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Guest jester

Nash and HHH

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Guest jester
I should note that one interesting tidbit I’ve discovered about HHH while researching the new book is that he has gone on the record as promising to drop the title to Nash and Nash alone.


Amazing. So, if the plan is to have Goldberg vs HHH after the Rock program is done, Goldberg becomes yet another chump who can't hold a candle to the almighy HHH.


This is sure to kill Goldberg's heat...unless they do HHH vs Nash first, give Nash the belt, then let Goldberg beat HHH, but I don't think this is going to happen.


Not only are they refusing to make new stars now, they are refusing to make OLD stars.

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Guest Midnight Express83

List of what will happen:


April PPV

HHH/Jericho/Flair vs Booker/Nash/HBK: Jericho, Booker, or Flair doing the job.


The Rock vs Goldberg: Rocky jobbing to Goldberg.



HHH vs Kevin Nash: HHH jobbing the title

Golberg vs Jericho in a DQ because that is the only worthwhile program on RAW Goldberg can do in the mean time and both won't want to job to each other.

Booker vs Rocky(if Rocky is still around) With Rocky jobbing.


June PPV:

Nash vs Goldberg for title: Nash jobs


Jericho vs Booker: Booker Jobs

HBK vs Flair: HBK wins


Aug PPV:

HHH vs Goldberg: Goldberg jobs title

Nash vs HBK: With Nashing jobbing and getting injured

Jericho vs Booker XXXVIII: Gimmick match, depending on the gimmick Jericho or Booker Jobs.

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Actually that "revelation" is just more of the same old bullshit from Keith, as he's passing out commonly known backstage gossip (mainly that HHH has made a corrupt bargain with Nash where HHH will only lose his vanity belt to Nash and no one else) as "Big Revelation News" after being repeatedly bitched out by his readers for bragging about knowing backstage gossip and yet not telling anyone what he knows...

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Guest Choken One

I never believe anything Sk Says anyways...In cases like this...I just use Common Sense and logic...

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump
I should note that one interesting tidbit I’ve discovered about HHH while researching the new book is that he has gone on the record as promising to drop the title to Nash and Nash alone.

I should note that one interesting tidbit I've discovered about SK is that he grows increasingly tiresome with each passing day.

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Guest Johnson1620
I should note that one interesting tidbit I’ve discovered about HHH while researching the new book is that he has gone on the record as promising to drop the title to Nash and Nash alone.


Amazing. So, if the plan is to have Goldberg vs HHH after the Rock program is done, Goldberg becomes yet another chump who can't hold a candle to the almighy HHH.


This is sure to kill Goldberg's heat...unless they do HHH vs Nash first, give Nash the belt, then let Goldberg beat HHH, but I don't think this is going to happen.


Not only are they refusing to make new stars now, they are refusing to make OLD stars.

Good! Goldberg doesn't deserve the belt. Nash at least has tried to be an important part of the WWE since wCw died. Goldberg just wanted more money, he doesn't care about anything else. Nash at least keeps his friends close and when your friend is HHH and he has the belt then the world is good.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

All of this crap is why we have Smackdown, Thursday nights at 8pm on UPN. Watch it.

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Guest Johnson1620
All of this crap is why we have Smackdown, Thursday nights at 8pm on UPN. Watch it.

And Smackdown was actually good last week. For the first time since the Rock left! :huh:

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Guest Coffey
Scott Keith has always had a pretty big fan base. I mean, he's no Dave Meltzer around these parts, but he definitely gets his fare share of blowjobs (via text) around these part.

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Guest Downhome
Scott Keith has always had a pretty big fan base. I mean, he's no Dave Meltzer around these parts, but he definitely gets his fare share of blowjobs (via text) around these part.

Blah, I guess I just don't understand it. To me, he is nothing but a whinny bitch.

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No matter what happens HHH is moving to Smackdown after June to hunt down the man who is the reason why he had to politic his way into making a pointless world title and get rid of the IC title...and that is of course Brock Lesnar. HHH becomes the first to pin Brock clean at SummerSlam. HHH is the smartest man in wrestling and I am convinced this is going to happen.

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Guest Coffey
Blah, I guess I just don't understand it. To me, he is nothing but a whinny bitch.

Yeah, me too. I like his rants for the most part though. Mainly because it's just like reading the RAW thread here without having to go through 33 pages of 1 sentence replies. It don't mean I think he's a credible source though.


We all know what people say about opinions though...

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Guest mach7
I should note that one interesting tidbit I’ve discovered about HHH while researching the new book is that he has gone on the record as promising to drop the title to Nash and Nash alone.


Amazing. So, if the plan is to have Goldberg vs HHH after the Rock program is done, Goldberg becomes yet another chump who can't hold a candle to the almighy HHH.


This is sure to kill Goldberg's heat...unless they do HHH vs Nash first, give Nash the belt, then let Goldberg beat HHH, but I don't think this is going to happen.


Not only are they refusing to make new stars now, they are refusing to make OLD stars.

I must be missing the part where people actually give a shit about what Sloth Keith has to say.

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Guest Downhome
I should note that one interesting tidbit I’ve discovered about HHH while researching the new book is that he has gone on the record as promising to drop the title to Nash and Nash alone.


Amazing. So, if the plan is to have Goldberg vs HHH after the Rock program is done, Goldberg becomes yet another chump who can't hold a candle to the almighy HHH.


This is sure to kill Goldberg's heat...unless they do HHH vs Nash first, give Nash the belt, then let Goldberg beat HHH, but I don't think this is going to happen.


Not only are they refusing to make new stars now, they are refusing to make OLD stars.

I must be missing the part where people actually give a shit about what Sloth Keith has to say.

I care respect, and care about what the people HERE have to say, over Scott Keith.

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Guest AndrewTS

I didn't even give that a second thought since it seems so obvious. Duh. He's done it for Shawn already, and it's Nash's turn. It would have been Nash's turn in the first place if he hadn't gotten injured.


I was more amused by his summing up of the Clique segment. I have heard from some smarks and marks (I actually know two that still watch). They more or less said "that was really gay."


I won't really bitch about Nash winning the title. I have the same feeling about it that many Americans did during the presidential election--"Um...these guys suck: may I please have another choice?"


The Raw title means about as much as the King's crown, anyway. Plus, if Nash is champ, the chance is far better for him to get injured again.

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Guest wwF1587

no suprise here... i believe its true though, RAW is going to be absolutely horrible after the Rock leaves and with the clique in full power .. Ill tell you this, as long as The Clique are in control and main eventing RAW, I will NEVER order a RAW PPV....I guess we will see though

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Yeah....I was beat to it but it's true that the only "source" that he ever really takes things from is Meltzer.


Is it really that unbeleivable that HHH said he wanted to hold the belt until Nash came back? If only because Nash was out with the same injury and HHH thinks that this is how comebacks for people not named Benoit are supposed to end?

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Yeah....I was beat to it but it's true that the only "source" that he ever really takes things from is Meltzer.


Is it really that unbeleivable that HHH said he wanted to hold the belt until Nash came back? If only because Nash was out with the same injury and HHH thinks that this is how comebacks for people not named Benoit are supposed to end?

Well and besides Nash has much better hair than Benoit. Probably gives better head to HHH as well.

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Yeah....I was beat to it but it's true that the only "source" that he ever really takes things from is Meltzer. 


Is it really that unbeleivable that HHH said he wanted to hold the belt until Nash came back?  If only because Nash was out with the same injury and HHH thinks that this is how comebacks for people not named Benoit are supposed to end?

Well and besides Nash has much better hair than Benoit. Probably gives better head to HHH as well.

That and the fact that Nash hates Benoit from their WCW days....

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Guest Kid Kablam
Yeah....I was beat to it but it's true that the only "source" that he ever really takes things from is Meltzer. 


Is it really that unbeleivable that HHH said he wanted to hold the belt until Nash came back?  If only because Nash was out with the same injury and HHH thinks that this is how comebacks for people not named Benoit are supposed to end?

Well and besides Nash has much better hair than Benoit. Probably gives better head to HHH as well.

That and the fact that Nash hates Benoit from their WCW days....

I never heard of any heat between the two.

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