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Guest JMFabiano524

WWF Magazine comedy

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Guest JMFabiano524

This is too good of a thread to forget. As for my contribution, three words: BURNT TOMBSTONE CUPCAKES. Let's see if anyone can place the article.

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Guest Choken One

Wasn't that a Undertaker Recipe or something around 1995 when Wrestlers would give thier own "Recipe" for the Mag?

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Guest Eagan469

Remember Man Mountain Rock's album reviews?



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Guest Choken One

O Yes...I remember it all! Jericho did a Album review however, his were more credible...

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Guest DrainYou42

I remember Jerry Lawler doing a movie review of "The Lion King" back in '95, and Jeff Jarret doing a music review of somesort. (I think it had something to do with Elvis, but I'm not sure)

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Guest Choken One

I remember Lawler making fun of Cruise...He did a spead mocking hollywood stars...

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Guest JMFabiano524
Wasn't that a Undertaker Recipe or something around 1995 when Wrestlers would give thier own "Recipe" for the Mag?

Close. It was a story about the "lost" childhood of the Undertaker. One of the stories was how, in grade school, for the other children's birthdays, young UT would bring in cupcakes, but all of them were burnt and shaped like tombstones. Also notable because they used "Josephine Scarpa" (Chief Jay Strongbow's real name, feminized obviously) as one of the names of the "teachers."

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Guest AndrewTS

I remember vaguely--think it was Raw magazine's first issue or so--when Sunny did a lingerie shoot. Hot stuff.


The KotR 95 results were pretty humorous, as they paint Savio Vega as a very over underdog babyface who had several big upsets and narrowly came close to making a name for himself.


And who could forget..."My Dinner with Mantaur?" ;)

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Guest AndrewTS
I remember Lawler making fun of Cruise...He did a spead mocking hollywood stars...

If he even hinted at homosexuality he might have been at risk of being sued.

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Guest Aero

I always liked Lex Luger's videogame tip for NBA Jam. Next to the most rediculous close-up picture of his face, his tip reads something like, "When the announcers yell, 'He's on fire!' take a shot from far away... chances are, it'll go in!" I always thought it was common knowledge...


One thing that I always found a bit odd was the cover of a 1999 issue. It had HHH, who was still in DX, on the cover, and the title said something like, "Does it take a Degenerate to beat Steve Austin?" It just made no sense, because HHH was still really only a high mid-carder, and he had no connection to Austin whatsoever, at the time.


Personality Profiles were always a source for comedy. I always remember that Sycho Sid's favorite cartoon character is Babar the Elephant and Taka's favorite athlete is Steve Austin. Then there was the one were for Edge, they just left EVERY category BLANK. I know that his gimmick was the silent rage thing, but couldn't they have just covered someone else? One of the weirdest of all... I think it was for Person You'd Most Want to Meet or something, but Hardcore Holly said, "Judge Judy... because she's Hardcore!" :huh:

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Guest Askewniverse

I remember Lawler doing a review for "The Brady Bunch Movie", and comparing the Harts to the Bradys.


I also remember that Raw and Royal Rumble would always be the top 2 games for each system's Top 10 Games of the Month.


Some of the wrestler profiles were pretty funny as well.

(profile on Steve Austin)

Favorite video game: "I don't have time to play no stupid Donkey Kong when there's real asses to be kicked!"


(profile on Brian Pillman)

Favorite sport: "Football! I played for the Bengals, you #*@$ing moron!"


(profile on Mankind)

Favorite Band: "Rubber"

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Guest Anglesault
One thing that I always found a bit odd was the cover of a 1999 issue. It had HHH, who was still in DX, on the cover, and the title said something like, "Does it take a Degenerate to beat Steve Austin?" It just made no sense, because HHH was still really only a high mid-carder, and he had no connection to Austin whatsoever, at the time.

It wasn't that strange. It was just contemplating what would happen if and when they met up

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...It made Plenty sense it Foreshadowed alot...


It was a good article to tell yas the truth...

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Guest kingkamala

I remember an article about Alundra Blayze, 123 Kid and Shane McMahon going skydiving.....oh it was great. I also remember every other month in the Informer from 94-99 they would hint at a Demolition reunion. I swear they hinted it at least 3 or 4 times. Damn that Informer and his misleading information

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Guest Eagan469

Best cover ever:

February 1994, Shawn on top of the TV's - I thought that was the coolest damn photo


I remember there was a great article in a 1994 issue about Bret drawing cartoons, then there was a huge 2-page drawing he made with caricatures of tons of gimmicks from the WWF.


Can someone scan that? It was awesome.

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Guest kingkamala

The best cover was Bret Hart and Bart Simpson back to back, with Bart dressed as Bret. In that issue they had a section comparing Bret Hart to Homer Simpson that was really retarted. I also found the article strange since the magazine was realized in the summer of 97 during Bret's heel phase and in the article he was a happy go lucky guy that loved watching the Simpsons with his family.

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Guest Eagan469
The best cover was Bret Hart and Bart Simpson back to back, with Bart dressed as Bret. In that issue they had a section comparing Bret Hart to Homer Simpson that was really retarted. I also found the article strange since the magazine was realized in the summer of 97 during Bret's heel phase and in the article he was a happy go lucky guy that loved watching the Simpsons with his family.

..and the article led me to believe Bret was going to be featured in the episode


instead he got a 10-second cameo ;)

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I'll never forget when I was a mark and still thought it was all real despite what others said and had a subscription. I got the issue with the Preview for King of the Ring 95 and it had the full bracket, except that the last qualifying match (Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna) hadn't happened yet and they had Yokozuna in the tournament list! Because of the angle they went with Bulldog/Owen drawing and then changed it to their tag partners, the match got delayed and I saw Yoko placed. I tried to talk myself into thinking it was a lucky guess when Yoko won, but... my visions were still shattered...


okay, maybe the vision shatter is extreme, but that was a slightly on topic little story.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

I remember once reading an article with Lex Luger giving tips for the old Sega game NBA Jam. He said to always take a shot when you are "on fire" or something like that. The sad thing is it is the most obvious thing in the game.

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Guest Jack Tunney

Remember that dumbass "Scoop Sullivan" cartoon they had in 1995?How did that thing end?

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Guest TheHulkster

Every month he would be trapped by the million dollar corporation while delivering papers or walking the dog or something and Bret Hart or Diesel or somebody would go "Hey, you leave that kid alone!" and kick Nikolai Volkoff's and King Kong Bundy's ass saving the day. I was pretty markish when Scoop Sullivan was in the back of the WWF Magazine, but I still thought it was the lamest shit i've ever seen. Equally lame was when Bret Hart's 8 year old son started writing a column. Every month he'd talk about how great Wrestlemania the Arcade game was and what he was doing at school like somebody gave a shit.

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Guest Eagan469

I remember Bret Hart's son used to have a column in the magazine around 1995.


All the girls in 5th grade thought he looked like Jonathan Taylor Thomas on crack :P

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Guest AndrewTS
Equally lame was when Bret Hart's 8 year old son started writing a column. Every month he'd talk about how great Wrestlemania the Arcade game was and what he was doing at school like somebody gave a shit.


Are you saying Wrestlemania the Arcade Game isn't awesome? :P


Hmm...wonder if Bret will train either of his sons to wrestle or has started to already.

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Guest Anglesault
The best cover was Bret Hart and Bart Simpson back to back, with Bart dressed as Bret. In that issue they had a section comparing Bret Hart to Homer Simpson that was really retarted. I also found the article strange since the magazine was realized in the summer of 97 during Bret's heel phase and in the article he was a happy go lucky guy that loved watching the Simpsons with his family.

It was released in April, (May issue) printed in February

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
And who could forget..."My Dinner with Mantaur?" ;)

Ohh my God. That was so great. Mantaur just devoured like a hundred ribs or something and had sauce all over his face throughout the article.


Scoop Sullivan was (I believe) written by Russo. So it was essentially Russo doing comic book booking. Also, once the Million Dollar Corporation ended, The Bodydonnas became the evil characters in it.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

And while we're on the subject, another thing I loved was the "Rookies Today, Legends Tomorrow" or whatever they called it where they would detail a new wrestler each month. Because the WWE frequently introduced guys who would stay around for like three months before being fired (Avatar, TL Hopper, Porteau, Goon, Mantaur, etc.) those articles were just walking advertisements for people to watch Superstars because God knows they weren't making Raw.

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Guest Anglesault

The new Raw magazine (Raw really has no kayfabe) has an interview with Steiner whre they try and make him say his Rumble and NWO matches sucked.

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Guest Anglesault
And while we're on the subject, another thing I loved was the "Rookies Today, Legends Tomorrow" or whatever they called it where they would detail a new wrestler each month. Because the WWE frequently introduced guys who would stay around for like three months before being fired (Avatar, TL Hopper, Porteau, Goon, Mantaur, etc.) those articles were just walking advertisements for people to watch Superstars because God knows they weren't making Raw.

Rookies to Legends. Today it is Superstar spotlight

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The new Raw magazine (Raw really has no kayfabe) has an interview with Steiner whre they try and make him say his Rumble and NWO matches sucked.

*Laughs* Now THAT is a must-read.

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