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Guest tank_abbott

Raw Review

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Guest tank_abbott

1 year ago


APRIL 22ND 2002:

Brock Lesnar pinned Jeff Hardy

Rob Van Dam pinned Mr. Perfect

Goldust & Booker T defeated Bubba Ray Dudley & Spike Dudley

William Regal pinned Shawn Stasiak

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin & The Big Show battled Scott Hall & X-Pac to a No Contest


2 years ago...



APRIL 23RD 2001:

Rhyno pinned Spike Dudley to retain the WWF Hardcore Championship

Kaientai defeated Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather

Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho defeated William Regal & Kurt Angle in a Submission Match

The Big Show defeated Test by DQ

Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko defeated Raven, Grandmaster Sexay & Steve Blackman in a 6-Man Tag-Team Match

Trish Stratus pinned Ivory

Edge, Christian, Triple H & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin defeated The Hardy Boyz, The Undertaker & Kane in a 8-Man Tag-Team Match


And RAW Year one:


APRIL 19TH 1993:

Razor Ramon pinned Virgil

Giant Gonzalez pinned L.A. Gore

Tatanka pinned Art Thomas

Money Incorporated defeated The Beverly Brothers

Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Phil Apollo


So is Raw better now or then????

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Guest tank_abbott

My thoughts: Rob Van Dam pinned Mr. Perfect Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho defeated William Regal & Kurt Angle in a Submission Match Edge, Christian, Triple H & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin defeated The Hardy Boyz, The Undertaker & Kane in a 8-Man Tag-Team Match all sound really good



I hope we all appreciated those 2001 Raws....

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Guest bob_barron

You can't just look at one RAW and say whether things are better or not.


That said- Regal v. Stasiak was AWESOME

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You can't just look at one RAW and say whether things are better or not.


That said- Regal v. Stasiak was AWESOME

That was bloody hilarious. Stasiak runs out to his old cool music, psyches the crowd up, runs into the ring, and is immediately floored with the knux. And Regal called Stasiak a "silly pillock" before the match, which is pretty hilarious too.


I'd say Raw right now is better than the beginning, but not better than the last few years.

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Guest the r-train

A little better than last year, not nearly as good as 2001, and MUCH MUCH better than the first year.


Tank, this is a neat thing, you should start doing this for pay-per-views, or if you don't, then I will.

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