Guest MideonMark Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Ok, so these WWE employees get a lot of hate on the boards, but do you have any positive memories or good things to say about them. It might be promos, matches, one liners, segments/vignettes they were part of, anything. Triple H Test Jerry Lawler Big Show A Train Jeff Hardy Scott Steiner Kevin Nash Stephanie Bill De Mott Undertaker Sable Feel free to add more that I havent mentioned Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - the Quad tear Test - his "Love Her or Leave Her" match against Shane McMahon Jerry Lawler - his feud with Andy Kaufman (esp. the Letterman stuff) Big Show - his Hogan impersonation against Angle A Train - when he used to use his inverted TKO as a finisher Jeff Hardy - his tag work against E&C Scott Steiner - his tag work pre-bicep injury Kevin Nash - see Triple H Stephanie - her UT kidnapping and liberation by Stone Cold Bill De Mott - nothing Undertaker - his first WWF appearance at SurSer Sable - her Playboy spread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lightning Flik Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - His feud with Cactus Jack. Test - Probably would be the whole marriage angle with Steph. Just cause he didn't get Steph. Jerry Lawler - Sometime in 1997 I believe. It was when he could do good color. Big Show - His busting out of the mat and slamming Rock. That's it. A Train - His matches against Benoit. Jeff Hardy - When he actually had good matches, or rather when he still was in a tag team. Scott Steiner - Back in WCW. Kevin Nash - Again, WCW as the Outsiders. Stephanie - Before her boob job. Bill De Mott - M.I.A. Undertaker - Before the American Bad Ass Gimmick. The Urn 'Taker. Sable - Um... Practically never. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eagan469 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H Test Jerry Lawler Big Show A Train Jeff Hardy Scott Steiner Kevin Nash Stephanie Bill De Mott Undertaker Sable Triple H - jobbed to Warrior Test - keen ability to mimick Nash's circa-1995 moveset Jerry Lawler - seems like a nice guy Big Show - his face run in 2000 was good A Train - he can shave! Jeff Hardy - took big risks (emphasis on took) Scott Steiner - was great in the early-90's Kevin Nash - I liked Diesel Stephanie - nice tits Bill DeMott - I liked Hugh 1995 in WCW Undertaker - great performer Sable - see: Stephanie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - His 2000 run. Test - His match with Shane at Summerslam 1999. Jerry Lawler - He used to be great before 1999. Big Show - Charismatic, and he has some nice power moves. A Train - Has some nice power moves. Jeff Hardy - Was once a pretty good wrestler before he got lazy. Scott Steiner - He was fantastic before the arm injury that ruined his career. Kevin Nash - He was good as a bodyguard for HBK. His problem began when he stepped in the ring. Stephanie - Umm...I really can't think of any. Her match with Trish at NWO 2001 I guess. Bill De Mott - He used to be pretty good for a big guy, but he's banged up these days. Undertaker - Did his best work when the WWF needed him the most (1997). Sable - Has no redeeming value. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - 2000 Test - feud with Shane McMahon Jerry Lawler - Never Big Show - Never A Train - Never Jeff Hardy - Hardy/E+C/Dudley feud Scott Steiner - Pre-Steroids Kevin Nash - Never Stephanie - she was a heel and wore those cheap clothes Bill De Mott - WCW in the MIA Undertaker - Never Sable - Playboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H He really was fun to watch at one point. Test Nothing. Jerry Lawler When forced to, he can show a glimmer of hope. Big Show Very, very funny man. A Train The Hip-Hop Hippo was inoffensive Jeff Hardy There was a time when he cared. Scott Steiner See Triple H Kevin Nash See Big Show Stephanie I hear she's a lovely person. Bill De Mott I hear he was great on TE Undertaker TOMBSTONE~! Dead man ruled. Sable She's still pretty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted April 21, 2003 HHH- Hell his entire run in 2000, and just about everything before the quad tear and politics. The man was the second coming of Ric Flair (with everyone even calling him the New Man as well) until the quad tear, refusal to put people over, and Kurt Angle came along and DID become the 2nd coming of Flair. Test- His whole 'I'm trying to be a smooth cat picking up chicks' thing last year..or was it 2001? I forget, but it was HIlarious Jerry Lawler- ...... I have nothing positive to say about this man. Maybe Andy Kaufman, I suppose.. Big Show- Goofy Big Show. The guy being serious doesn't scare me or anyone else especially after putting so many people over. A Train- His "much improved" run in 2001, when everyone actually for some reason said he got better in his ring work..then for some reason just stopped trying so hard. Jeff Hardy- All the Hardy Boyz matches before they got stale, and of course the Xtreme ladder matches and TLC's and whatnot Scott Steiner- FRANKENSTEINER~! Kevin Nash- Stephanie- Um well damn I think she always has and always will look cute, even if a tad bit chubby. Bill De Mott- Hugh Morrus and the No Laughing Matter. No big fat moonsaults in the WWE Undertaker- I don't know why, but I loved the Ministry of Darkness and the Corporate Ministry. Dark Undertaker got by awesomely on just the gimmick, and now that he doesn't have that his workrate is so exposed. Course, now it's too late to go back (which in WWE logic means he will) Sable- who? I liked the black hands on her tits thing some time ago, and she still has a bit of attractiveness to her, I think. But she's pretty worthless now, yeah..and always has been. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - has had some great matches in his carrer Test - good moveset Jerry Lawler - can be funny sooometimes Big Show - funny guy A Train - he's ok but should go back to his old attire Jeff Hardy - had the revolutionazing TLC matches, ladder matches, etc. Scott Steiner - never really liked him Kevin Nash - cool guy, had some good matches with HBK Stephanie - she's or used to be hot Bill De Mott - never liked him Undertaker - Hell in A Cell 1 and 2 are my favorite moments with him Sable - is hot, posed nude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - His heel work in 2000. His feud with Cactus Jack. Test - When he use to use the Meltdown and actually connect with it. Also, his matches against Triple H & Shane McMahon. He was funny when he didn't give a shit because of his Invasion immunity too. Jerry Lawler - Anything that Lawler does away from the WWE is pretty much gold. His old work with Andy Kaufman. Big Show - I like all of the Big Show's goofy gimmicks in the WWE. Showster, Shonan the Barbarian, Showkishi, etc. A Train - His determination to get better. You can tell that he's at least trying in the ring. I think that he works his ass off. Jeff Hardy - When he didn't seem so sloppy...back when he would hit the Swanton Bomb crisp. His hardcore match with RVD was was most of the TLC matches that he was in. Scott Steiner - When he was still tagging with Rick Steiner, he was great. His WCW main event solo work. The majority of his promo's that included making women reach nirvana then calling him the daddy. Kevin Nash - His powerbombs to Erich Bischoff & Terry Funk. Anytime he would take out random cruiserweight for mic time. When he sized up Rey Mysterio, then had to set him on the top rope for it to look right. Stephanie - When she was hot. Bill De Mott - His WCW work when he was Gen. Rection. Sure, the gimmick was bad, but Hugh Morrus wasn't. I can't hate this man. I like everything that he does pretty much. Including Tough Enough. Undertaker - I still mark for both the Tombstone & Last Ride. When he came out wearing purple & black with the top hat I was a big mark too... Sable - The grind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H- Smell what the Crock is Baking? Test- Love her or Leave her Jerry Lawler- vs Tazz, Summerslam 2000 Big Show -The Showster A Train- He likes Vader Jeff Hardy- the original LADDER Match Scott Steiner- Midajah Kevin Nash-Him and Scott Hall, NWO 2002 Stephanie-Great Rack Bill De Mott- Hugh G.Rection Undertaker- His stuff with Kurt Angle was funny Sable-Nice Rack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DawnBTVS Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - Any of his DX skits with HBK, The Nation and Corporation Impersonations...Summerslm 98 Ladder Match Test - "Love Her or Leave Her" match with Shane McMahon Jerry Lawler - Classic remarks during the Bret vs Lawler Feud Big Show - Wrestlemania 17 Hardcore Title Match A Train - Teaming with Test in T and A Jeff Hardy - No Mercy 99', TLC's, Feuds with E/C and Dudleyz Scott Steiner - Early 90's work Kevin Nash - Debuting as HBK's bodyguard and that whole gimmick Stephanie - Becoming a "business" more schreechiness Bill Demott - Being managed by Jimmy Hart Undertaker - Debut at Survivor Series, jobber matches, Casket Match vignettes before RR 94 Sable - Her 97-98 work with Marc Mero, busting out a TKO vs Luna in the mixed tag match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest caboose Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - 2000 Test - Vs. Shane in the street Fight (SummerSlam 99) Jerry Lawler - One liners around 98/99 Big Show - Destroying DDP and the nitro set/Showster A Train - Tagging with Scotty Jeff Hardy - TLC matches Scott Steiner - Vs Booker T (Spring Stampede 1999) Kevin Nash - Dropping Big Show on his neck Stephanie - Being saved from sacrifice by Austin Bill De Mott - 'Is your name supposed to be Humourous? WHAT?' - Austin Undertaker - Vs. Shawn Michaels in the Hell In A Cell Sable - Handprints Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheZsaszHorsemen Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - His AMAZING run in 2000/2001. Evolution was pretty cool too. Test - His Europeon Title reign. Jerry Lawler - His feud with Andy Kaufman Big Show - Everything before he was sent to fat camp in OVW. A Train - His match with Kane was shockingly good. Jeff Hardy - The Hardy Boyz were a great tag team before they went stale. Scott Steiner - Ummm, there was that whole "Steiner Brothers" thing. Kevin Nash - Diesel was cool before he turned face. Stephanie - The limo with Taker. Bill De Mott - Winning the WCW US Title Undertaker - His character up till 1999 Sable - Her 1998 run. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GeneMean Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - I wasn't reeeeeeally gonna put her (Linda) in the pedigree. Great promo that teased the end of the facgime Test - the SS match with Shane was fun Jerry Lawler - c'mon JR don't be a mother-canucker .. the Kaufman feud was GOLDEN Big Show - taking a jackhammer from Greenberg was pretty cool A Train - move along please Jeff Hardy - I loved the run the rail spot when he used to do it good Scott Steiner - We're here in the show me state of Kansas City ... I grinned every time he took the stick Nash - I love the kliq 2-arm 'point' he would do before tagging in Hall Stephanie - My old boss looked exactly like her pre-inflated boobs/slut facgime hair Bill DeMott - I liked him on TE3 Undertaker - I always liked his matches with Austin Sable - hands painted on boobies were cool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DerangedHermit Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H most of his stuff from late 1997 to late 2000 Test his feud with Shane Jerry Lawler pre WWF days, digs on Jake The Snake Big Show The Giant in WCW, Valentine's Day Massacre, SNL, Conan, the impersonations A Train when he was with Bossman for like two weeks Jeff Hardy anything pre-2002 Scott Steiner most of his stuff pre-roidization Kevin Nash lawn darts with Mysterio, nasty powerbombs, WCW mic work Stephanie verbal bouts with Jericho, Steph/Trish Bill De Mott Austin saying "Hugh Morrus? Is that supposed to be humorous?" Undertaker pre-1994 and 1996-2000 UT, HitC, Ministry, Unholy Alliance, his entrance at KotR 1998 and Judgment Day 2000 Sable 1998 and her spraying perfume in Shane McMahon's mouth Feel free to add more that I havent mentioned Goldberg: the streak X-Pac: DX and ripping into Bischoff and Hogan JR: 1998 and before (except for the toga at WM 9) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CED Ordonez Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - His work in 2000. The original botched Pedigree. Test - "Love Her or Leave Her" match vs Shane McMahon Jerry Lawler - His comments during his feud with Bret Hart. Big Show - His Gimmick Period which culminated in the one-time appearance of The Showster A Train - Nothing comes to mind. Jeff Hardy - The TLC matches. Scott Steiner - The Frankensteiner and the Steiner Screwdriver Kevin Nash - His shilling of the nWo commemorative pins: "Limited to the first 2,500 customers after that [in a really whiny voice] nobody will have any!" Stephanie - The pre-heel, pre-boob job era. Numerous pop-outs during the heel and boob-job era. Bill De Mott - Having his moonsault no-sold by a then unknown Bill Goldberg. Undertaker - No selling a casket on his arm during his feud with Jake Roberts. The Tombstone Piledriver. Sable - Doing a TKO on Luna and Marc Mero. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CED Ordonez Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - His work in 2000. The original botched Pedigree. Test - "Love Her or Leave Her" match vs Shane McMahon Jerry Lawler - His comments during his feud with Bret Hart. Big Show - His Gimmick Period which culminated in the one-time appearance of The Showster A Train - Nothing comes to mind. Jeff Hardy - The TLC matches. Scott Steiner - The Frankensteiner and the Steiner Screwdriver Kevin Nash - His shilling of the nWo commemorative pins: "Limited to the first 2,500 customers after that [in a really whiny voice] nobody will have any!" Stephanie - The pre-heel, pre-boob job era. Numerous pop-outs during the heel and boob-job era. Bill De Mott - Having his moonsault no-sold by a then unknown Bill Goldberg. Undertaker - No selling a casket on his arm during his feud with Jake Roberts. The Tombstone Piledriver. Sable - Doing a TKO on Luna and Marc Mero. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Will Scarlet Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - I used to actually enjoy him as Frenchmen Jean-Paul Levesque and as the American Blueblood Hunter Hearst Helmesley(sp?) when he first came into the WWF. Test - I marked for him in the Union, and I used him whenever I played Wrestlemania 2000. Jerry Lawler - He was entertaining at one point in the '90s. Big Show - Well, he's pretty funny, and I marked for him in WCW. A Train - I liked the Hip Hope Hippo gimmick he had, and when he teamed with Test. Jeff Hardy - before he became rainbow brite, he was partly entertaining. Scott Steiner - he was my favourite wrestler in 1993, and one of my favourites in WCW up until the league foldeed. Kevin Nash - his laziness inspires me. Stephanie - I liked her when she first came into the WWF. Bill De Mott - I loved the Misfits in Action. Undertaker - He could enjoyable before he was past his prime. Sable - She seemed like a hottie when she first accompanied Triple H to the ring from what I saw on Confidential. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H - his 2000 run, plus the 1998 stuff with DX Test - the Love Her Or Leave Her match w/Shane Jerry Lawler - anything pre-WWF Big Show - Saturday Night Live, and his run after WM2000 (culminating with the Showster) A Train - tagging with Scotty Jeff Hardy - the run with the Dudleys and E&C Scott Steiner - tagging with Rick pre-nWo Kevin Nash - the original forming of the nWo Stephanie - being the target of the Jericho feud, plus the love triangle before the non-finish Bill De Mott - Austin ragging on his name ("Is that supposed to be humorous?") Undertaker - anything pre-Judgment Day 2000 Sable - her 97-98 run, and the TKO on Mero Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H From October '99 until January '02, HHH was my favorite wrestler. The guy busted his ass in the ring, and was great at being heel. His matches were constantly the best on the card. Before his quad injury, he was THE man. Test I don't change the channel now when he's doing a backstage skit. I find him to be hilarious. And he was pretty damn good in '99 when he debuted, too. Jerry Lawler Ummm...he was part of one of the greatest feuds ever, Lawler vs. Kauffman. Big Show He could feed a third-world country. A Train The skit where Test called himself Han Solo, and called Albert Chewbacca, was good. Jeff Hardy He's not at Sabu levels of badness yet. Scott Steiner Good character towards WCW's end. Kevin Nash Funny guy, and pushed for Mike Sanders to have a larger role in WCW. Stephanie I think she's fucking hot as hell. Bill DeMott I actually liked the MIA. As Hugh Morrus, he put on some decent brawls in WCW, and towards WCW's end, he was genuinely over (he also busted his ass off). Undertaker As THE UNDERTAKER, the man was the coolest gimmick this side of Raven. Now...he's switched roles with Brian Lee (Brian Lee once played the UnderFaker, now 'Taker plays "Prime Time" Mark Calloway). Sable I spent many a-nights coming into my own in the 6th grade to pictures of her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H: He was funny in DX Test: His match with Shane at SummerSlam '99 Jerry Lawler: Used to be a good commentator Big Show: Is actually a very funny man A Train: One of the few hosses I can sometimes stand Jeff Hardy: Used to be good when he was motivated and healthy Scott Steiner: Was an awesome tag team wrestler back in the day Kevin Nash: I'll admit one time I was a Diesel mark...before he won the WWF Title...when he was a heel Stephanie: Was at one time pretty cute Bill De Mott: I liked Hugh Morrus when he first debuted in WCW Undertaker: Was awesome back in the day Sable: Nothing....sorry I never liked her Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H-Any redeeming factors are negated by the fact that he slept with Chyna before I could. Test-My inspiration for an "Elian Gonzalez" role-play (promo) I did in e-feds a few years back. Jerry Lawler-He can still be pretty funny. Big Show-I like him. A Train- Ditto as long as they keep him away from title belts. Jeff Hardy- Can't stand him. Scott Steiner-Steiner Bros. were my team back in the day. Kevin Nash- I marked for Diesel Stephanie- Steph's cute. Bill De Mott- I liked him in the Dungeon of Doom. Undertaker- I still like Taker. Should go back to the darkside though. Sable- I briefly had a crush on her in mid-97 and early -98...when the Chyna crush kicked in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Ok, so these WWE employees get a lot of hate on the boards, but do you have any positive memories or good things to say about them. It might be promos, matches, one liners, segments/vignettes they were part of, anything. Triple H -- 2000 and 2001 he was great in the ring and on the stick. His fued with Foley made a lot of great memories. He was funny in DX. Test -- The "Love Her or Leave Her" match. Getting bashed in Mick's book. Jerry Lawler -- The angle with Bret where he had Doink replace him at Summerslam (93?). Often has funny lines, although he's just a poor Heenan wannabe. Big Show -- Tag matches with Tajiri and Spike Dudley were fun to watch. Showster and his fued with Bossman was funny. A Train -- The night he and Kane somehow put on a good match. Occasionally he surprises me during his matches and does something cool. Seeing him job to Benoit always makes me relieved. Jeff Hardy -- Was a fun to watch worker at one time, bumped like a freak and didn't have a look that made me want to vomit. Scott Steiner -- Good tag matches with Rick. Nothing memorable as Pump. Kevin Nash -- Had good matches with HBK and Bret Hart. Stephanie -- I thought she was cute back before she became a constant on-air heel character and infected the WWF/E with her shitty writing. Bill De Mott -- Misfits In Action was stupid, but occasionally amusing. Cool to see a big guy do a moonsault. Undertaker -- Loves the fueds with Mankind, Austin, and many of the matches they produced. He's a fun character in Wrestlemania the Arcade Game. He made HBK job the title to Austin before he turned into the politicking prick he is today. I fucking loathe the biker character and have nothing good to say about it, or him. Sable -- I ALWAYS HATED THIS BITCH!! FUCK SABLE!! Feel free to add more that I havent mentioned Hogan -- provided tons of unintentional comedy moments in WWE, not to mention the fued where he was hit with a woman's shoe in WCW. Hall -- Good worker when he wants to be, drug use has really fucked up his life. Piper -- Once was great in the ring and on the mic. Now an insane, delusional old man. Vince -- The fued with Austin, playing Mankind's father figure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted April 21, 2003 Triple H...great matches with Cactus stuff is funny Jerry Lawler...commentating was good till 2001 Big Show...funny work with Bossman (not meant to be though) A Train...matches usually aren't long Jeff Hardy...TLC Scott Steiner...use to mark for the frankensteiner Kevin Nash...OUtsiders were cool the body Bill De Mott...I got to yell "Fly fatass fly!" at the Pillman 2001 memorial show. Undertaker...beat Hogan Sable...saw her titties Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LooseCannon25 0 Report post Posted April 22, 2003 Triple H ---- Had a great 2000 and a tremendous feud with Cactus Jack, as well as The Rock. Test ---- New stuff is amusing and the "love her or leave her" match at SummerSlam was great imo with great heat. Jerry Lawler ---- Great heel champion of the 70's and 80's. A great asshole heel character. Big Show ---- Very athletic in early in career in WCW including ability to do a kip up (impressive for a 7 footer). Also, i liked his jealousy feud with the Rock in 2000 where he originally cut his hair to look like The Rock. A-Train ---- A lot of guys hate him here, but I think he's tolerable. Can be carried to decent matches. Has a good look (please shave the back and chest hair though) Jeff Hardy ---- Great tag team wrestler as far as spots go in TLC and ladder matches from 2000-2001. When motivated can be exciting cruiserweight in the future. Scott Steiner ---- I liked him in WCW before his foot injury. MAster of suplexes and frankensteiner. Kevin Nash ---- Symbolized the cool heel with the start of the Outsiders, had some good matches in WWF with Owen Har, Bret Hart, HBK, and Undertaker. Stephanie ---- Nice, nice curvy body and very pretty face. I think she's hoooooooot. Bill Demott ---- I hated the MIA, but was cool in Dungeon of Doom as the laughing man. Not a bad hoss and does a picture perfect moonsault. The guy busted his freakin ass in this business. Undertaker ---- Until "Biker Man Walking" gimmick came he was a very agile and athletic guy for his size. I mark out for Deam Man Undertaker and the rope walk is very impressive. Sable ---- I think she is very pretty since the first time i saw her as an escort for HHH. Awesome body, and pretty face. Can be entertaining in this lesbian angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted April 22, 2003 Triple H - I was a mark for him in 2000. Test - Ummm well he makes a big boot look like a convincing finisher...hell Nathan Jones can't do that! Jerry Lawler - Well I heard he was fun in his Memphis days Big Show - Two words: The Showster A Train - He actually had a decent match with Kane Jeff Hardy - at one time looked like he was the future and I marked when he won the IC title over HHH...for a week Scott Steiner - At one time was one of the best in the business hands down Kevin Nash - the initial n.W.o. run renewed my interest in wrestling after not paying attention to it much for a couple of years Stephanie - Uhhh sorry nothing Bill De Mott - the fact that Buff Bagwell said that he would never be a star and basically didn't deserve to be pushed made him a favorite of mine during the dying days of WCW Undertaker - plenty here and he was a favorite until his biker gimmick Sable - none...never found her attractive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites