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Guest Mole

Who has gotten used to...

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Guest Mole

So who has gotten used to it?


I am totally used to it now, and I thought it was weird in the RVD thread that Anglesault wrote WWF instead of WWE.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'm use to it. I've got it in my head to call 2002-current WWE, and unlike the WWE I refer to the older stuff as WWF, you can't rewrite history

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Guest DawnBTVS

I'm used to it, though occasionally I'll say WWF instead of WWE or vice-versa by accident.

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Guest ISportsFan

I call everything WWE now that Vince puts out on TV and stuff. But, I still call the old stuff WWF.



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Guest RenegadeX28

Well, I sometimes say WWF instead of WWE, but in general, I get the names right.

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Guest Anglesault
So who has gotten used to it?


I am totally used to it now, and I thought it was weird in the RVD thread that Anglesault wrote WWF instead of WWE.

I'll never say "WWE." I hate that they changed the name (Out of their control), and I hate that choice.

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Guest edotherocket

I find it easy to get used to, since it coincides with a period in Vince's company where they not only had a dip in quality but started their WCW phase of bringing in crustafarian old wrestlers so it almost feels like you're talking about a different company or a different era.


I never really got why people were upset why they changed their name and said 'I REFUSE TO CALL THEM WWE!'. I mean, they were only called WWF for 20 years which isn't really that long considering the history of the company and wrestling in general.

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Guest edotherocket

Lets face it, when the company themselves put more focus on the "entertainment" (HLA, Necrophilia, gay marriage, GGW etc.) than the wrestling, it's a way more accurate description.


The longest running feud last year was over Al Wilson.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I call it WWE because I do not like to think the crap being put on my TV each week is at all related to the awesome television of a few years ago.

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I still call the WWE Title, the WWF Title. Because, WWE Title sounds shitty. WWF Title sounds better. So, I still call Brock Lesnar the WWF Champion.




Speaking of the new name being shitty. I know of some Smarks on another board who call it the WWShit.

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Guest Youth N Asia

For some reason it bugs the shit out of me when someone says this guy's a former "WWE champ" even though there was no WWE back then. I don't like when they talk about old WWF events as WWE stuff.


They seemed to be saying WWE a lot when they first did it, just to try and get people in the habit of doing so.

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Guest T®ITEC

I call it "WWF" when I'm talking to people who don't watch a lot anymore... Actually, I end up calling it "WWF" a lot. Or "WWFE" (pronounced as a word... "Whef").

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Hmm, WWShit... Sounds promising.


WWExcretion is my personal favourite.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

If you call it the WWE then regular humans, who stopped watching a couple years ago, have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

I'm used to it, but it still sounds weird to say "WWE".


If I'm talking w/ people who don't really follow pro wrestling, I'll say "WWF".

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Guest Sturgis
you can't rewrite history

The WWF makes WWE refer EVERYTHING(past, prestent) as WWE. WWE can't say WWF anymore and the WWF made them act like WWE was ALWAYS WWE

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Guest Trivia247

im with alot here


Older stuff 2002 backwards WWF


current stuff WWE

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Guest mach7

I agree with Trivia, who agrees with most.


Though, even though most of us are used to it I think it may have hurt them in some areas. Myself, as a consumer in the 18-35 demographic and (former) die hard fan of the "WWF", would not buy too many products associated to WWE or "World Wrestling Entertainment." I mean, come on. Would you rather have a replica belt that said "World Wrestling Entertainment" on it? Or "World Wrestling Federation?" I vote for the latter. Which is why I haven't purchased any in a long, long time.

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I'm totally used to WWE as far as typing it (to the point where, despite the general concensous in here not to, I retroactively type WWE when talking about older things, and when I watch the PPV's where they would open with pyro and Jim Ross starts yelling, I expect him to welcome us to a WWE or World Wrestling Entertainment show.


However, I find actually SAYING WWE to be a different devil all together. I often slip out WWF, and when I speak with casual fan friends some aren't even familiar with the name change causing me to say WWF so they know what I'm talking about.

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Guest El Satanico
I hate that they changed the name (Out of their control)

To say that WWF and Vince had no control on the name change issue is complete and utter bullshit. Vince was in total control of the situation and he is completely at fault for the name change.


Vince broke the original agreement he had with World Wildlife Fund, which gave the WWF good reason to go after Vince. The WWF even offered Vince a deal before the case went to court. Instead of paying them off and working out a new contract Vince went to court because "I'm Vince McMahon damnit and I can't lose".




To answer the question at hand...I was used to it the day they announced it. However the fact that i laughed about Vince losing instead of whining over a letter likely helped. I now refer to them as WWeee or WWe.

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Guest notJames

Since the change, I have and will forever refer to Vince's leprosy-ridden company as WW_.


When speaking, I call it Wheeeeeeeeee, as in what a child would say while riding on a swing.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I still call it WWE, a decision I made the day they changed it.


They should have changed it to that anyway.


World Wrestling entertainment Federation


Notice the e isn't capitalized. Less emphasis on the E aspect..

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Guest Space_Cowboy

I got used to it pretty quickly. I don't particularly like it, but i'm used to saying WWE now.

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Guest mach7
I still call it WWE, a decision I made the day they changed it.


They should have changed it to that anyway.


World Wrestling entertainment Federation


Notice the e isn't capitalized. Less emphasis on the E aspect..

Or why not just stick with that they were calling it for the year prior? WWFE. World Wrestling Federation, Entertainment. That's what they changed Titan Sports to. I never understood why Vince wouldn't just drop a small but noticable E into the logo, that way it's still (technically) the same name. WWFe.


Vince is a strange idiot. Rich. But still an idiot.

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I generally refer to it as WWE, but if i'm talking about it and not really thinking WWF will slip out.

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