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Guest realitycheck

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Guest realitycheck

Well, guys, a pretty good show all around, with perhaps a few too many no-shows. I'm especially impressed with Blackwell's win, and the way Atlas and Card managed to get a respectable main event in to avoid near no-show catastrophe.


Speaking of which, Thoth thought that it was a double no-show originally, so here's what he wrote to go in place of it... Bon appatite.




The arena comes back into the view of the TV. An arena of sight and sound. Where nothing is as it seems. At all.


?We?re ready for the main event of the evening! A handicap match between-? Axis is cut off by a voice in his ear. ?Huh?? he remarks. ?Why not? ...they WHAT? Can we get a camera crew over there? Fans, looks like we have some technical difficulties-?


Axis is cut off by the mainacal laughter of the Suicide King as the camera shows both Sean Atlas and Spike Jenkins with their legs caught in a heating grate. Va?aiga looks at the scene like it was two retards fighting.


?You?re a sucky partner!? he says, smacking Spike in the back of the head before leaving. Both of them groan, trying to pull their legs out of the heating vent. Boy, they sure are silly little bastards.


?Ha!? says King. ?What a pair of stupids.?


?Well, I guess that?s our show. G?night-?


But wait! Just before the cameras turn off, who should appear but...










THE RED HURRICANE! The crowd does absoultely nothing because no one remembers who the hell he is! Suddenly, he falls down and faceplants the entry ramp. On his back, letters are carved into his skin. The camera pans a closer look, and it reads:


?Thoth is the new booker for the JL, and this is a reminder as to what happens when you no-show on his time.?


?P.S. Mike Van Siclen is a queef.?


Fade to black.

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Guest Evolution

My match would make my immediate family ashamed if they read it.


That's all I have to say.

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Well, this Blackwell deal changes things a bit...


Anyhow, I'm surprised Va'aiga and I actually got something decent out there. I essentially started ten minutes after the deadline, minus the entrances and such. Sucks for Holly that he didn't show, as he's actually have a chance.


And dammit, I had such a good opportunity to do an anti-easter promo, with Crow coming out to do a pro 4:20 promo against me. Why do I think of these things so late?

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