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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Raw Rating hits..

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

WWE RAW scored a 3.8 rating this week with a 5.7 share, off hours of 3.3 and 4.1. That rating is up from last week's 3.4 and is a very good sign going into Backlash this Sunday.


The 4.1 for hour two is also one of RAW's stronger hours in recent weeks, with the Rock Concert II segment doing a 4.7. The strong 4.7 rating for the segment seems to show growing interest in the Rock/Goldberg feud, which is what WWE is counting on to sell Backlash.




heh, heh, heh.

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Guest Downhome

Well I just went to 1wrestling and it's true, and I'm simply in awe. Not even I expected such a rating, not at all. I mean, a fucking 4.7 for Rock/Goldberg/Gillberg?



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Guest ViciousFish

I enjoyed Raw even though I watched hour 2 then hour 1 'cause I got a little involved playing some PS2. I can believe the rating too bad Rock is leaving after Backlash which will really set them back.

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Guest AndrewTS

And we have the first ratings bump for Goldie. Two? Do I hear two?


That might be all it gets.

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Guest Downhome

Back to reality for a moment, even though the number jumped up to a 3.8, it still doesn't say too much to me. Sure, Rocky/Goldberg pulled that great ass 4.7, but the rest of the show, just ugh. Untill it goes under 3.0 or over 4.0, as a whole, I will not really think anything is changing at all.


So, do people remember Goldberg, or not? Isn't that the highest rating segment in weeks now?

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Guest AndrewTS
A 3.8?!?!?!?! For the piece of shit that was Raw last night?!?!?!! :o :o

Gillberg = ratings.

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Guest El Satanico

Well if the rest of the show sucked like you guys say, this ratings "jump" won't mean anything as those that tuned in will say "the show still sucked" and will tune back out.

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Guest Downhome
A 3.8?!?!?!?! For the piece of shit that was Raw last night?!?!?!! :o :o

Gillberg = ratings.

Amen, we need more of this guy. ;)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(misses the days when 4.7 was the rating the entire show would get)

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Guest AndrewTS
A 3.8?!?!?!?! For the piece of shit that was Raw last night?!?!?!! :o :o

Gillberg = ratings.

Amen, we need more of this guy. ;)

Heheh...indeed. I marked out more for Gillberg than I ever did Goldberg. :P


Well if the rest of the show sucked like you guys say, this ratings "jump" won't mean anything as those that tuned in will say "the show still sucked" and will tune back out.


Which is why the ratings bumps never last: Raw almost always sucks, especially these days.

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Well if the rest of the show sucked like you guys say, this ratings "jump" won't mean anything as those that tuned in will say "the show still sucked" and will tune back out.

Especially given the ending. After all, there was a real sliver of hope that Booker T would win the belt. But they BUTT-fucked us yet again and I doubt that the ratings will go up for the show again any time soon...

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Guest edge-o-matic
A 3.8?!?!?!?! For the piece of shit that was Raw last night?!?!?!! :o :o

Gillberg = ratings.

Nah, stalling car = ratings ;)

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Guest AndrewTS

Call me crazy, but I don't think the Clique love-fests (including HHH pulling down HBK's pants) are drawing. Nash, either. :P

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Guest notJames

Let's see how well Goldberg does when he isn't playing opposite the Rock.


BTW, I wonder how the Clique will spin this one in their favour…

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Guest Mad Dog

Well it appears people just tune in for Rock/Goldberg stuff and just turn off the rest of the show.


Post-Backlash will probably be down considering how horrible of a show it was.

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Guest Choken One

Vince: Looks at Ratings Sheet...

Jr: Good Night Boss?

Vince: It looks like our Investment paid off in the end J.R...


:::Door Shoots Open:::


:::Big Sexy, Game and HBK all stroll in...Wearing Matching Pink Tanks:::


:::Nash softly brushes his hair:::


:::HHH kisses Stephanie on her way out:::


:::HBK Kisses his Pocket Bible:::


Vince: What Can I do for you Boys? I got more Shovels for the Darky...


Nash: (deep laugh) Don't worry about that Vince, we did the "Job" well last night.


HBK: "JOB"...Good One Kev...


HHH: Whatcha got there Dad? I mean Mr. McMahon.


Vince: Just the ratings...Looks like Goldberg PAID off in the end AFTERALL!


Kevin: Really...


HBK: Heh...Wow.


HHH: (Glazes over) But Vince, Clearly you have to Thank US for those ratings...


Vince: Why is That Hunter?


HHH: Well...We hyped the hell out of Myself and that other guy...Was it Jericho?


HBK: No..not him..the dark one...


Kevin: Booka Dee?


HHH: YEAH! That's the one and besides i think it was clear people were captivated by Big Sexy's return last week and tuned in around 10 hoping for The ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN with myself and Kev but after seeing it was only Billy Boy...Goldberg drove away the fans...


HBK: Oh, Yeah...Drove them away...


Kevin: See? 4.7? It could've been 5.7 if Goldberg had NOT drove them away...


Ross: OMG and if only John Wayne himself, Stone COLD! Mah Gawd were there...


Vince: SON OF A BITCH...HHH you're right...The ratings would've been MONSTEROUS if it weren't for that damned Goldberg...


HHH: So what are you gonna do?


Vince: What you want...


HBK: Well, How about umm...Like let the Darky lay down for Hunter instead of me or Kev because then that would just kill our cred.


Vince: You got it BOYS!

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Guest Youth N Asia

Shit...I have to edit mine off. Choken's was good.

Edited by Youth N Asia

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Guest notJames

Too bad those self-same viewers decided to throw their TVs out the window by the time the Clique hit the last quarter hour.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Next week: Goldberg Concert 1.


I made you out of clay

And when it's dry and ready, with dradle I will play


I'm so sorry...that just came right to my head...couldn't pass it up.

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Guest Lightning Flik



Ok, I can see the Rock Concert 2 getting the 4.7, but I didn't think it would.


Still, it managed a 3.8?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I admit, Rock/Goldberg entertained me. Hurricane/Jericho was a damn good TV match.


It looks like DH has been vindicated

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Guest Downhome
I admit, Rock/Goldberg entertained me. Hurricane/Jericho was a damn good TV match.


It looks like DH has been vindicated

Steiner is also improving, you can't deny that. I mean, he isn't great or even what he once was, but he IS improving. At least he can move about the ring more so now than he could when he first debuted, heh. He really should have went to OVW for a month or two, it would have helped a lot.



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Guest RedJed

My whole philosophy of Rock and Goldberg drawing casual interest when they are TOGETHER in segments is pretty correct so far (they can draw in that way). But put them in different situations and they both draw very little. Just shows how the casuals are still a tad interested in this "dream match" but not particuarly for each individual character........thats the best reasoning I can think of with this.


The buyrate for Backlash will sure be interesting, thats for sure.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I admit, Rock/Goldberg entertained me. Hurricane/Jericho was a damn good TV match.


It looks like DH has been vindicated

Steiner is also improving, you can't deny that. I mean, he isn't great or even what he once was, but he IS improving. At least he can move about the ring more so now than he could when he first debuted, heh. He really should have went to OVW for a month or two, it would have helped a lot.



I'll reserve judgement till I see his next PPV feud. Nowinski's SO over right now that any face he's taking on looks like a million bucks.



Nowinski should feud with Hurricane; who's with me?

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