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Guest Nevermortal

The One and Only Raw Thread (4/14/03)

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

If they start changing titles on raw, Fred Durst becomes new WWE champ, and shivonne comes back...RAW is NITRO

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Guest Dmann2000

Quick, everyone go to WWE and email them that if Booker wins tonight, you'll order Backlash (so long as he doesn't lose either before or after then AND not to HHH or Shawn or Nash)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Thank God HHH didn't bury both Kane and RVD over or this tag teaming would be a complete disaster.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I predict that the Dudleyz go tweener and attack both teams...but ONE OF A KANE still win

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Guest Choken One

U gOtta like how Storm stays in the same spot forever...just shuffling partners...Credible, Jericho, Xstain, Test, Regal, Morely...Playing the same damn character...

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Guest The Amazing Rando
What a match, 3MW vs Storm/Maven!

TYPO! Bruj0 just blew a load

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

Lets recap....HHH beats RVD, Kane, Steiner, and Booker... Steiners with nowinski, rvd and kane are in the tag division, and we have shawn and nash in the main angle. There is no God.

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Guest Choken One

I agree...Go Ahead and Do the title Change...It can't hurt...Hunter can always *win* it back next month.


Nash and HHH are going to draw big enough anyways right? So Why not *Help* the show out and make Booker look like a nothing transtional champion whom will only job it back to HHH next month anyways...


HHH can't lose...

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Guest DerangedHermit
Lets recap....HHH beats RVD, Kane, Steiner, and Booker... Steiners with nowinski, rvd and kane are in the tag division, and we have shawn and nash in the main angle. There is no God.

Especially since Jericho lost Hammurabi....... :(

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Guest Eagan469

Lawler - "Ya see the bruise on the head of Rob Van Dam?"


No, but I saw his eyes and they're red as hell :P

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21
Lets recap....HHH beats RVD, Kane, Steiner, and Booker... Steiners with nowinski, rvd and kane are in the tag division, and we have shawn and nash in the main angle. There is no God.

There is too a God.


He said so himself.


He's marrying the head writer/bosses daughter and all his friends are in the main event, while the people who are a threat to him are moving downhill.


Of course he has no actual power/clueless marks

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Boy in the first few rows there facing the camera with the fishnet stuff on his arm and a Jeff Hardy shirt.



Yes, a male. I think. Vegas odds says it's likely.



And that scares me.

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