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Guest Slapnuts00

TNA news

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Guest Slapnuts00

Some notes from the recent bonus Torch email sent out:


-NWA-TNA officials spent Tuesday afternoon desperately trying to contact Hardy in hopes of scheduling him for the following night's show. At last check, Hardy had not returned TNA's calls, although he is telling friends that he's interested in working for the promotion. As of this morning, TNA officials were still waiting to find out the terms of his WWE release. If WWE failed to include a no-compete clause in Hardy's contract, he could show up as soon as Wednesday night. That would be a big coup for TNA, as they have been heavily promoting Wednesday's show for the past few weeks because of the Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven main event.


-Former NWA-TNA announcer Ed Ferrara reached out to Vince Russo recently in hopes of getting back in the company. Ferarra's attempt was met with laughter in the TNA office, as there are apparently still some hard feelings over him leaving the company while they were suffering through early financial problems.


-Ron Killings was offered a new contract by NWA-TNA recently. He's been telling friends that WWE offered him a contract, but he passed on the deal because the downside guarantee wasn't to his liking. Killings was said to be apologetic toward TNA officials based on some of the comments he made during a recent radio interview about not being booked by the promotion as often as he would like.


-Kid Kash suffered what TNA officials are hoping was temporary hearing loss in one of his ears at Wednesday's pay-per-view. The problem was the result of the slap Kash took from Trinity, which caught him on the ear. Jeremy Borash didn't mention the injury in his weekly internet report, so there's a good chance that Kash is doing fine, although he did take a lot of ribbing from some of the other wrestlers who were mocking him for seeking medical treatment after being slapped by a woman.

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I think if Hardy shows up next Wednesday, it'd be kinda cool...something to add to the whole big show feel, although he needs to want to be in wrestling.


Good to see Killings get a contract deal. Let's see him back in the title mix.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

I'd like to see Hardy...


but not next week. Because you know if he does he's going to be interfering in the ME, which will lead to it being ridiculously overbooked. I don't want that.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

trinitty is strong style. samoa joe and low ki better look out trinity is comeing for them :P

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

With all of the ECW exiles and his own flock...as well as Erik Watts running around for some reason...


what's one more run in?

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Guest Chuck Woolery

But see, even with the ECW exiles and the flock and Erik Watts, I have faith in TNA to keep it from being overbooked. I'm quite sure of an Alexis/Dinero run-in, natch, but I think they'll limit it to that.


However, if they sign Jeff, you know Russo is going to make it so that this match transitions into Jarrett/Hardy or Raven/Hardy and we won't see even a moderately clean finish, which I think will happen. Honestly, I'd like TNA to avoid "DAMN HIS SOUL TO HELL" and "WHAT ARE HIS MOTIVES" moments, and I'm sure we'll get at least one of those two if Hardy joins up with TNA this week.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I would be all for a Jeff HArdy run in if it causes Raven to win and he joins the flock.


That is the only use I have for Jeff Hardy. Since he is so directionless in real life...he needs to be led by Raven in Russo's reality based wrestling show.


Make it so!

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Guest BoboBrazil

Jeff Hardy would probably have a new fire for wrestling if he came to TNA. That usually happens to all of the other people that come from WWE to TNA. He would be awesome in the flock, but I think it would be smart to bring him in as a face at first.

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Guest RedJed

I dont want to see him in.........I can only think of a handful of guys that would be worth bringing in at this point just because the roster is strong enough to me right now. Quite honestly he's not worth the $$$ they would likely have to offer him and obviously the guy's passion for the business is almost nill, and it's not even really directly related to how he was even treated in WWE, it was just that he wanted to go off in new directions with his music, etc. Bringing him in the Flock may be different, and even a good idea, but its not neccesary. I'd rather see a guy like Vampiro brought in to just feud with Raven, or even start at first as a part of the Flock.

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Guest nikowwf

I think Jeff needs some serious rest time before he gets back in. He's mentally and physically beat up. I can't see how wrestling somewhere else for less money would help this.


Remember, Jeff got a decent push for quite a while. They really didn't seem to want to give up on him. So i'm not sure the chance to be pushed more in TNA is what Jeff is looking for.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

How will he do a damn thing for TNA's buyrates? The only Jeff Hardy fans left are 40-year-old women that won't watch wrestling unless there's somebody sexy, so they won't be shilling out $40 a month to see Hardy, and girls under 18 that just think he's cute, and you sure as hell know that THEY won't shill out $40 a month to see him.


Face it: Hardy joining TNA just makes them more like WCW. I mean that truthfully. Look at who is on the show, mostly: former WWF/WWE stars. To your average fan, it doesn't matter how talented these guys really are, or how awful the WWF/WWE used them, or even how good the damn product is. To the average fan (and yes, casuals/marks still outweigh hardcores/smarks), a company filled to the brink with people that Vince either fired or booked to be weak isn't appealing.


Building their own stars and slowly gaining more and more fans, which is what TNA has been doing most of the time, is the only way the company can really succeed. I don't mind if they take workers that made their names in CZW, or NWA Wildside, or RoH, or any other promotion that isn't WWE, because that's to be expected. But to just hire seemingly anybody that WWE says goodbye to? Fucking awful move.

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Guest RedJed
The thing is that Jeff Hardy is probably the biggest free agent in the US right now. If TNA gets him in, he'll do more for their buyrate than anyone else.

I've alrady explained all this on another post..........other than merchandise sales, the guy is NOT a draw. If he was, we would see his segments on Raw jump all over the place. Most of his fans probably wouldnt even know if he went to TNA anyway.


He has as much name value as a Raven or D-Lo have, and its not like their appearances have skyrocketed the buyrates.

Edited by RedJed

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
...and a history of good matches. He sucks in the ring...

Excellent contradiction, eh?


Show me one of these "good matches" that didn't involve a table, a ladder, or RVD.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Triple H dragged something watchable out of him in 2001, right before the quad tear

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...and a history of good matches. He sucks in the ring...

Excellent contradiction, eh?


Show me one of these "good matches" that didn't involve a table, a ladder, or RVD.

Nah, it wasn't a contradiction. He has put on good matches, he doesn't now. But those memories of the TLC/Ladder matches will keep him as a name for a few years.


And Jeff may not have drawn, but which free agent in the states is a bigger name, and in turn a bigger draw? I think its Jeff followed by Sting. Hell, he's got more name value than almost all the TNA roster. Feel free to disprove me :)

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Raven had, still has, and always will have a larger overall fanbase than Jeff Hardy.


Consider yourself disproven.

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Guest RedJed
...and a history of good matches. He sucks in the ring...

Excellent contradiction, eh?


Show me one of these "good matches" that didn't involve a table, a ladder, or RVD.

Nah, it wasn't a contradiction. He has put on good matches, he doesn't now. But those memories of the TLC/Ladder matches will keep him as a name for a few years.


And Jeff may not have drawn, but which free agent in the states is a bigger name, and in turn a bigger draw? I think its Jeff followed by Sting. Hell, he's got more name value than almost all the TNA roster. Feel free to disprove me :)

I totally disagree that those ladder matches, etc.......will "keep him as a name" for years.......its already to the point where they mean nothing because he's a shell of his former self, ala Sabu. Its a lost cause, and honestly has been for at least a year now.


You dont get it man, just because a guy gets a nice pop or something doesn't mean he draws money! Both McMahon and Hogan get their own respective appreciation when they enter a ring, but obviously judging by how unsuccessful Mania was for buys, they arent a draw. Sting is way above anyone as the number 1 U.S. free agent right now if you ask me.......hell even Terry Funk is probably actually a bigger draw than Jeff Hardy at this point. You can think up alot of old NWA names and they probably hold more value as a legitimate draw than Hardy just because of this company being NWA related as well. Vampiro is getting incredible crowds in Mexico, I'd be inclined to say he's a bigger name than Hardy at this point too. Like I also stated (but seemed to be conveniently ignored by you) both Raven and D-Lo came in and didn't change the buyrates or anything, what makes you think Jeff would? And BOTH of those guys are as much of a draw, if not more in Ravens case, than Hardy.


I personally think if they are going to throw out a ton of money to anyone at this point it should be Mick Foley, but whatever.

Edited by RedJed

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Guest Slapnuts00

Difference is Jeff Hardy can wrestle in matches, Mick can't. Therefore Jeff is the smarter investment...

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Guest RedJed
Difference is Jeff Hardy can wrestle in matches, Mick can't. Therefore Jeff is the smarter investment...

Not neccesarily, they have a full roster anyway so its not like they are short of stars to push. The issue at hand is finding a way to get people to start buying the ppvs. They need a big name or names that legitimately draw, and I think one of the only wrestling personalities to do so would be Foley. Bret Hart and Sting may also as well, but I think investment-wise, Foley would be the best pick. And who knows, if done right and built up properly, I think Foley would be up to returning for the ring for a few matches.

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