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Guest ViciousFish

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

We have two options. Steph or Shane.


Steph has proven she can't do it.

With Shane we don't know either way.

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Guest Lightning Flik
We have two options. Steph or Shane.


Steph has proven she can't do it.

With Shane we don't know either way.

That's probably why everyone says give the ball to Shane. At least we'd find out.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

Test is from my hometown.


Funny story..before he made it big, he used to work as a bouncer at a local nightclub my sister would visit. He tried to hit on her, and got shut down. Thus proving my sister has better tastes then Stacy Keibler.


The End.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
We have two options.  Steph or Shane.


Steph has proven she can't do it.

With Shane we don't know either way.

That's probably why everyone says give the ball to Shane. At least we'd find out.

That and Shane's not married to a wrestler.

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Guest Anglesault
Plus Shane can pull a match thats at least watchable out of Big Show and a completely kick ass match when he's working with Angle.  Lets see Vince do that.

That's not really fair. Vince, for all he is, gives 110 % everytime he books himself in a match, and it's usually good. And Shane/Show sucked


Meh... I can take Test any day over HHH.


HHH can still hit *** every few months. Test, in 4 and a half years, has had TWO *** matches.

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Guest Lightning Flik
We have two options.  Steph or Shane.


Steph has proven she can't do it.

With Shane we don't know either way.

That's probably why everyone says give the ball to Shane. At least we'd find out.

That and Shane's not married to a wrestler.

That and at least he makes a match entertaining, unlike his dad and sis, when storylined into one. I mean, anyone remember getting his head smash into the KoR glass by Angle?


Oh, and Andrewisyourhero. Are you trying to suggest that Keibler might have a brain that computes sense? Sorry, but I'm afraid she just runs on instinct.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

I'm saying that My sister was smart enough to realize how useless test is

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Guest Lightning Flik
I'm saying that My sister was smart enough to realize how useless test is

Ah, gotcha.


But I was pointing out the fact that Stacy's more animal than woman.


Meaning, I was giving your sis a compliment as well.

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Guest CanadianChick

Andrew, I don't blame your sister for dissing Test based on looks alone. have you seen that horseface? Ew. And a personality would usually make up for it, but I doubt Test has one of those.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

I remember her saying "He's gotta be on roids. He wasn't that big as a bouncer"

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