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Guest the r-train

One and Only SmackDown! Thread (4-24-03)

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Guest Trivia247

geez remember when Cena tried to Punk out Tazz, and Tazz Tazmissioned him.

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Guest RepoMan

Sure ppl, you think chanting "shave your back" is funny, but all your doing is keeping him in the upper mid-card.

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Guest Trivia247

Benoit might get a match against the FBI..


We might even see Benoit and Jones vs Stabolli and Palumbo

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Guest AndrewTS
Benoit might get a match against the FBI..


We might even see Benoit and Jones vs Stabolli and Palumbo

Benoit and Jones on the same team?


*twitch, twitch*

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Guest Trivia247
Benoit might get a match against the FBI..


We might even see Benoit and Jones vs Stabolli and Palumbo

Benoit and Jones on the same team?


*twitch, twitch*

Scary thought I Know...


but we knew FBI was gonna feud with Taker/Jones


Taker is out, so they started the program with FBI vs Benoit and continue the one with Jones



so Backlash we could very well see


Jones/Benoit vs FBI

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Guest AndrewTS

Now Brock's the world's toughest SOB? They're giving him every "tough guy" nickname that isn't nailed down!!

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Guest Austin3164life

Cena definitely has heat. All he was doing was (great) commentary and people chanted "Go Home Cena". His facial expressions rule all, and I think he's a good actor. Hopefully this Sunday isn't a squash.

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Guest TheGame2705

Tonight proves McMahon has a big man fetish </sarcasm>


I only caught 9 o'clock on. Good I guess but I think I'll stick to RAW.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(finishes watching his tape)


That little shot of Stephanie MADE Smackdown tonight.


That is all.


(goes off to plot the murder of Mr. Levesque)

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Guest ViciousFish

That show of Steph was pretty unexpected. I just wish Jericho was on Smackdown to continue hating her. he could have got her good after seeing her ass has gotten that big

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Guest VinnySmack

You mean that shot of her fat thighs? She has really let herself go.

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Am I the only one who noticed that the Rey-Big Show feud is EXACTLY like the Rey-Kurt feud, minus some promos? The "embarassing" and "unexpected" 619; Rey's opponent faces a cruiserweight/jobber, then gets counted out..... 'cept, for this feud, I hope Rey doesn't lose.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
a Reverse DVD..... No no a Burning Hammer is a Reverse DVD..


That was just a Standing Fireman's Carry Slam.

Burning Hammer is more of an inverted DVD.


Where's Dace when you need him?

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