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Guest Beingz0wningj00

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Opening Promo


Singles Match

“Deathwish” Danny Williams vs. Ced Ordonez



Singles Match for the Number One Contendership to the US Title!

Johnny Dangerous vs. Mike Van Siclen



Hardcore Title Match

Beezel vs. Janus


Tag Title Match

Tornado Tag!



Inferno Match!

Neilsen of the Jungle vs. Jay Dawg



Main Event

Singles Match for the SWF Heavyweight Title

Tom Flesher vs. Frost

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Opening Promo – Well I certainly don't want it... was up till midnight last night writing the other.


Singles Match

“Deathwish” Danny Williams vs. Ced Ordonez

I suddenly get images of Johnny Rotten in my head...


Singles Match for the Number One Contendership to the US Title!

Johnny Dangerous vs. Mike Van Siclen

It's the strangest thing... I just don't care(BURN)


Hardcore Title Match

Beezel vs. Janus

Title match? I thought I was pretty sure of who is Beezel... but after Smarkdown I am not so sure. Janus has the character for the hardcore department at the moment though... he retains.


Tag Title Match

Tornado Tag!

Justice and Rule vs. Deja Vu

Although Deja Vu bust my gut... Justice and Rule are gonna bust their balls.


Inferno Match!

Neilsen of the Jungle vs. Jay Dawg

I guarantee that anyone reading this match will consider Neilsen and JD the two most hardcore and psychotic bastards around after this.


Main Event

Singles Match for the SWF Heavyweight Title

Tom Flesher vs. Frost

Flesher beat me... bastard. He beats Frost... just cause I said so.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Singles Match

“Deathwish” Danny Williams vs. Ced Ordonez

-Seems like just a showcase to welcome Danny back and I know he'll write the Ced character well. Even if Ced does write, Danny goes over if this doesn't mean a permanent Ced return.



Singles Match for the Number One Contendership to the US Title!

Johnny Dangerous vs. Mike Van Siclen

-MVS already had a shot, so I think it's JD's turn. I actually believe that Dangerous and Ash might work a good program if they put their storytelling skills together.



Hardcore Title Match

Beezel vs. Janus

-Janus is a great competitor and I know he's going to come back twice as hard after what happened with the last match. However, Beezel looks real strong and I know he has to be a top flight ringer (as opposed to a low rent ringer like Silent or Z). However, I don't think being the hardcore champ fits into Beezel's plans.



Tag Title Match

Tornado Tag!

Justice and Rule vs. Deja Vu

-I was really hoping for this to be for the ppv, although the top three matches on this card seems like King is shooting his load a bit early (still I trust him to have a plan). I think this match fits Deja Vu better as Judge and Ejiro are very married to the classic tag style and formula. A title change here would lead nicely to a ppv rematch with perhaps an even crazier stip.



Inferno Match!

Neilsen of the Jungle vs. Jay Dawg

-Regardless of who wins, this is going to be one of the most brutal matches we've ever had. It fits both men so well and I think these characters really mesh in an explosive way. I'd call it a push, but since Neilsen never picks me, fuck him.



Main Event

Singles Match for the SWF Heavyweight Title

Tom Flesher vs. Frost

-Calling a double no show worked last time. Let's go with that again.

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Guest Ace309

Opening Promo

- Tod deKindes spams porn.


Singles Match

“Deathwish” Danny Williams vs. Ced Ordonez

- Ced blades on camera. Danny gets angry.


Singles Match for the Number One Contendership to the US Title!

Johnny Dangerous vs. Mike Van Siclen

- MVS, even though I want to see Johnny win here.


Hardcore Title Match

Beezel vs. Janus

- M7 pride, baby. Janus all the way.


Tag Title Match

Tornado Tag!

Justice and Rule vs. Deja Vu

- This is going to be a close one, but I HAVE to go with J&R here. I just think their communication is better, and they'll be able to put everything together more clearly than Kris and Kross will.


Inferno Match!

Neilsen of the Jungle vs. Jay Dawg

- I don't know who it WILL be, but I'll tell you who it won't be. It will CERTAINLY not be J. Nope, NotJ in the least.


Main Event

Singles Match for the SWF Heavyweight Title

Tom Flesher vs. Frost

- Ay ay ay.

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Opening Promo

WINNER: Promo by countout


Singles Match

“Deathwish” Danny Williams vs. Ced Ordonez

WINNER: You'd have to be a jackass not to pick DDW. That said...Ced Ordonez.


Singles Match for the Number One Contendership to the US Title!

Johnny Dangerous vs. Mike Van Siclen

WINNER: I enjoyed writting MVS for the brief amount of time that I did in our HCG Title match so MVS to block.


Hardcore Title Match

Beezel vs. Janus

WINNER: Janus. Because he's big and was smart enough to but a J in front of his name.


Tag Title Match

Tornado Tag!

Deja Vu vs. Justice and Rule

WINNER: Everyone that enjoys comedy. No...really, Kris will show off to J&R by performing a Walk Off on Kross and then get demolished in an impromptu handicapped match. I would really like to see DV beat Justice and Rule for the belts, but I don't see it happening yet.


Inferno Match!

Neilsen of the Jungle vs. Jay Dawg

WINNER: I'm going to burn his f**kin' face off...Nick Cage mofo... That said, Neilsen will win, but that said...why don't people ever predict themselves? Am I the only one that knows he's going to win every time?


Main Event

Singles Match for the SWF Heavyweight Title

Tom Flesher vs. Frost

WINNER: Just because I've got a good thing going...Flesher. Muahahaha...

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Guest Powerplay

Opening Promo

- Wins the defunct LHW Belt via SSP.


Singles Match

“Deathwish” Danny Williams vs. Ced Ordonez

- I hope CED is back in black, but Danny is the guy whose sole purpose is to prove the "Puro is for Pussies" thread wrong. Danny with his Puro-ly Goodness.


Singles Match for the Number One Contendership to the US Title!

Johnny Dangerous vs. Mike Van Siclen

- Very close match, and both guys need a victory, but I think Mike will stick in the Hardcore realm and Johnny will go for the US strap.


Hardcore Title Match

Beezel vs. Janus

- If I knew just who the hell Beezel was, I'd say. I have a few guesses, but I need to see a straight up match from him. I say Janus, but I want to see a match from Beezel so I can check his style out.


Tag Title Match

Tornado Tag!

Justice and Rule vs. Deja Vu

- Met with Ejiro already, got a good and fun ending planned, some spots, and I think we can take this, but Deja Vu is a threat we will not take lightly.


Inferno Match!

Neilsen of the Jungle vs. Jay Dawg

- Oh boy, this should be insane. I'm not sure, but I'm gonna say JD because I've seen him do utterly insane shit and make it look beautiful on the page.


Main Event

Singles Match for the SWF Heavyweight Title

Tom Flesher vs. Frost

- A possible Outside of PPV MOTYC here. I'm gonna say Flesher, but Frost will be bringing his A game and then some. First match on the card I'm gonna read, for sure.

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