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Guest nikowwf

Cena needs a partner...

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Guest nikowwf

Remember they tried to put Cena with Bull Buchanan and Redd Dogg. Why not get back Ron Killings and put them together. Cena already has the gimmick over, plus Killings has really learned to p*ss the crowd off in TNA which got him over. I think they'd be an awesome heel stable.


Just a thought that came to my mind cause i don't see him on TNA lately...



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Guest Youth N Asia

I'd rather Team Angle switched to be Team Cena...they could turn on Kurt when he comes back, getting him over as a face

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Guest Anglesault
I'd rather Team Angle switched to be Team Cena...they could turn on Kurt when he comes back, getting him over as a face

Hey, there's a feud I never want to see!


I don't think Cena really needs a partner right now.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I like Cena by himself too...but as long as the discussion is about putting people around him...

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Guest Anglesault

Angle vs. Cena/TA can't end well. Translation: I'll bitch through the whole thing.

Edited by Anglesault

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Guest Anglesault

It won't be bad. But I'd rather not watch them in a three month feud.

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Guest Choken One

Cena is better off on his own...


HOWEVER...If they wanna take this seriously with the Rap Gimmick...He WILL need an entrorouge...

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Guest Anglesault
Cena is better off on his own...


HOWEVER...If they wanna take this seriously with the Rap Gimmick...He WILL need an entrorouge...

Oh Christ. Does that mean when he finally wins a title, a whole bunch of people who have earned nothing will come up with him and crowd the ring just standing there and making faces, ala Eminem at the Grammies?

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Guest Choken One

No...An Entrouge is basically a Posse...A group of People that surround the "STAR" either for Ego purposes, Protection or both.


Every Rapper has one...Cena should have one if they are serious about...


Usually in Posses, One of the guys will break out and become a star in his own right...


I can't get into Specifics of it however...

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Guest Anglesault

That group of people that earned nothing but came up with Eminem anyway was his entourage, right?

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Guest Choken One

No...I believe that was D12. His Other Group he is in...During the Grammies He was on Hiatus as A Solo artist and was doing the D12 project.


Most of the people in the entrouges actually played a role in the Production via Mixing, Writing or production itself...So It's not like he had a few of his friends up there...

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Guest Anglesault
Most of the people in the entrouges actually played a role in the Production via Mixing, Writing or production itself...So It's not like he had a few of his friends up there...

That's reasonable. Is that what D2 did? Or were they just getting face time?

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Guest Choken One

Some were ON the album via vocals, Some did Mixing...So I think they ALL played a part in a way...

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Guest TheGame2705

D12 are like lower midcarders in rap, they're a group of rappers that Eminem joined to help boost them. They did the song "Purple Pills" together. An entourage is mostly the other artists with you than basically anyone else associated with you that hangs with you. Think of the Nation of Domination where they only had Faarooq, Crush, Savio as wrestlers, PG-13 as the no-names and then Mason as a manager and then a whole bunch of other guys you don't know but they make the group look more powerful.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah that's a Good Wrestling Comparison...


That is what Cena Needs...Don't make it all Wiggers...You don't need them all to be Actual Wrestlers...Just Two whom can break out ala D'lo...

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Guest Anglesault
D12 are like lower midcarders in rap, they're a group of rappers that Eminem joined to help boost them. They did the song "Purple Pills" together.


Yeah that means nothing to me.


But the 87 people in the nation WAS cool.

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Guest TheGame2705

Well I used the term "lower midcarders" to help you familiarize what position they are in rap since you follow wrestling where you know what a lower midcarder is.

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump

Cena should have members of his crew leap in the ring partway through a match and wrestle for five minutes on his behalf. Sort of the wrestling equivalent of a guest verse.

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Guest Austin3164life

Cena is much better on his own right now, seeing as he keeps improving and is making a name for himself. The whole entourage thing is a horrible idea. Cena looks good as a solitary figure.


I don't know if AS would, but I would mark out for an Angle/Cena feud....next year.

Edited by AustinHHH4life

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Guest Midnight Express83

D12 has been a group longer than Em's career with Dre. A good example is like the Hart Foundation.


Bret is Em in terms of over. He helped his friend's/family's get to his level by staying that group even though he was a big star now.


If Cena did get a crew, he needs one to be his producer and 4 other rappers/wrestlers with 2 others who do nothing but look badass.

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Guest Choken One

Exactly...It sells the image that he is LEGIT and is Badass....


Just Hire 3 Big Black Guys...A Couple Wiggas and make sure they can all take a back bump...

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Guest Anglesault
Bret is Em in terms of over. He helped his friend's/family's get to his level by staying that group

So they're freeloaders.

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Guest Choken One

Nope...They helped Em get where he is by helping him out in the early days and helped all the time with Vocals on the Album and Did a Lot of Mixing for him...

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Guest Nanks
Remember they tried to put Cena with Bull Buchanan and Redd Dogg. Why not get back Ron Killings and put them together. Cena already has the gimmick over, plus Killings has really learned to p*ss the crowd off in TNA which got him over. I think they'd be an awesome heel stable.


Just a thought that came to my mind cause i don't see him on TNA lately...



I think, if by chance, Killings did come back in, it'd be better to see him feuding with Cena. Doing battleraps and such.

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Guest Midnight Express83

Cena isn't a battle rapper. Putting him in battles is stupid because he can't stay on beat. He is best just rapping his promos and looking bad ass.

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