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WWE Creative Change Petition & Jun 9 Raw Boycot

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I actually started an Internet-Wide online petition last week, not knowing there was a huge thread on this forum about a similar effort scheduled for May 5.


I e-mailed Brian, the guy who started that thread about it, but I haven't heard anything back from him. I thought I should get a post up before I get on the radio and talk about it.


My current plan is to get the word out about my petition to a bunch of other message boards, and hit the message boards I've already hit again. I'm also planning on getting it plugged in some columns. I'm avoiding sending it to the big sites yet until there's enough signatures to show that this will go somewhere.


Hopefully next week it should reach critical mass so that some of the big sites will start plugging it when I let them know about it (3,000 or so signatures). Still, that date will be five weeks out so there will be plenty of time to let everyone know about it.


I'm planning on sending it via e-mail & snail mail to WWE, plus to TNN, TSN, and the advertisers. With the "comments" field it also functions as a way to let your voice be heard. It's really as much of a creative change petition as it is a sign-up to boycott Raw, so it functions in both ways.


It's worth a shot, and I feel strongly if I can reach a critical mass of signatures it will overcome the "this won't work" crowd.


From posting on just a handful of message boards, I've already garnered over 565 signatures and counting (just had to change that from 560 to 565).


I'm going to be appearing on WrestleThis radio 1360 am out of Philly from 7-8 p.m. tonight to chat about this petition. You can also listen to it live on the Internet.


WrestleThis Radio


I'd definately like to touch base with the people on here and merge our tents together, with whoever was interested about the previous date. If it's still on, I'll be more than happy to plug it on the radio and let people know about both dates in the future.


If there's anything else that may be more effective, let me know. I will be able to get the e-mails of a lot of the people who signed my petition once it closes.


A link to my petition is below. I think if we combine our efforts we can get somewhere with this. Even if you don't buy it, it's worth the three seconds of your time it takes to sign up.


WWE Creative Change Petition & Raw Boycott June 9

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Guest bradolson

blah blah blah ... boycott wwe ... blah blah blah ... i'm not watching anymore ... blah blah blah ...


they don't care. unless those 3,000 people have nielsen boxes, it won't even be a blip on the radar screen.

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Guest Dmann2000

Well shoot what will work bombing Titan Tower


For the record I in no way condone violent action against WWE, it's employees, its offices its subsidiaries or advertisers.

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Guest NoCalMike

Ok, I think the reasons these things never work is because even if "everyone" on the net participated, it is still only the net crowd that is doing this. WWE obviously doesn't care what the internet smarks care about. I mean, WWE is doing bad business, they obviously know they are losing money, yet continue to do the same old, tired, boring shit. So if losing money and fans isn't going to change things, why would a handful of angry smarks? If the petition is to address one or two certain points of interest in the "grand scheme" then it may work, but if the petition is just asking for a major overhaul of this, that, and the other thing, it will be ignored.....


Where is this petition, btw?

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Guest Youth N Asia
These things never work

Actually, if memory serves, they actually have a couple times. I can't remember what, though, but I'm just saying... ^_^

Yeah, there was a "Save The Meanie" online campaign a few years back that got the Blue Meanie his job again...for a little while

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Guest dreamer420
I actually started an Internet-Wide online petition last week, not knowing there was a huge thread on this forum about a similar effort scheduled for May 5.


I e-mailed Brian, the guy who started that thread about it, but I haven't heard anything back from him. I thought I should get a post up before I get on the radio and talk about it.


My current plan is to get the word out about my petition to a bunch of other message boards, and hit the message boards I've already hit again. I'm also planning on getting it plugged in some columns. I'm avoiding sending it to the big sites yet until there's enough signatures to show that this will go somewhere.


Hopefully next week it should reach critical mass so that some of the big sites will start plugging it when I let them know about it (3,000 or so signatures). Still, that date will be five weeks out so there will be plenty of time to let everyone know about it.


I'm planning on sending it via e-mail & snail mail to WWE, plus to TNN, TSN, and the advertisers. With the "comments" field it also functions as a way to let your voice be heard. It's really as much of a creative change petition as it is a sign-up to boycott Raw, so it functions in both ways.


It's worth a shot, and I feel strongly if I can reach a critical mass of signatures it will overcome the "this won't work" crowd.


From posting on just a handful of message boards, I've already garnered over 565 signatures and counting (just had to change that from 560 to 565).


I'm going to be appearing on WrestleThis radio 1360 am out of Philly from 7-8 p.m. tonight to chat about this petition. You can also listen to it live on the Internet.


WrestleThis Radio


I'd definately like to touch base with the people on here and merge our tents together, with whoever was interested about the previous date. If it's still on, I'll be more than happy to plug it on the radio and let people know about both dates in the future.


If there's anything else that may be more effective, let me know. I will be able to get the e-mails of a lot of the people who signed my petition once it closes.


A link to my petition is below. I think if we combine our efforts we can get somewhere with this. Even if you don't buy it, it's worth the three seconds of your time it takes to sign up.


WWE Creative Change Petition & Raw Boycott June 9

Thanks. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile.

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Guest EternallyLazy
Thanks. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile.

I laughed, but not nearly as hard as when I saw your signature for the first time

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these things never work....because never even attempt. i doubt any of you are doing anything except going back and forth to message boards. take 5 minutes to fill out the petition. MAYBE it could work. its just like the people who say "tna should get a tv deal". order the damn show and make their buyrates high so they can get a show on tv. or, i love this one, "why do they continue to show me this shit every monday. it insults my intellegence". well, here is your chance. sign the petition, let your intellegence be complemented and hopefully HELP the damn cause. not sitting him bitching that nothing ever works.

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thats because many of the internet fans come off as "fire rikishi. he sucks." "jeff hardy is trash." "chris jericho has lost a step" if you write it in a sensible fashion, and actually write it out, they would probably listen.

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Since when does Vince listen to what's sensible? WWE hates the IWC mostly based on "Online Wrestling Columnists" who, while most are full of it, do write in a more sensible way that that.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz
I'm planning on sending it via e-mail & snail mail to WWE, plus to TNN, TSN, and the advertisers.



What advertisers did you have in mind?



I already sent a letter to a certain spray on truck bed lining company:


"Dear Sir,

I will not be using your product in the future because you advertise on a show (WWE Raw) that portrays having sexual intercourse with dead bodies as entertainment and I consider your advertising as an endorsment of such activity (unentertaining television, also fooking corpses as well, I guess...)



someone who wasn't entertained"

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Oooh..another petiononline petition..hmm..

I think I signed a petition on there to shut down petition online, since their petitions never work. Honestly..name one petition that someones started with that site that has brought the exact results that were the intention of the petitiion.


I wish everyone who hated the WWE right now would just quit watching instead of bitching about it here. I'm quite honestly sick and tired of it.

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