Clapton, but John Petrucci is no slouch either on the axe. John Myung and Jack Bruce are about equal on the bass, and Cream didn't have a keyboardist, but if they did, it'd be tough to top Jordan Rudess or Kevin Moore. DT is much tighter as a band, the music flows better, the lrics are better, and overal, the music is better.


Those were my conclusions to my experiments. Your thoughts?

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Guest razazteca
The next experiment was the old Van Halen vs. Van Hagar debate. Of course, I already explained my theory towards the Halen in the Hale thread down the page

Right Now I am thinking that when a band changes its lead singer, it could be a good thing. Such as the case in Rage Against the Machine becoming Audioslave, Zach had the political lyical skills but not every fan liked the message, all they wanted to hear was the cock rock guitar riffs.


So in conclusion Sammy was a different experience and not really a bad singer for Van Halen, Roth was good as a figure head in making entertaining music videos but as a singer, Sammy was better. I no sell V3 by the time Mr. Exteme became the singer the band was past its prime.

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Guest Harry Hood

As a die-hard Floyd fan, I definitly agree with your assesment of Barrett, I can really only stand two of his solo works, Terrapin and Love You

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As a die-hard Floyd fan, I definitly agree with your assesment of Barrett, I can really only stand two of his solo works, Terrapin and Love You

I really love "Terrapin," but I'm an even bigger fan of "Opel." If you haven't heard it, I suggest downloading it pronto. It's so damn sad. I think it's head and shoulders above everything else on his solo albums.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Barrett's definitely kind of hard to listen to. Floyd got infinitely better post-Syd, though.

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