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Guest Mole

Something I noticed about Disney movies...

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Guest Mole

This was brought up in one of my classes today when we were talking about Ethan Frome.


Someone said that about 90% of antimated Disney movies don't have two parents in them, or if they do atleast one of them dies. The Little Mermaid had one parent, Bambi had one but they died, etc.


The only one that I can think of that had two parents that didn't die was 101 Dalmations.


Isn't that a little weird?

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Guest El Satanico

Not as weird as the satanic symbols in all of the pre lion king era classics.

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Guest Downhome
This was brought up in one of my classes today when we were talking about Ethan Frome.


Someone said that about 90% of antimated Disney movies don't have two parents in them, or if they do atleast one of them dies. The Little Mermaid had one parent, Bambi had one but they died, etc.


The only one that I can think of that had two parents that didn't die was 101 Dalmations.


Isn't that a little weird?

I have never thought of this before, but now that I do, you are right.



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Guest Downhome
Did Walt not have two parents or something?



Walt was born on Dec,5,1901.  He was born in Chicago but after he was born his family moved to the midwestern farm in Marceline,Missouri.He had three older brothers and one younger sister. Walt had a early interest in drawing and art.At the age seven he started to sell paintings to his neighbors. Walt's mother and father took his draw things untill his grades went back up.When Walt was sixteen he quit school because he was failing and got in lots of trouble for not paying attention in class. That is Walt Disney's Childhood.




...he had both parents in his life, so I dunno.

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Guest Ravenbomb

it's weird, I just watched Song of the South, I don't see why they wouldn't release it. Aside from the fact that it's a peice of shit movie, that is.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Let's see here:


The kids in Peter Pan have two parents, although you only see them for a second.


The kid in Toy Story has two parents I believe.


I think the family in the Aristocats have two parents.


I think Lady's owners in Lady and Tramp are a couple.


But most of the others are singles parents.


Did you look at any of the old live action films? The two most famous from Disney being Old Yeller and Mary Poppins, both two parent families although the dad is gone for most of Old Yeller.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Also, I just thought that a lot of Disney films are based on old legends and stories, not original Disney creations so it's not really Walt and the studio laying things down that way.

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Guest Mole

I am talking about Disney cartoons, not people movies.


And in Toy Story it was just one parent, not two.


Peter Pan himself only no parents, and I am basically talking about the main characters, but I guess that is different.


However, most of the movies don't have two parents in it. I am sure that would be an interesting research paper, but I don't wanna look that shit up.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

In the Great Mouse Detective, Olivia has only her father with no mention of dear ol' mum.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
it's weird, I just watched Song of the South, I don't see why they wouldn't release it. Aside from the fact that it's a peice of shit movie, that is.

Fuck THAT noise. Song of the South OWNS YOU AND YOUR MOTHER.


Or father, whichever parent is still alive in the Disney universe.


Oh, and that Urban Legends page is wrong. Aladdin SOOOO says "Come on... good teenagers... take off your clothes!" I remember going back and listening to it many times for a laugh when I first heard that.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
Oh, and that Urban Legends page is wrong. Aladdin SOOOO says "Come on... good teenagers... take off your clothes!" I remember going back and listening to it many times for a laugh when I first heard that.

Indeed. The page just seems to take Disney's word on everything. What are they supposed to say, "Yes, there are cocks in the Little Mermaid?"

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Guest Grand Slam

Actually, it is pretty simple why there are very few parental figures in Disney flicks.


It is a simple storytelling device in most cases. You take away the crutches for a character in order for them to grow. Plus it gives you the opportunity to have a surrogate parent in the story somewhere. In a way, Wendy is very much a mother figure to Peter Pan. Ariel buys into Ursula's spiel because she fulfills the "Mothering" role well enough. Jim in Treasure Planet has no father, so he looks to Silver as a surrogate father figure.


Add into that the old "economy of thought" in the storytelling prosess (which is really, really important to animation where very new character is a ton of drawings and money) and why have two parents when one will move the story along just as well?

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Aladdin SOOOO says "Come on... good teenagers... take off your clothes!" I remember going back and listening to it many times for a laugh when I first heard that.

Uh....when does this happen?

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Guest Mole

Okay, the whole thing with the minister having a chub is SO fuckin true. They are showing the wrong stills from Little Mermaid. If you look at another shot of it, you can SO see him having a chub, not his fuckin knee.

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Guest Ravenbomb

SONG OF THE SOUTH is politically incorrect? Didn't Birth of a Nation get a DVD SE?

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

That shit's not controversial


You want controversial, look on Kazaa for the Disney Nazi cartoon made during WW2.

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Guest El Satanico
You want controversial, look on Kazaa for the Disney Nazi cartoon made during WW2.

bah...WW2 propaganda isn't controversial. Nor is it surprising that Disney made WW2 propaganda cartoons.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
SONG OF THE SOUTH is politically incorrect? Didn't Birth of a Nation get a DVD SE?

Birth of a Nation is also very historically significant. Song of the South should be, but isn't.

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Oh, and that Urban Legends page is wrong. Aladdin SOOOO says "Come on... good teenagers... take off your clothes!" I remember going back and listening to it many times for a laugh when I first heard that.

Agreed. I've seen the Aladdin one, the 2 Little Mermaid ones, and the Lion King S-E-X one.

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Guest Ravenbomb
SONG OF THE SOUTH is politically incorrect? Didn't Birth of a Nation get a DVD SE?

Birth of a Nation is also very historically significant. Song of the South should be, but isn't.

whoever plays 'Uncle Remus' was the first live actor ever hired by Disney, that's pretty significant

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Guest RepoMan
That shit's not controversial


You want controversial, look on Kazaa for the Disney Nazi cartoon made during WW2.

The one's about the Japs are very controversial

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Aladdin doesn't say "take off your clothes" he says "Shoo Tiger, take off and go" cause it's the scene where he's on the balcony and the tiger is growling at him and he's trying to get the tiger to leave him alone.

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