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Guest Jack Potts

Daffney Unger/Shannon Ward

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Guest Jack Potts

I don't know if this is the right forum for this, but I was wondering how many fellow Daffney marks were out there who would love to see her in the WWE?


She's an 11 on the charisma scale, cute, and a worker comparable to Lita when she debuted in the WWE.


Just wondering.

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Guest Steviekick

Daffney could be an awesome addition to RAW's women. She doesn't necessarily need to be a full time wrestler, but she'd be cool. I could see her being paired with Jeff Hardy and them turning hell on Trish.


Seriously, Daffney definitely has an in at the WWE. Her husband is from the band Stuck Mojo, and he moonlights in Fozzy with Jericho. All it takes is a few good words from Jericho, and she's in.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I liked her. I think she had a tryout with WWE a year or so ago. And she had an appearance in the women's battle royal in NWA-TNA week 1 or 2.

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Guest iamsherm

No thanks.


Don't get me wrong, she was somewhat entertaining in her stint in WCW, but I've about had my fill of stars from the past. The WWE should focus on fresh faces and doing something new and different for a change. That's what will bring me back as a viewer at least.

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Guest razazteca

Her tatoos are better than Lita's. The stuff she did in WCW were good considering it was just secondary show angles like the one with Crowbar and that guy that looked like him.


That Scream of hers is one of the better gimmicks a wrestling valet ever had in the business.


Daffney > Stacy talent wise.

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Guest Vitamin X

I <3 Daffney


And the stars from the past thing doesn't really apply to her because she was never a big name from the past, but she could become one in the WWE...she is still relatively young, is she not?

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Guest Jack Potts

I think her loopy, goofy character would be a fresh change of pace from the other "Divas." Besides the scream, she's got great facial expressions and emotional range, relative to most other wrestlers.


Imagine her in full, crazy goth chick mode as a valet/cheerleader for Kane. I think it'd go over like gangbusters.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

WWE wouldn't hire her because she isn't blonde and doesn't have fake tits. In other words, a "DIVA"

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Guest Jack Potts

Sadly, I think you're right about that HollywoodSpike. It's the same mentality that led to the Molly-has-a-fat-ass storyline/running joke.


I mean, think about it. Torrie Wilson has been involved in the industry for how long, and she can barely act and still can't figure out the most basic spots. Yet she's prominently featured on a weekly basis because she's a blonde with big boobs.


Meanwhile, they bury Molly and Lawler denigrates Jazz's looks at every opportunity. These two are arguably the best female athletes they have, so build up their strengths instead of tearing them down because they don't fit some narrow definition of beauty.

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Guest Frankie Williams
WWE wouldn't hire her because she isn't blonde and doesn't have fake tits. In other words, a "DIVA"

Molly isnt blonde with fake boobies.


Then again Molly hasnt won a match since dropping the title to Trish so maybe you have a point.

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Guest El Satanico

I was also a Daffney "mark" and would love to see her on WWeee or NWA:TNA.

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Guest geniusMoment

What a surprise almost everyone on the board agrees to bring in a chick who can't work, sucks at promos and won't mean any money at all. Yet you are just so eager to criticize vince for bringing in Sable. Almost everyone at this board seems to hate girls that fit the definition of "society pretty", by that I mean thin, big boobs, tan, blonde, kind of like barbie. It seems you guys have either been rejected or ignored by that segment of the girl population and have some hostility towards them, just an observation, maybe I am wrong.

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Guest El Satanico

geez...touchy are we


No one is suggesting that she will make WWe money. Since when did those who will go to the mid/lower card need to make them money?


Oh Yeah WWe bringing in worthless Sable(she can't wrestle and she's not even the best looking female there) whos likely making alot more money that she's worth is exactly the same as bringing in an inexpensive girl who could do valet and the occcasional mixed tag match without being a bum that needs carried :coughtorriecough:.


It would be like saying we're wrong for wanting them to hire an inexpensive indy guy just because we had a problem with bringing in Nash and Hall.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
What a surprise almost everyone on the board agrees to bring in a chick who can't work, sucks at promos and won't mean any money at all. Yet you are just so eager to criticize vince for bringing in Sable. Almost everyone at this board seems to hate girls that fit the definition of "society pretty", by that I mean thin, big boobs, tan, blonde, kind of like barbie. It seems you guys have either been rejected or ignored by that segment of the girl population and have some hostility towards them, just an observation, maybe I am wrong.

All I am saying, is that she is different from the other divas. She is pale, has dark hair, is a metal head, and can pull her gimmick off well. I have nothing against blondes with big tits (trust me, I don't.), but from the looks of the things in the WWE, it looks like that's all Vince wants.

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Guest iamsherm
And the stars from the past thing doesn't really apply to her because she was never a big name from the past

Whether it applies or not, wouldn't you agree that the roster is already big enough as it is? They are having enough trouble finding TV time for their current stars.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
And the stars from the past thing doesn't really apply to her because she was never a big name from the past

Whether it applies or not, wouldn't you agree that the roster is already big enough as it is? They are having enough trouble finding TV time for their current stars.

That it true. But she is a manager. She would only be out for 1 match a show, and possibly a skit backstage. 6-7 minutes in a 2 hour weekly show isn't that bad.

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Guest Jack Potts

geniusMoment: I beg to differ with your contention that Daffney can't work or cut a promo, and I stongly believe that she has a lot to offer as a wrestler or a valet.


I've got no personal beef with Trish, Ivory, Jacqueline, Molly, Victoria, or Lita. My perceived "hostility" toward Torrie stems from my belief that, if you're an entertainer on a WRESTLING program, you should be able to credibly execute the fundamentals of WRESTLING.


If I want fitness models, I can turn on ESPN2. If I want soft-core porn, I can turn on the Spice Channel or the Playboy channel. What wrestling programs provide best is WRESTLING. Yes, I would like my female wrestlers to be attractive. Just do not cast aspersions upon me because I do not have a painfully narrow, media generated image of what "attractive" is.


Additionally, I object to Sable's presence in the WWE, because her presence there is hypocritical, considering her previous statements about her treatment and the creative direction of the WWE. She bit the hand that fed her, and then proceeded to kiss it after she realized that the mainstream entertainment industry didn't care about her without the marketing muscle of the WWE to prop up and camouflauge her paper-thin talent. Once she realized that Hollywood is glutted with 30ish blondes with fake breasts, she came crawling back to Vince. THAT'S my issue with Sable, so there is no "maybe" about it. You are wrong.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I liked Daf. I think the last straw for me in WCW was when they fired her, but signed Ms. Jones to a new contract.

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Guest AndrewTS
I've got no personal beef with Trish, Ivory, Jacqueline, Molly, Victoria, or Lita. My perceived "hostility" toward Torrie stems from my belief that, if you're an entertainer on a WRESTLING program, you should be able to credibly execute the fundamentals of WRESTLING.


Indeed. That doesn't mean she has to know how to wrestle, but at least provide a useful function. All she provides is Tn'A. Torrie can't wrestle, can't cut a promo or convincingly work an angle, or anything like that. Either have her wrestle Stacy in a Tn'A match (Lingerie Match at No Mercy 2001 was perfect for her. Both girls were able to utilize their talents.)


Torrie is only on TV because she's pretty, dumb-looking, blond and has big tits. I can see that anywhere. Show me something different. Show me Daffney shrieking as she throttles Stephanie. Show me Molly vs. Gail Kim in a high flying affair. Show me Trish and Victoria kicking each others' asses in a Chicago Street Fight (Trish may be blond/have big tits, but she can wrestle and does have a unique body shape at least). Show me Jazz murdering her opposition on Raw.


Having Torrie out on TV actually trying to ACT is a fucking embarassment. Plus, as it has been said before...


do not bother with a lesbian angle because you cannot pay the fucking thing off you dumbasses. You can't do it on basic cable, and you've already pussed out on PPV.


If she's only a valet, I have no problem with that.


As for Daffney, she has a unique--and definitely somewhat arousing--look to her. The gimmick is pretty funny, and she pulls off being psycho a hell of a lot better than Victoria.


Plus, she made David Flair somewhat watchable. TOP THAT, TORRIE!! I FUCKING DARE YOU!! You can't even do jack shit with Kidman who at least can wrestle!


Daffney's an Iron Maiden fan, too. So she's cool with me.

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Guest geniusMoment

I find it laughable that people feel Daffney is even a good worker. Every diva match needs to be scripted out entirely, when they lose tract of where they are the match completely falls apart, they can't improvise. I have seen Daffneys so called work for Dusty's promotion, she still can't work. Compared to a decent male worker none of the wwe divas are worth a shit. Also my point was not that I want sable back, because I don't. I have always differed from most of you when it comes to women in wrestling. I don't want a woman to get a spot just because she is a women, I want her to be a better worker than the average male wrestler, don't say what about Nathan Jones because I don't think he should be there either. The people want to see puppies, they still chant it. I just read a house show report where the crowd was chanting spread your legs at trish and victoria. I also don't think they should use t&a anymore, I just think t&a is better than what they are doing with the women now. So I guess my ultimate victory would be for all of the women to be fired unless they are world class workers.

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Guest Steviekick
Who did she marry a while back?

She's married to Rich Ward from the bands Stuck Mojo/Fozzy

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First off, Torrie is mediocre on the mic. Secondly, in my opinion she isn't THAT hot. I mean, come on, if anything, she's pretty damn plain. Stacy's hot, Trish is at the very least good looking, and I consider Molly, Nidia and Victoria to all be quite good looking as well. But Torrie? Naaaaah. Hell, Torrie also manages to find herself thrust into stupid storylines with no payoff at all. She's pretty damn worthless all-in-all. I liked her when she was Tajiri's valet, but when she's Miss Perfect who goes over everyone (Of course, it's just Nidia and Dawn on the Smackdown womens 'division' right now, but still) and does absolutely nothing for me. Maybe other people find her to be hot, and if so, all right, but I couldn't care less about her, which is why I don't give a damn.


I barely remember Daffney, as I didn't watch much WCW, so I won't comment on that, but considering what I DO remember about her, the idea of her joining up with Jeff and Jeff turning on Trish actually sounds cool.

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Guest subliminal_animal
No thanks.


Don't get me wrong, she was somewhat entertaining in her stint in WCW, but I've about had my fill of stars from the past.  The WWE should focus on fresh faces and doing something new and different for a change.  That's what will bring me back as a viewer at least.

Yeah, as soon as they bring her in, the audience is gonna so be like, "Another WCW has-been? Get off the stage, grandpa, and take your diapers with you!"


I don't care if someone said you were silly already.


And the stars from the past thing doesn't really apply to her because she was never a big name from the past,

She is so old, man. Enough with the seniors already! God! We've had enough of the golden age oldie-goldies tour, Vince, your senile old fool!


Molly isnt blonde with fake boobies.

Well, then I don't smell money on that honey. In fact, I smell the stench of worthless.


Then again Molly hasnt won a match since dropping the title to Trish so maybe you have a point

I don't know, she's pretty handy against that Jacqueline usually. See also my post in the Heat spoilers thread for more exciting info!


What a surprise almost everyone on the board agrees to bring in a chick who can't work, sucks at promos and won't mean any money at all.  Yet you are just so eager to criticize vince for bringing in Sable.

Sable probably cost more. Plus Vince doesn't decide those things; those are important decisions.


Almost everyone at this board seems to hate girls that fit the definition of "society pretty", by that I mean thin, big boobs, tan, blonde, kind of like barbie.

Barbie is drop-dead gorgeous. Da ass!


It seems you guys have either been rejected or ignored by that segment of the girl population and have some hostility towards them, just an observation, maybe I am wrong

"The girl population." That's quite a a flair with words you have there, but do you also have a flair for the GOLD!


You're not making many friends here, new enemy.


No one is suggesting that she will make WWe money. Since when did those who will go to the mid/lower card need to make them money?

coughRVDcough LOLMAOOLFLRO...........


Oh Yeah WWe bringing in worthless Sable(she can't wrestle and she's not even the best looking female there) whos likely making alot more money that she's worth is exactly the same as bringing in an inexpensive girl who could do valet and the occcasional mixed tag match without being a bum that needs carried :coughtorriecough:.

"Inexpensive girl" makes her sounds cheap. And it's mean to call Torrie a bumb. Also, she's not nearly as bad as everyone makes her out to be. She's not good, but she's really come a long way and you can see continuing improvement.


Then again, I have eyes and no bias. Dissss ...


It would be like saying we're wrong for wanting them to hire an inexpensive indy guy just because we had a problem with bringing in Nash and Hall.

Good point! Yowch! Poked myself on it!

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Guest MillenniumMan831

The only WWF women that I've ever seen that I'd pay 2 nickels to actually see wrestle would be The Jumping Bomb Angels from their exposure in 1987-88.

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Guest AndrewTS
The only WWF women that I've ever seen that I'd pay 2 nickels to actually see wrestle would be The Jumping Bomb Angels from their exposure in 1987-88.

They wouldn't push them in WWE, or rather a pair like them. No women's tag division let alone a deep women's division, plus they were kinda flat. They also had the "thick in the thighs" look a lot of the women wrestlers of that era did.

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Guest iamsherm
No thanks.


Don't get me wrong, she was somewhat entertaining in her stint in WCW, but I've about had my fill of stars from the past.  The WWE should focus on fresh faces and doing something new and different for a change.  That's what will bring me back as a viewer at least.

Yeah, as soon as they bring her in, the audience is gonna so be like, "Another WCW has-been? Get off the stage, grandpa, and take your diapers with you!"


I don't care if someone said you were silly already.


And the stars from the past thing doesn't really apply to her because she was never a big name from the past,

She is so old, man. Enough with the seniors already! God! We've had enough of the golden age oldie-goldies tour, Vince, your senile old fool!

Who said "stars from the past" has to equate to old age? All I was trying to say was Daffney, much like Steiner, Goldberg, Nash, Sable, Piper, etc. is old news. The WWE has many men and women busting their ass in OVW just itching for a spot on the roster. If you ask me, it's an insult to their hard work and determination to continually bring in these so-called "quick fixes" who bring nothing new to the table.


And who said I was silly?

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Guest geniusMoment

Whoever said the lower mid-card doesn't need to make money needs to take an economics class. You don't add employees, even the minimum wage suckers, without hoping they will mean you see some more of the green.

As for the divas of WWE lets see:

Trish-screws up her own finisher half the time, if she was a male everyone would be calling for his dismissal

Lita-screws up the flying head scissors almost every time as well as overshooting her finisher, the moonsault

Jackie-perhaps the most boring performer in the history of the sport, yes I am counting Who, she has no distinctive manuevers and still manages to screw up simple spots

Victoria-has a kickass finisher and I have been impressed with her ability to hit moves but has no ring presence, in other words if something doesn't come off as planned she has no idea what to do and the whole match turns to shit. And keep her away from the acting aspect of WWE

Molly-seems to hit her moves and has more of a ring presence then most of the divas. The major problem I have with her is the impact of her moves, something I could say about all divas. Her punches, closelines, slams, suplexes, back elbow in the corner have basically no impact and look like they wouldn't hurt a flee. I remember a quote from Shane Douglas, "The divas offense is horrible. It looks like they are hitting each other with wet noodles.

Ivory-same problem as Jackie, no distinctive moves. You have been with the company four damn years and you can't come up with a decent finisher. Give me a break. If any male wrestlers offensive set was as bad as hers you would be calling for her head.

Jazz-despite her reputation among smarks as a good worker she has never had a **** match. I can't think of any male wrestler who is considered a good worker with this lousy of a workrate record. Anyone who saw how exposed she was in ECW wrestling males knows not to believe the hype.

I don't even need to point out the flaws of Gayda, Nidia, Torrie, Sable, Stacy and Dawn.

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