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Guest Anglesault

Good God, We need Angle back NOW

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Guest Anglesault

Just bring him back and cut promos for everyone. That three way in the ring was embarassing. Cena was WAY off his game. Benoit was really kind of okay, but not good. Brock sounded fucking drunk. Did he say the word "noggin"?


We also know why Team Angle shouldn't speak without Heyman or Kurt, and I don't know if it was the match or the material, but Eddy's delivery was very un-Eddy like (perfect) tonight.


Kurt should just roam the halls and read people's lines for them

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Guest Choken One

Get off it you fucking pretentious overbabbling numb nut Angle SPUNK swashing motherfucker...


We're tired of your overbearing "ANGLE ROOLZ and EVERYONE ELSE DROOLZ" mentality that you've infected upon this place.


Take the time while your God is Broken Necked and get in touch with this place called reality.

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Guest Mik at Cornell
Get off it you fucking pretentois overbabbling numb nut Angle SPUNK swashing motherfucker...


We're tired of your overbearing "ANGLE ROOLZ and EVERYONE ELSE DROOLZ" mentality that you've infected upon this place.


Take the time while your God is Broken Necked and get in touch with this place called reality.

Tell us how you really feel.

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Guest ShamRock
Cena was WAY off his game. Benoit was really kind of okay, but not good. Brock sounded fucking drunk. Did he say the word "noggin"?

I disagree with you on that matter. Cena was the best one in the ring. He got his point across and was over with the crowd. Just because some wrestlers aren't good as Kurt on the mic, don't mean they suck. Try being optimistic sometimes.


If anyone sucked on the mic it was Benoit. Face it fellow smarks, he just sucks on the mic. He is a great wrestler and all, but in this era, it takes mic skills to get a push, in my opinion.


And Brock...was just Brock.


Just my $0.02.

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Guest Nanks

Oh man, this could get pretty good...

The point is valid nonetheless though AS, I mean Christ, how did you ever watch WWE before Angle?? You'll be petitioning for him to get a sex change to spice up the Women's Division soon

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Guest Mulatto Heat
If anyone sucked on the mic it was Benoit. Face it fellow smarks, he just sucks on the mic. He is a great wrestler and all, but in this era, it takes mic skills to get a push, in my opinion.

I know. He's just soooo depushed these days. ;)


At any rate, I disagree. But that is all as I don't feel the need to justify it.

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Guest Coffey

Ladies & gentlemen of the Smart Marks...SIMON...HAS...A...PROBLEM!!!






























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Get off it you fucking pretentois overbabbling numb nut Angle SPUNK swashing motherfucker...


We're tired of your overbearing "ANGLE ROOLZ and EVERYONE ELSE DROOLZ" mentality that you've infected upon this place.


Take the time while your God is Broken Necked and get in touch with this place called reality.

Imagine. Before, people in Iraq couldn't speak like this. But thank god for freedom of speech, because then we can bash everyone who's simply expressing their opinion. I wonder if some of the Iraqis right now are goin "Ve're tired of your overbearing 'TIGER ALI SINGH ROOLZ and EVERYONE ELSE DROOLZ' mentality ! Sure, Lo Down ruined his career, but vat about the Sultan ? Vat about him, you numb-nut, TV stealing, horsefucker ! Ah, screw it ! *stab*"


This is the guy's opinion. Let him have it. Brock obviously sucks on the microphone. Cena's mic skills are either you like them or you don't. Benoit sounds like he took a bottle of sleeping pills before going down to the ring. Eddie's interviews sometimes consists of nothing more than Spanish, and a simple "mahn." Angle is probably the best mic worker on Smackdown, so why isn't someone allowed to simply express this opinion ? I guess I don't get it....

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Guest Coffey
Well, this thread degenerated into nothing pretty quickly.

Tony....What's this yak doin' in da ring?


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Guest Choken One

I might totally agree with AS, You never know but His Whole Pro-Angle Anti-Everything bullshit has gone far too long.


AS has basically been reduced to a blundering one note whiner.

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Guest Anglesault
Get off it you fucking pretentious overbabbling numb nut Angle SPUNK swashing motherfucker...


We're tired of your overbearing "ANGLE ROOLZ and EVERYONE ELSE DROOLZ" mentality that you've infected upon this place.

I didn't say ANYHING about any of those guys in the ring, just so everyone knows. I was just saying that they were bad on the mc. Cena is usually much better than that as well. I'm sorry, Angles a better mic worker than those three, and that segment sucked. It was half joking anyway? Do you think I really expect him to roam the halls readig Sable's lines?


I disagree with you on that matter. Cena was the best one in the ring.


No argments there.


Just because some wrestlers aren't good as Kurt on the mic, don't mean they suck.


He wasn't nearly as good as he usually is. John Cena wan't as good as John Cena out there.

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Guest Army Eye
Angle is probably the best mic worker on Smackdown, so why isn't someone allowed to simply express this opinion ? I guess I don't get it....

I guess YOU haven't read this same opinion the first 5,000 times it was posted.

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Angle is probably the best mic worker on Smackdown, so why isn't someone allowed to simply express this opinion ? I guess I don't get it....

I guess YOU haven't read this same opinion the first 5,000 times it was posted.

I have, but is it much different than the constant - and I mean CONSTANT - ideas of "Yeah, we can do this for Benoit. Then put him in the Main Event at WrestleMania. We'll make him a star." or "How about this ? How about we give Booker T the title, and then he can feud with Jericho over it ? Then they could Main Event."


People on this board repeat their opinion. Several times. To the point where you feel like ripping your hair out of your head. But that doesn't mean they don't still have the right to do it. I despise the Benoit and Booker T loving, but I don't call these people "numbnuts" and "motherfuckers." I just mutter "asshole" under my breath and move on to something else. That's the American way !

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Guest Lightning Flik
I just mutter "asshole" under my breath and move on to something else. That's the American way !

And then you proceedingly stab them in the back.


Well, that's how we do it in Canada. OR at least as far as I've seen and done.


Anywoo, I have to agree though with some of the things; Benoit was a little off his game tonight on the mic. But at the same time, I think that's more because of the fact that he can't deliver that intensity at a single person as it has to be directed at two different people. Get him one on one and he does alright, but in a triple segment and it doesn't really work as well.


As for Cena, I thought it was good. Great as his other promos? No. However, it still did the job that it needed to. Want proof? He's getting a good crowd reaction.


As for Brock, I actually don't mind his promo tonight. Why? Cause he sounded like your average joe. Like while he's this big monster, he's not really different from you or I. Sure, it was a little goofy in places, but seriously isn't as bad as everyone is making it out. At least, I think that way, but that might be because I'm looking at it differently than everyone else is making it out.


My only thing is, "noggin"? Querky.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest Anglesault

Brock's promo wasn't as bad as it was out of place. It wasn't a monster's promo. And he sounded like a drunk man.

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Guest Choken One

It did seem odd to see that Brock was just Happy...No Anger or Agression...Just HAPPY BROCK.


How long has he had that Pyro when he does the Happy Dance? I like it...


Cena is a good Worker with the mic, His ability to freestyle is a HUGE help for his promotional ability (the ability to sell his image) and Besides...His Knock on Lesnar with the Concussion? Great Line.


Benoit never has sounded like a Bad Ass...Just a Guy whom is intelligent and Crafty guy...Kinda like A.A without the quick wit.


Benoit really was out of place there...


However...I think it nicely planted the seeds for the Summer Program with Lesnar and Benoit...

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Guest Anglesault
Cena is a good Worker with the mic,

Usually. I didn't like it tonight.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

It's all a matter of taste. I came across this just now. A difference of opinion to say the least about that segment. Not everyone thinks the same way as you.

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Guest commie_050
Do you think I really expect him to roam the halls readig Sable's lines?

Now THAT would be entertaining.

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Guest Austin3164life

Other than Kurt Angle (as a complete package pro-wrestler), Cena is the best thing going for Smackdown. No disrespect to Chris Benoit, but without a personality and with a "Toothless Aggression" persona, you're not really going anywhere. Both Benoit and Cena looked good tonight in the ring, even though the commercial break gutted the match. Cena was a bit off tonight on the stick, seeing as he didn't rap in his first segment. His usual rap wasn't as flowing, but still delivered and worked the fans. Great t.v. main event. Good selling and psychology from both guys.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Kurt should just roam the halls and read people's lines for them

How about Angle replaces Cole as play by play until his neck heals?


If they put him in Cole's spot, then put Flair in Lawler's spot, both shows would be much more enjoyable for a while.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Hay duudz wut's goin on in dis thread?





:ph34r: B-) :ph34r:

B-) :ph34r: B-)

:ph34r: B-) :ph34r:

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Guest Choken One
Kurt should just roam the halls and read people's lines for them

How about Angle replaces Cole as play by play until his neck heals?


If they put him in Cole's spot, then put Flair in Lawler's spot, both shows would be much more enjoyable for a while.

Therein lies the Problem...



Cole and Tazz are *clicking* and hitting it on all clyninders. So Why seperate these guys at this point. They are the best Combo in years, only Heyman/Ross has been better.


If you Replace Cole with Angle...You have two former (For the most part) wrestlers sitting there...If Kurt was announcing he would have to be the Color Man and I can't buy Tazz as the Straight Face Announcer.


So Having Kurt Angle as a Color Commentator isn't that great of a idea...



As for Raw...I won't go with Flair either...Flair needs to be the Spotlight...He can't just tell us about the guy in the spotlight...


Raw DOES need a Face-Lift however...


Lawler is considered a Joke by the fans AND WWE but is only employed because they can't think of anything else to do there...


Ross is still decent and If you get a New Commentator to replace Lawler. It can't be Coach, Matthews, Miller.


The List is Short (from WWE employees...Sorry no Jesse or Callis)


-Al Snow-

-Paul Heyman-

-Eric Bischoff- (Hey, It IS Raw right?)



That's It.


Ross/Heyman was great but I think Ross/Snow could be great...


If there wasn't a fued...Ross/Bischoff would work...

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