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Guest Mole

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Guest Mole

I don't think they even kept accurate box office when John Wayne was a star, but I could be wrong.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen
Trust me, I work at Blockbuster. Hispanic women love J-Lo, it's a law of nature like the sky is blue or grass is green.

Oh, trust me...in The Bronx, J-Lo's popularity has plummeted. It's all because of her claiming to be "real", yet becoming the standard for bitchy Hollywood divas lately. Not to mention her "Jenny from the Block" video didn't include ANY footage of her in The Bronx at all...


Yeah, she's keeping it real alright.



Man you took the words right out of my mouth.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

As the resident direct-to-video (or near so) expert of the board, I'll enlighten you all with my knowledge of Million Dollar Hotel.


Bono produced it, and from what I remember, it was directed by a French guy who only had two or so prior films that were produced in the US. The same guy who wrote one other DTV film that was pretty good back when the DTV genre came into its own (96, 97) wrote it.


Not a bad film. Obviously Gibson did it as a favor to one of the producers (most likely Bono). He isn't in the film more than the "supporting" actors if my memory is right, and the film it like ** 1/2 out of *****.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
As the resident direct-to-video (or near so) expert of the board, I'll enlighten you all with my knowledge of Million Dollar Hotel.


Bono produced it, and from what I remember, it was directed by a French guy who only had two or so prior films that were produced in the US.  The same guy who wrote one other DTV film that was pretty good back when the DTV genre came into its own (96, 97) wrote it.


Not a bad film.  Obviously Gibson did it as a favor to one of the producers (most likely Bono).  He isn't in the film more than the "supporting" actors if my memory is right, and the film it like ** 1/2 out of *****.

It was directed by Wim Wenders, a pretty good German director. I guess his most famous movie would be Buena Vista Social Club, which is awesome. Other famous (well, in Europe at least) films of his include "The Sky over Berlin" (which was remade in the US as "City of Angels" with Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan), "Paris, Texas" and "The American Friend" (with Dennis Hopper).

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Um, wheres Ed Nrton in these list , people ??!!!


So ok he doesnt have as many movies under his beltas the others, but those that he does have (excpet for "death to smoochy/ie" ) were and are the sh!t !!!!!!!

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Guest Lethargic

Who cares about Mel Gibson in Million Dollar Hotel? Milla Jovovich is in it. Now there is MY biggest box office draw. Every one of her movies is going to at least make MY 5.75.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon
I don't think they even kept accurate box office when John Wayne was a star, but I could be wrong.

I've seen all time lists adjusted for inflation and it included things like Gone with the Wind and the Wizard of Oz, so they kept grosses to some extent. They kind of had to, how would they know if the studio was making money or file federal taxes?

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Guest Mole
Um, wheres Ed Nrton in these list , people ??!!!


So ok he doesnt have as many movies under his beltas the others, but those that he does have (excpet for "death to smoochy/ie" ) were and are the sh!t !!!!!!!

I hope you were joking because Ed is a great actor, but defienlty isn't a draw like the other three are.

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Guest Choken One

I don't think Norton has EVER drawn a Good Gross on his own...


Great Movies (Fight Club, American History X, People Vs Larry Flynt being his standout movies)....but bad draws...became Cult movies...Esp. F.C.

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Guest Razor Roman
Oh, trust me...in The Bronx, J-Lo's popularity has plummeted. It's all because of her claiming to be "real", yet becoming the standard for bitchy Hollywood divas lately. Not to mention her "Jenny from the Block" video didn't include ANY footage of her in The Bronx at all...


Yeah, she's keeping it real alright.


Yeah and I also read that one of her bodyguards push away a little girl trying to get an autograph from J-Lo and made her cry. Yeah that's real nice.

Yeah..but have you seen the video for "I'm Glad"?




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Guest The Hamburglar
Reese Witherspoon.

I seem to remember somewhere that as of the last few years, her box office draw of films where she's been the star has been phenomenal. And unlike some, its a dead cert that she's the one drawing in the punters, because films like Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama certainly aren't films that would have got high box office on their own. Hanks, for example, definitely a big draw, but I'd hesitate to say he's been the sole draw in a few of his high grossing films. Saving Private Ryan, Road to Perdition, Sleepless in Seattle, there were other significant factors in these films other than Hanks that made them big money.

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