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Guest Zack Malibu

Booking Feedback Thread

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Guest caboose

AnglePlex is making me feel guilty for ever being in the OAOAST.


Look I have no idea why I got given the chances I did, but if you look at it this way...


::tries to defend himself::


I quit when I was the champion.

I only have maintained a main event sequence by constantly making over the top returns. I would have in all likelihood disappeared off the Main Event had i ever stuck around.


I understand you are upset because everyone who started with you got to the main event and you didn't. And for that I have no answer.

But I would not deny the fact that those in 'power' have their favourites.

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Guest Tony149
But I would not deny the fact that those in 'power' have their favourites.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. While many of the Mods have friendships with fellow OAOASTers, with the exception of me, as I rarely talk with anybody -- just ask BPP; he was around my area one time and asked if it would be fun to stop by, I basically told him no; I seriously doubt Mods play favorites. Do they help guys out? Sure. Are there grudges between folks in the OAOAST? Probably. Do Mods try to hold anybody back? I don't know -- and I would hope that isn't the case as the OAOAST isn't real, so playing politics would be dumb.


It's a shame what happened to AP. All the Mods past and present like him, but nobody thought being a Mod was the "holy grail" of being in the OAOAST. If we knew back then what we know today, we would of made AP a Mod quicker. I don't know about the others, but I never knew AP wanted to be a Mod, I just thought he was joking. That's a huge reason I hardly pulled the trigger in accepting Mods. That and the fact I was given suggestions on who should be in.

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Guest Angle-plex
AnglePlex is making me feel guilty for ever being in the OAOAST.

You shouldn't. I never said you did anything.


I understand you are upset because everyone who started with you got to the main event and you didn't. And for that I have no answer.


Nobody seems to have an answer for this, and that's a problem. And this isn't just about me. Hell, Evenflow, Superstar and Sandman may have deserved it more than I did, and they weren't in the main events either. I'm just wondering why. It doesn't look like I'll be getting an answer either, since non of the mods from back then know.


I only have maintained a main event sequence by constantly making over the top returns. I would have in all likelihood disappeared off the Main Event had i ever stuck around.


Again, this isn't your fault, but instead of you getting your main event spot back, I think it would have been better to give it to one of the guys that stuck around. That's just my opinion, though.


EDIT: And just so you know, even if I had been a OAOAST World Champion, or even if I had had a good run in the main events, I still would have had a problem with how the fed was being run, but I probably would have stuck around.

Edited by Angle-plex

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Guest Tony149
...I still would have had a problem with how the fed was being run, but I probably would have stuck around.

I don't understand that, never did. What's wrong with the way things are being runned? I've tried figuring that out, but never could. All I heard was "glory days," so after you became the first non-Mod to suggest a split, everybody agreed, thinking most of the problems would be solved.


Do we start doing 3 shows (one IZ, hD & PPV) a month, with everything else being posted in TOAOAST? That'll be the closest to the old days without dropping the weekly shows totally. Fuck, if that would bring back the peace, and possibly the guys who quit, I'd be all for it. That would drop any sort of "power" some might think Mods have. Shit, we could even throw names in a hat, or a poll, to decided who gets a shot at the OAOAST title.

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Guest Angle-plex

Tony, I meant in the Vanilla Midgets days. Things are MUCH better now, but I just couldn't get interested again (which is my fault).

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Problem is we're just starting to get really good at the way we're doing it now. I love writing stuff for a show each week.


It seems to me most of the arguing is about stuff that happened in the past. We have a lot of new blood right now with good writing skills making the shows quite interesting.

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Guest Lightning Flik
We have a lot of new blood right now with good writing skills making the shows quite interesting.

Are you sure about that??


I've only done one RP and frankly just suggested everything else that needed to be done for my character.

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Guest Lightning Flik
There are still a lot of good writers.

Ok, I'll give you that. Just dn't say all the new blood do anything.


...then again, I'm just living up to my namesake. :P

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Guest Angle-plex
But I would not deny the fact that those in 'power' have their favourites.


It's a shame what happened to AP. All the Mods past and present like him, but nobody thought being a Mod was the "holy grail" of being in the OAOAST. If we knew back then what we know today, we would of made AP a Mod quicker. I don't know about the others, but I never knew AP wanted to be a Mod, I just thought he was joking. That's a huge reason I hardly pulled the trigger in accepting Mods. That and the fact I was given suggestions on who should be in.

I didn't want to necessarily become a mod, but if I don't understand why I wasn't asked, However, if I was one, none of the losing streak bullshit would have happend, and I'd probably still be in the OAOAST today.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Hey AP, you know you're more than welcome to come back here anytime. You know you'd have a big say in how things went.

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Guest SP-1

You know, the fact that nobody has an answer for you AP, might suggest that there wasn't really a problem. It just never came up as a serious consideration, given how you went along with all the joking and whatnot. Which isn't to say you deserve that, but it is to say that there probably wasn't any malicious intent behind it.


Tell you what. If you want to come back, I think you deserve to be a mod. I really do. You obviously had a heart for it at one time, and that's what's definitely needed. I'll hand over my spot to you if you want it.


No, I'm not joking. The offer is on the table.

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Guest Angle-plex

Thanks for the offer, SP, but no thanks. Like you said, I had the heart at one time, but I just don't think I do anymore. You seem to, and I'm glad to see that the other OAOAST guys noticed and gave you your mod spot.


And I didn't go alone with the joking all of the time. Toward the end I did because I didn't care anymore. I never actually stood up like this and protested, but I was told numerous times that I would stop being booked as a joke (Popick feud, NA Title win, ect.), so I didn't think speaking up like this was going to be necessary.


EDIT: By the way, anyone else think this Hulk Hogan/Mr.America is eerily similar to the AP/All American Boy thing?

Edited by Angle-plex

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Guest SP-1

That's understandable. Hopefully, things are shaping up and are going to go differently now. In fact, it's my mission as a moderator to make sure that stuff like that doesn't happen again.

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Guest Tony149
EDIT: By the way, anyone else think this Hulk Hogan/Mr.America is eerily similar to the AP/All American Boy thing?

Yes. Motherfuckin' Vince McMahon stole that shit from us. :firing:


It was based on the Midnight Rider/Yellow Dog angles, though.


FYI: I actually came up with the AAB storyline, but it tanked and tanked fast. Who was doing the writing for that?


And IIRC, that was supposed to be the start of a serious AP character as he would of tricked BPP, and won the feud, but things didn't turn out that way. Maybe because you didn't write much of it, and I never made sure to see the story go in the direction I wanted it. I want to say BPP wrote most of it but I'm not 100% sure.

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Guest Angle-plex

Yeah. I turned on Smackdown last night and saw Hogan dressed like that, and I immediatly thought of the All-American Boy.


As for the writing; I'm pretty sure I stopped writing all together around then, unless BPP asked me to write a promo or something. So either BPP or someone else must have wrote it.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

i think i wrote the title match and that was it, where aab beat me and i got the crap beaten out of by the reformed aWo...


i dont recall writing anything else.


im glad you think we have turned a corner though ap, that does mean alot


and, since i was around back then, no one ever talked about you that i can remember...no one talked at all


we've talked more oaoast in the last 2 months than we did in the first 11


at least, thats how i seem to recall...right now i have to clean out my pm box 2 or 3 times a week, back then id go a month without deleting stuff

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Guest Angle-plex

I think up wrote the flaming casket match too, Popick. I remember you telling me that you were the face, and I was confused because I had no idea we did a double turn.


The only match I might hae wrote was the first one (the job vs career match). Then I wrote a few promos and that was it.

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Guest caboose

Lets get this thing back on track...


MISTER WARRIOR/Caboose was a joke!


Are you guys booking on tissue paper or something?!



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Guest Zack Malibu

I'm glad that we have some new faces aboard. Some members of the roster have been relatively quiet (understandable in most cases, as Paul Stanley has a baby to take care of, etc.) so I've gotten several new people involved, such as IDRM, Mach7 and the soon-to-be-revealed mystery person. I've also gotten offers of assistance from Caboose and VanSiclen when it comes to putting shows together, which works out well with summer coming up on us. At least we know we have backups if someone is unable to post the show on a given week.


The organization and contributions to this roster have been great. We haven't had a bad show yet! Here's to keeping the streak alive.

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Guest Jimmy Beard

i would just like to say that caboose talked about this place and i thought , god that can't work what a waste of time and effort, what a sad waste of time, but i must admit i'm actually getting into all the this fantasy wrestling lark, yeah i might not have the most creative writing skills (urinal potty matches) but i sure do enjoy watching matches unfold and fueds becoming more and more intense, hey its just a shame we can't put some visual meaning into all of this, all i can say is i'm happy to be on board and keep up the good work


oh yeah i'll leave my critisism until another time, don't want a bad name now

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Guest Some Guy

I don't think we need to get more visual but it would help if invented moves were explained better because some of them I don't understand or they would be physically possible and that kind of messes up my visualization of the match. Most of them you can clearly picture though.

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Guest Jimmy Beard

yeah i must agree but it would be nice to see some sort of games console style matches, so we could watch what happens but obviously that would take forever to do so i will shut up

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