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Austin/wwf update.....

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Guest muzanisa

But there really needed to be an impetus for the split. He wasn't asked to job clean for Hall but as the result of a run-in and interference.

He has been booked like Superman since his comeback and sounds like he is just like every other main eventer with the exception of Rock and Foley in that he bitches and politiks to get his own way.

Unless he wants to start putting people over he should drop to the mid-card and stay there until he retires.

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Guest KOR420

I agree with Austin,if they were gonna shove me into the mid card and I saved the WWF from shittyness a few years ago I'd walk too,Hall is the only guy who has done right in that little groups comeback,Nash can't wrestle anymore for shit and Hogan well,he's hogan and all he does is leg drop,now if Austin was refusing to put someone over a younger star maybe,then he should just accept it and lay on his back like a high school girl after the prom

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Guest mastermind

"Furthermore, the steaming pile of crap that is writing the WWF stories has done such a poor job, the NWO storyline may probably fail no matter who puts them over".


Sometimes we come down hard on the wwf writers, but politics like this situation force their hands. I still don't think Triple H really should be champion at this stage, but politics. He isn't getting the top face heat and he isn't putting on the best matches. Kurt Angle should be the champion right now, but that's off topic.


No one has answered my question about what the wwf really could have done without the nWo here. I'm sure the wwf wouldn't have got their highest rating since August last year on RAW and I'm sure no match at Mania would have garnered as much attention as Rock/Hogan especially with the crowd participation. Nobody thought Hogan would be over, but he is. Sure we should wait until he gets States side, but wrestling fans are monkey see monkey do which was very prevalent with the "what" chants.


Austin isn't exactly holding someone down, but he is holding back progression. I still don't get why people are going nuts about Hall saying he would kick out of people's finishers. Do you honestly believe if it happened once out of the script that the wwf suits would tolerate it. Hall was being a practical joker and we still don't know how true that is just like this situation. The wwf could be working people to fit in with the character Hall and company have got since wcw days although Nash crying over being called a bitch is childish and so out there that it's true imo.


Did anyone see UT/Flair at WrestleMania? Do you really think Vince interfering in that match wouldn't be overbooking? Look at it from Taker and Flair's situation. Taker would need help from Mcmahon to beat a 50 plus year old "co-owner" and he is suppose to be the undefeated enigma of WrestleMania history? Flair also had Arn Anderson in the match as a surprise. Vince being in that match would be overboard. Why would Vince in character even bother with Flair if he is in full power?


Now look at Sott Hall/Austin. Austin is basically fighting two nWo guys who Vince brought in to poison the wwf. Vince during the week got full power and thus should spread his poison. He has a past hatred for Austin and thus would want Austin a fan favourite to lose. His hatred for Austin causes him to do something that makes the board ruling null and void because of his actions. Hall and Nash remember are in their first serious match on ppv. I don't care what anyone says it doesn't help the wwf to have Austin vanquish the nWo so quickly as he was also doing it on free tv. This makes zero sense and yeah I know about the wwf writing and booking over the year, but it was pretty basic that the nWo getting upended by Austin on tv for those weeks would lead to them winning on ppv. Nobody has really brought that up.

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While I am very much in Austin's corner on this one, there is no way that Vince will back down. It would set a precedent that would give rise to God knows what from Nash, Hogan or whoever in the future.

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Guest Ripper

Some of you guys should be ashamed for even trying to defend this.  


They have not asked austin to never wrestle in the ME again.  It was a couple of months to get the NWO over.  As I remember, last year, after a year of he and the Rock carrying the WWF, HHH was a midcarder against Taker.  He took it in stride knowing that he would eventually get back to his spot.  Austin is reacting in the "If I'm not on top, I don't want to play!" childish little tantrum..if indeed the rumors are true(I have a feeling this is the WWF tossing out false info).  


And why is Hall getting all this flak anyway.  He has NEVER had a problem laying down for anyone(although he didn't like the gay gimmick with Goldust.)  This is the guy that was jobbing to luchidores in WCW. Goldbergs jobber boy.needed help to beat Zybysko(sp?), jobbing in 20 sec. in Japan...the guy will do what he has to for the business.  He has been beat down boy for Austin and Rock since returning, yet because he was a alcoholic, he doesn't deserve to go over in a screwjob finish of Austin?  See, its stuff like this that makes some people look bad.  HHH jobbed to Booker T with no complaints.  Rock jobs to Test, Rhyno, Christian, Hogan, Jerhico, Angle, RVD, and well I could do this all day, and no complaints.  They ask Austin to get screwed out of a win over Hall(a lost that in no way would make his character look weak) and he refuses and you guy justify it because Hall used to drink alot.  Even when he was drunk as hell, Hall went to the ring and did what he was suppose to do.  Austin is sober as hell and won't.

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Some of you guys should be ashamed for even trying to defend this.  


They have not asked austin to never wrestle in the ME again.  It was a couple of months to get the NWO over.  As I remember, last year, after a year of he and the Rock carrying the WWF, HHH was a midcarder against Taker.  He took it in stride knowing that he would eventually get back to his spot.  Austin is reacting in the "If I'm not on top, I don't want to play!" childish little tantrum..if indeed the rumors are true(I have a feeling this is the WWF tossing out false info).  


And why is Hall getting all this flak anyway.  He has NEVER had a problem laying down for anyone(although he didn't like the gay gimmick with Goldust.)  This is the guy that was jobbing to luchidores in WCW. Goldbergs jobber boy.needed help to beat Zybysko(sp?), jobbing in 20 sec. in Japan...the guy will do what he has to for the business.  He has been beat down boy for Austin and Rock since returning, yet because he was a alcoholic, he doesn't deserve to go over in a screwjob finish of Austin?  See, its stuff like this that makes some people look bad.  HHH jobbed to Booker T with no complaints.  Rock jobs to Test, Rhyno, Christian, Hogan, Jerhico, Angle, RVD, and well I could do this all day, and no complaints.  They ask Austin to get screwed out of a win over Hall(a lost that in no way would make his character look weak) and he refuses and you guy justify it because Hall used to drink alot.  Even when he was drunk as hell, Hall went to the ring and did what he was suppose to do.  Austin is sober as hell and won't.

Austin doesnt even drink. He just pours beer down his chest. Ripper when and who did Hall job to in 20 secs in Japan? And when he did lose to luchadores? Oh almost forgot *points to Ripper* listen to this man! This man KNOWS~!

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Guest notJames

I think the main thing to remember is that this is all speculation. Nobody can prove 100% who said what, who refused to do what for this person, who walked out and why, etc etc etc. All these reports should be taken with a grain of salt, especially in light of the "letter to 'Net reporters" situation of late.


I for one am withholding any opinions or speculations until I see (or don't see) Austin tonight on Raw.. Yes, I know that's very boring and goes against the entire Smark credo, but bandying about opinions based on third-, fourth-, or fifth-hand gossip does not change the fact that NO ONE really knows what's going on.


Wait and see...

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Guest muzanisa

In the wake of their open letter I would not be at all surprised if this was all bullshit. But all that proves is they can work the net and are prepared to.

There's a wrestling show in the UK where the presenter works the audience but generally doesn't insult them.

This past Saturday someone phoned in to say they'd heard RVD call a dropkick at WM. Instead of going yeah so and explaining about calling spots like they would normally do. They suddenly Kayfabe'd and started all this he was taunting him, he said you're shit not dropkick. After not insulting the audience for over a year they threw it away in one show.

If Austin walks out happy as larry on Raw and it turns out that they were working us all along then all they've done is make their most loyal fans distrust them and thrown away any respect because they've gone to so much trouble to pull off something over internet sites that stimulate interest in their product.

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Guest caboose

it is true this all speculation, but i wouldn't rule vince telling austin to get lost completely otu of the question.


if he screwed one of his top three stars when the wwf was down in business, do you really think vince will think twice when he has rocky, hhh, taker, hogan, nash, hall, angle, jericho, rvd and lots of potential stars on his books?

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Guest notJames

I don't know that the Fed is necessarily working the 'Net, 'cuz it's not like the end result would be pulling in more 'Net fans, since pretty much all the 'Net fans are already watching. And really, what kind of trust are we talking about? The whole nature of the wrestling business is to make people believe something that doesn't really exist. It's not like I'm vesting all my happiness in whether or not I can take the word of Vince McMahon as Gospel. All I want is an entertaining product. Period.


As for the called dropkick, yeah, me and my buds heard it on the live WM broadcast. Clear as day. (For shame, Robbie V!) But it's not like  it never happens. That UK guy should get his head out of his ass and stop acting like Bob F'n Costas.

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Guest notJames
...do you really think vince will think twice when he has rocky, hhh, taker, hogan, nash, hall, angle, jericho, rvd and lots of potential stars on his books?

Not in the slightest. If history has proven anything, the wrestling business is like the serpent that eats its own tail. No matter how many superstars are gobbled up at the tail end, there are always new stars being bred to go to the head of the class. (Yeah, I probably stole that from SKeith, but who better to crib from, eh?)


So Vince giving Austin his walking papers definitely falls under the umbrella of "Yeah, it could happen" but I wouldn't bet the whole farm on it. Maybe a few head of cattle, though...

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Guest Brian



HHH - probably stick around as long as he can but health wise, not going to have a ton of time before another injury occurs.


Rocky - Hollywood will continue to take him in and out of wrestling.


NWO - Without locker room leaders like Austin who are willing to stand up, these guys are going to run the place. And if they have to, they'll get HHH in on the ground floor.


Undertaker - Loyalty and all, Undertaker is the only thing Vince has left after Austin to keep the NWO in check. But Undertaker's expecting to retire in the next year, probably going out at WrestleMania. Never really a draw in his life.


Chris Jericho, RVD -Both young guys, unestablished in Vince's eyes. Could pull an Austin push on either guy where they become the next big thing.


I don't know if Vince is willing to dump Austin when this is what he has.

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Guest Ripper

"And when he did lose to luchadores?"


The Zybysko fued was picking up and Hall was losing ALL his matches because of Larry standing  in the aisle.  Hall would be all "Hey, watch my fingers wiggle" and Larry was all "Watch me point at you and yell ARRGHHH really loud and walk really slow"  which would lead to the jobber o the week getting the win.  They weren't even good luchidores, they were sucky ones like that Billy Kidman lookalike that always blew spots, and I'd swear one of them was Lash Larue.....Point is that the man willing to do what he is suppose to...even back when he was drunk as Hell.

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Guest mastermind

I said this before that this is just rumours and probably the "new work". I remember last year in February there were rumours that Austin and Triple H were holding others down. Then in April we got the two man power trip with all the gold. Coincident?


Triple H and Stephanie are rumoured to be together after the angle done on Test and then we get the Helmsley/Mcmahon Regime and Steph and Trips are together for real with rumours that Triple H is getting in the ear of Mcmahon coinciding with his on air character of being the world champ and a family member of the boss. Coincident?


I think the wwf only opened up the business so much because of Vince Russo and the growing internet community revealing the business. To stay with the times the wwf opened up somewhat. They opened it up to gain smarks trust and wrap people in the new work. I also can't believe why certain net writers can't see right through the wwf letter. The wwf is going old school where they try to discredit people who said wrestling was fake with cliches such as "what's real" and "only in the eyes of the beholder".



The wwf knows WE KNOW the business and figure our response would be like it is. You see I think it really started in 1997 with Mcmahon coming out on television saying he was the boss. It was always rumoured he was the real boss and running things. Slowly, the wwf put that into storylines and made the storylines more like the backstage stuff where Mcmahon would have a hand in match outcomes and wanted champions he handpicked. This is blatant in the Austin/Mcmahon storyline where he picks third generation superstar Rock as his champion.  Ross on one episode said the Mcmahon runs everything from the format of RAW to the ppv shows. You see people think that only Austin is responsible for the wwf's comeback, but little stuff like this made people accept the wwf more because people would think that the wwf was being more truthful than in the past.

In actuality, the wwf was creating another kayfabe that started in wcw with Nash and Hall "representing" the new generation and starting a war. Then it was known Bischoff set the whole thing up to take down wcw since it was always second rate. Using real life situations and putting it into the storylines to get smarks and marks into it.



We are here, but to newer fans coming in the wwf is trying to keep the magic. The wwf is a con man's business and I find it funny that net "insiders" actually believe the wwf will "work" with them. The wwf didn't even "work" with the worked press like Pro Wrestling Illustrated and WrestleAmerica until 1997 and 1998. WCW was doing it and was #1, so the wwf had no choice to get any pub they could get.


Personally, I like the wwf in kayfabe more than what they were doing in 1999 in the media. Somehow I think it puts more focus on the matches than the storyline. I think the wwf should actually kayfabe the matches and admit storylines are works for the matches such as the stupid Hogan truck incident. Since Mcmahon is losing steam with casual fans and whatnot and with Flair coming back to run "his" wwf the wwf is going in another direction of old school kayfabe. I could be way off here, but this is what it seems like to me. I am very glad the wwf is going more sports "kind of" with the split being a draft instead of Vince and Linda sharing 50% of the divorce settlement crap. No one believes that and it just sucks plain and simple in drama. Anyways, that was way off topic, but it ties into Austin's future up in the air for the draft. Coincident? We shall see.

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Guest caboose

if you think austin can still be top man through all those injuries, damn it hhh with his politics and relationship with steph can be top man for a long time, especially if he gets going again like in 2000


angle and rvd are gonna dominate the main event for at least the next 5 years, edge is getting better, d'lo coming is back, believe me when i say d'lo can go ALL the way, christian is begging for a good push, booker t & jericho just need a good face run each an they'll be there, benoit's is coming and you know vince has had him working on his mic work, brock lesnar is gonna make you love the wwf again and as soon as hollywood gets bored with him the rock is gonna be around for a long time, i guaran-damn-tee that.

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Guest mastermind

Hey, if I had things my way I would RETIRE UT and Austin at WM 19. Retire the nWo and Hogan at SummerSlam. This year should be a transition year where the best stuff of the attitude and nwo/wcw era come to an end. The new era starting tonight. Go with Angle who is now just starting to look like a real main eventer and RVD. The verdict is still out on The Rock. People keep saying he could leave, but suppose his movie BOMBS. Then I can see Rock turning heel and we got something.


Triple H I have my reserves about to be honest. I would give him a chance until SummerSlam with the strap to see if he can return to 2000 form. If not the title goes to Angle and put Angle/Hogan in Hogan's last match who puts over Angle as the Olympic American Hero. Brock Lesnar I would do the slow build or we could get another Goldberg who burns out in 3 years or Kurt Angle who wins everything BEFORE he even starts to get his stride like he is now. I also think kayfabe should come back even though WE KNOW it's a work as there has been smarks forever. Things take time to build and maybe in time we can get the magic of surprises and whatnot back on a more consistent basis.

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Guest notJames

Yes! Let's move forward with all the new talent that should be pouring in any day now!


Although, if Angle is serious about competing in the 2004 Olympic Games, he'll more than likely start toward the end of this year. So making him the top guy when he'll most likely bow out for a good two years might not be feasible.

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Guest TheMikeSC

Just a little something that bothered me.  Scott Hall main evented Surivivor Series 92 (tagged w/Flair vs. Macho/Perfect, I know this wasn't the last match or world title match but it was the main event, look at the box cover to the tape) and Royal Rumble 93 for the WWF title against Bret.>>>



And Ramon was a very iffy choice in both situations. It's like saying Austin should job to Bubba Ray Dudley because Bubba has ME'd two PPV's.



<<So he was a main eventer at the very beginning of his run in WWF, oddly he wasn't really all that over until his face turn as a result of his loss to the Kid.


Austin should have done his job. >>



Steve should not have ever been asked to do the job to the borderline-useless Hall.


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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<Austin did apparently refuse to work with Hogan, who is the biggest star in the history of pro wrestling.  He would have gone over anyway, so I don't see why he didn't want the match.


I can understand Austin being pissed that guys he hates and/or is very bitter at for WCW (Hogan,Flair, etc..)  But he is starting to get closer and closer to becoming who he hated in WCW.>>>



Except that his matches are good and fans watch them.



<<<He never loses clean>>>



How many faces lose clean?



<<, is refusing to work with certain people>>>



There is still not a shred of evidence that Austin refused to work with Hogan. Not a shred.



<<<, hasn't put out an effort for 2 months,>>>



He's had ONE bad match in 2 months---and that was against the nigh-hopeless Hall.



<<<hasn't modified his style or promos (What? not withstanding) for a 2 years (After the heel turn he went back to being almost the same exact character as before).>>>



But, as a heel, he COMPLETELY changed his character repeatedly. And he's added far more wrestling into his repertoire, not relying on the brawling and psychology all of the time.



<<This is starting to sound like Hogan to me.>>>



Oh, that is absurd. Austin can work circles around Hogan, can outwork him on the mic, doesn't have his friends beat all of the young talent in the promotion...



<<<And it's saddening to me that the greatest anti-hero in wrestling is becoming just like the other guys, an older guy who is way to paranoid about his spot and lacking the self confidence to maintain it without bitching to the boss.>>>



What was he going to do after WM?


nWo was tied up with Rock and Hogan.


Jericho is tied up with HHH.


So, who's left? Angle again? Undertaker again?


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Guest TheMikeSC

But there really needed to be an impetus for the split.>>>



And Vince and Flair creating a gigantic clusterfrick in the Austin/Hall match was the BEST they could come up with?



<<<He wasn't asked to job clean for Hall but as the result of a run-in and interference.>>>



But why would Vince suddenly start helping the nWo when he hasn't even REFERRED to them since they arrived?



<<<He has been booked like Superman since his comeback and sounds like he is just like every other main eventer with the exception of Rock and Foley in that he bitches and politiks to get his own way.>>>



He refused to job to Hall. Well, gee, let's string Austin up for that one. Flair refused more jobs than Austin has.



<<<Unless he wants to start putting people over he should drop to the mid-card and stay there until he retires. >>>



Austin DOES put over people. He made Angle look like a friggin' God in their program last year. He put over HHH.


Who, exactly, has the nWo ever put over?



...Remember, GB was over before he met Hogan, so it wasn't him.

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Guest Ripper

But Mike, looking at the business, it doesn't matter if the guy is boarder line useless.  Erik Watts beat a bunch of guys in his day...did he deserve it, no, but its the wrestlers job to go out there and do their job.  Thier job doesn't always invovle winning every match.  Austins Job to hall was meant for storyline advancement.  Its his job as a wrestler to do that.  Hall might be useless in your eyes, but the fact is he hasn't done anything to warrent the refusal from Austin.  he at least has name recognition.  Hell, he's one finger wiggle away from being over again.  :)  


But to remind everyone again, I DO think this is a bunch of crap and Austin was given time off and the WWF is just screwing with the internet.  My whole diatribe is to the what if affect and the fact that alot of people think it is real yet are defending it.

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<Some of you guys should be ashamed for even trying to defend this.  


They have not asked austin to never wrestle in the ME again.  It was a couple of months to get the NWO over.  As I remember, last year, after a year of he and the Rock carrying the WWF, HHH was a midcarder against Taker.>>>



A mid-carder for the span of one month before he was back in the ME picture---and having World Champ Austin acting like his lackey.


Austin has NOTHING he can do for a while. Nothing.



<<<He took it in stride knowing that he would eventually get back to his spot.  Austin is reacting in the "If I'm not on top, I don't want to play!" childish little tantrum..if indeed the rumors are true(I have a feeling this is the WWF tossing out false info).>>>



If the rumors are true, Austin is simply stating what many of here are stating---the WWF's product and direction are crap.  



<<<And why is Hall getting all this flak anyway.  He has NEVER had a problem laying down for anyone(although he didn't like the gay gimmick with Goldust.)  This is the guy that was jobbing to luchidores in WCW. Goldbergs jobber boy.needed help to beat Zybysko(sp?), jobbing in 20 sec. in Japan...the guy will do what he has to for the business.>>>



Except stay clean, actually play a heel, work good matches, learn how to work a mic...



<<He has been beat down boy for Austin and Rock since returning, yet because he was a alcoholic, he doesn't deserve to go over in a screwjob finish of Austin?>>>



No, because he's an over, broken-down, borderline inept worker is why he shouldn't have gone over.



<<<See, its stuff like this that makes some people look bad.  HHH jobbed to Booker T with no complaints.>>>



HHH jobbed to Booker?



<<<Rock jobs to Test, Rhyno, Christian, Hogan, Jerhico, Angle, RVD, and well I could do this all day, and no complaints.>>>



Austin was the first guy to put over Angle as a non-dorky bad-ass. The first. And, uh, when did Rock job to Hogan? He also put over Jericho, Benoit, etc.


As for Christian---counting tag matches is a little weak.



<<<They ask Austin to get screwed out of a win over Hall(a lost that in no way would make his character look weak) and he refuses and you guy justify it because Hall used to drink alot.>>>



No, he refused to do it because it made no sense.



<<<Even when he was drunk as hell, Hall went to the ring and did what he was suppose to do.  Austin is sober as hell and won't. >>>



Austin sells tickets and puts on great matches.


Hall does neither.


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Guest TheMikeSC

But Mike, looking at the business, it doesn't matter if the guy is boarder line useless.  Erik Watts beat a bunch of guys in his day...did he deserve it, no, but its the wrestlers job to go out there and do their job.  Thier job doesn't always invovle winning every match.  Austins Job to hall was meant for storyline advancement.>>>



But, as several people have pointed out, the proposed angle made no sense. Having Vince interfere in the Flair v UT match would have made FAR more sense---especially since UT and Vince have a "friendship" of sorts, while Vince and the nWo haven't uttered a word to or about one another since they arrived.



<<<Its his job as a wrestler to do that.  Hall might be useless in your eyes, but the fact is he hasn't done anything to warrent the refusal from Austin.>>>



He hasn't done anything to warrant a win, either.



<<<he at least has name recognition.  Hell, he's one finger wiggle away from being over again.    >>>



The man won't get over again.



<<<But to remind everyone again, I DO think this is a bunch of crap and Austin was given time off and the WWF is just screwing with the internet.  My whole diatribe is to the what if affect and the fact that alot of people think it is real yet are defending it. >>>



I don't think the WWF is working the 'net (what would be the point?). And, Austin was 100% correct in doing what he did.

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In the wake of their open letter I would not be at all surprised if this was all bullshit. But all that proves is they can work the net and are prepared to.

What does the open letter have anything to do with this? I'm a little confused there. Also why are people saying things like how its funny 1bob has all this news up after the open letter? confused there too. ???  


There's a wrestling show in the UK where the presenter works the audience but generally doesn't insult them.

This past Saturday someone phoned in to say they'd heard RVD call a dropkick at WM. Instead of going yeah so and explaining about calling spots like they would normally do. They suddenly Kayfabe'd and started all this he was taunting him, he said you're shit not dropkick. After not insulting the audience for over a year they threw it away in one show.

What's wrong with that?

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Guest thebear

This Whole Austin this is getting pretty strange...


Austin has the right to be angry... after Single Handedly running with the WWF weight on his shoulders for the second year in a row, he's being tossed into the depths of the midcard... When Triple H was in his fued with Taker last year, it wasn't the Midcard, He was main eventing, just not wrestling for the title.


Austin has done alot for McMahon, and I think McMahon should put a little faith in the guy who for the better part of the past 56 months, has wrestled 4 star matches night after night, with a bad neck and back...


I know wrestling is fickle, and it's common for wrestlers to pull rank once and a while... and If anyone deserves to be able too right now, it's steve austin...


or El Dandy

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Undertaker - Loyalty and all, Undertaker is the only thing Vince has left after Austin to keep the NWO in check. But Undertaker's expecting to retire in the next year, probably going out at WrestleMania. Never really a draw in his life.


Pardon my ignorance...but how can someone keep the NWo's power in check?


In actuality, the wwf was creating another kayfabe that started in wcw with Nash and Hall "representing" the new generation and starting a war. Then it was known Bischoff set the whole thing up to take down wcw since it was always second rate. Using real life situations and putting it into the storylines to get smarks and marks into it.


Uhhhh...what are you talking about?


And sicne someone mentioned it, does anyone know the Raw when they revealed when Vince was the owner and how they did it and what the context of it coming out was?

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Guest notJames
...does anyone know the Raw when they revealed when Vince was the owner and how they did it and what the context of it coming out was?

I vaguely recall JR calling out Vince about his "true" role in the Fed during his "heel announcer" phase in 1997 (?) He did a promo about the first time he was fired, and about being phased out when his Bell's Palsy started affecting him. I think he introduced the Fake Diesel and Razor at about the same time.

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Guest muzanisa

Ghast the point I'm trying to make is that if you're going to admit that it's fixed and let people in on how it's done and basically start telling the truth. You can't suddenly turn around and say it's straight up and all real and everything we've told you over the past however long was bullshit.

The next thing is Bob Holly's going to be a race car driver

HHH is going to be a snobby blueblood from Greenwich and Jericho is going to be the Goon.

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