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Guest Nanks

When J.R & Austin return

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Guest Nanks

There seems to be a slowly increasing number of wrestlers who might potentially be part of some kind of stable under J.R & Austin when they return in the rumoured role of rogue GM. Possibly the most obvious recent one would be Lita. There seems to be a bit of dissention between Bubba & D-Von, could D-Von walk out and reappear with this group?? And, whilst this one could be stretching it, could Jeff's firing be a work?? Could he be brought back too?? The only thing I can really identify to bind them all is, are they all from Southern States?? Just a thought, am I onto something or am I an idiot?

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Guest j.o.b. squad

no the writers couldent come up with something as clever as that. what will happen is whereever scsa goes ross goes and only calls scsa matches is my guess

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Theres no way Jeff's firing would be a work considering it wasn't announced on TV at all. The WWE rarely, if ever, uses the internet to promote storylines. The only time I can remember them doing that was for the Roster Draft.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Whatever's going to happen I am not at all excited for it.


Austin vs the Boss was been done way too many times, and it's been done better every other time.


I really don't know why WWE got Bischoff, he adds nothing to the shows. And his little deal about playing Austin's music and coming out is too predictable. Ass takes up too much tv time.

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Guest Stunt Granny

They could also have that dude that was hanging out at Austin's house when Bischoff was looking for him. That guy was awesome.

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Guest Anglesault
And, whilst this one could be stretching it, could Jeff's firing be a work??


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Guest AndrewTS

What do you fill a "stable" with?




They could also have that dude that was hanging out at Austin's house when Bischoff was looking for him. That guy was awesome.


Buford, right?

Edited by AndrewTS

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I can see JR, Austin and the A.P.A. Numerous skits of JR trying to look like a bad ass drinking, smoking poker player to fit in with his buddies. JR and Austin winning the World Tag Titles...you heard it hear first.


A BuhBuh vs D-Von feud for Bad Blood is in the works. But eventually, it'll probably be Austin, D-Von, Kane and JR vs Bischoff, Morley, BuhBuh and RVD. Oh joy.

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump
What do you fill a "stable" with?




They could also have that dude that was hanging out at Austin's house when Bischoff was looking for him. That guy was awesome.


Buford, right?

Yes, good ol' Buford... Stone Cold's "special housemate".

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Guest Austin3164life

Austin does not belong as a GM or as a Stable leader. That's been done and we don't need to see that again. If Austin still has 2-3 matches left in him after he rests his neck and knees, than hopefully he'll have the sense of using whatever he can bring to put over the rising talent (RVD, Brock, Angle, Cena, Jericho, perhaps Benoit).

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Guest Cerebus

God I hope not...I never like stables and I seriously doubt its the cure for the ailing of WWE right now

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
There seems to be a slowly increasing number of wrestlers who might potentially be part of some kind of stable under J.R & Austin when they return in the rumoured role of rogue GM. Possibly the most obvious recent one would be Lita. There seems to be a bit of dissention between Bubba & D-Von, could D-Von walk out and reappear with this group?? And, whilst this one could be stretching it, could Jeff's firing be a work?? Could he be brought back too?? The only thing I can really identify to bind them all is, are they all from Southern States?? Just a thought, am I onto something or am I an idiot?


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Guest Downhome


I can so picture JR & Austin as tag champs...

The sad part, is that it would more than likely be a lot more over than the current tag champs, and would be one of the highest rated segments on the shows, not to mention it would get pops like hell.


You see, Austin is injured and he can't really work full time, so being in a tag team with Jim Ross would allow Austin to be in matches, but he could allow JR to do most of the in ring work, heh.

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