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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I just got sent a WWE Survey...

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I live in the UK and some of these questions are clearly for American's...


Anyone else get this?:


1. Gender




2. Age

< 12








3. Where do you live?

City or Urban Area

Suburbs (10-24 miles outside of city)

Rural Area (25+ miles outside of city)


4. Please describe your racial background.





Mixed Race




5. How old were you when you first became interested in WWE™?

< 12








6. The reason I began watching WWE shows (please check the one that most applies)

My family watches WWE™.

My friends watch WWE™.

I watch other programming on the same channel all the time (UPN, TNN).

I heard about it on another TV station, articles, etc

I saw a Superstar on another TV show or movie, and I became interested.

None of the above.



7. I am able to watch the following (check all that apply)

UPN (Smackdown!™)

TNN (Raw®)

pay-per-view via cable

pay-per-view via satellite (i.e. DirecTV, EchoStar, etc.)



8. I watch Raw®

Every week

1-2X month

1-2X year (less than once per month)

Do not watch



9. I watch SmackDown!™

Every week

1-2X month

1-2X year (less than once per month)

Do not watch



10. I watch other WWE™ Programming (WWE™ Sunday Night Heat®, WWE™ Confidential™, etc.)

Every week

1-2X month

1-2X year (less than once per month)

Do not watch



11. My favorite WWE™ show is



WWE™ Sunday Night Heat®




Bottom Line™

I do not have a favorite WWE™ show.



12. The frequency (how often, same shows) I watch WWE™ TV Programming as compared to the same time last year is



About the same



13. I visit WWE.com™

Every day

At least once per week

Once or twice per month

Do not visit



14. What would drive you to watch more or enjoy WWE™ Programming more?


Seeing favorite “Legendary” Superstars (The Rock®, Stone Cold Steve Austin™, Undertaker, Triple H™)

Agree Disagree


If "Legendary" Superstars were on less

Agree Disagree


If the shows were on at a different time when there was not programming that I liked better or watched instead of WWE™

Agree Disagree


More in-ring action (i.e., more wrestling)

Agree Disagree


If the shows were on a different channel

Agree Disagree


More naughty or suggestive programming

Agree Disagree


New WWE™ Divas

Agree Disagree


New "big" super-muscle Superstars (Brock Lesnar™, etc.)

Agree Disagree


New "funny or witty" Superstars

Agree Disagree


More new Superstars who are daredevils who can do amazing stunts (Rob Van Dam™, Rey Mysterio™, etc.)

Agree Disagree


More humor

Agree Disagree


More gimmicks and nicknames

Agree Disagree


More backstage drama

Agree Disagree


Intriguing stories that make me think

Agree Disagree


Entertaining stories that do not make me think

Agree Disagree


Surprises and twists (i.e., more unpredictable)

Agree Disagree


More new Superstars who I can identify with (i.e., from where I live, my ethnic background, my age, my size, etc.)

Agree Disagree


If I could be more involved with shows (i.e., polls, surveys)

Agree Disagree


If the shows were shorter

Agree Disagree



15. I have purchased the following at least once in the last 12 months (check all that apply)


WWE™ Book

WWE™ Live Events Tickets

WWE™ Merchandise online or via catalog

WWE™ Merchandise from a department store, etc.

WWE™ Merchandise from a Live Event

WWE™ Home Video

Magazine or Raw® Magazine at a newsstand

WWE™ or Raw® Magazine Subscription



16. Besides WWE™ programs, my three favorite types of shows are (check only three)

Action Reality Shows (example: Survivor)

Entertainment Reality (example: American Idol or Joe Millionaire)

Crime Reality (example: CSI)

Shows with strong dramatic storylines (example: West Wing)

Sitcoms that make me laugh (example: Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends)

Live-Action Sporfting Events (example: Football, Hockey, Baseball)

Movies on Premium Channels or PPV

Sporting Highlight or Special Shows

Extreme or "Special" Sporting Events (College Wrestling, XGames)

Soap Operas


News Channels


17. Thinking of the following words or phrases, which remind you of Raw® or Smackdown!™?


Your favorite Superstars

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Rebellious and in your face

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Shocking and Provocative

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Clever Stories

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Stylized or Polished

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Escape from Reality

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Ethnic Diversity

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Urban, Hip Hop, Funky

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Heavy Metal

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Athletic or Sporty

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


Family Viewing

RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither



RAW® Smackdown!™ Both Neither


18. What type of radio station do you listen to most frequently? (check one)

Hip-Hop or Urban

Top 40


News or Talk


Classic Rock




19. When you buy a movie ticket, what type of movie are you most likely to see? (check one)

Action or Adventure


Romantic Comedy






20. Where do you live?

United States






South America

U.S. Military Base




21. How would you rate the value of the most recent WWE™ pay-per-views you have seen or purchased?




Below Average

Do not buy PPV


22. Compared to last year, do you buy more, less, or the same number of WWE™ PPVs?




Do not buy PPV


23. Compared to last year, do you watch more, less, or the same number of WWE™ PPVs?




Do not buy PPV


24. How often have you purchased WWE™ PPVs in the last year?

Every Month

9-11 times per year

6-8 times per year

3-5 times per year

1-2 times per year

Do not buy PPV


25. Have you ever ordered WWE™ Fanatics or WWE™ Video-On-Demand TV Programming?



2-3 times

>4 times


26. I have purchased the following types of pay-per-view on TV in the last year (check all that apply)

UFC or Other Wrestling PPVs




Adult Entertainment


27. Only answer this question if you have purchased WWE™ PPV in the last year. How far in advance do you normally order WWE PPV?

5 minutes before the event starts

6-60 minutes before the event starts

More than an hour before the event starts, BUT on the same day

2 days before the event

More than 2 days before the event


28. What are the top 3 reasons that make you want to buy PPV? (check no more than 3 that are most applicable)

Advertising from my cable or satellite provider that reminds me of the event

Advertising on WWE™ Program(s) that I watch

The specific Superstars that are wrestling

Price of the PPV seems to be a good value compared to other entertainment choices I have

Programming available at the same time is not as interesting-WWE™ is the best alternative

Season of the year-more apt to buy at certain times of year than others

Word-of-mouth from family or friends

Storyline resolution (i.e., "what will happen" is answered)

My friends and family rotate who buys PPV, and it's my turn

Get to see all my favorite Superstars on one show

More naughty or suggestive than WWE™ TV Programming

Promise or announcement of a new or returning wrestler

Storyline twists and surprises that I can only see on PPV

Matches that I cannot see on other shows


29. What are the top 3 reasons for not buying a PPV? (check no more than 3 that are most applicable)

I am not aware of the day or time of the PPV

I cannot order PPV due to cable or satellite “package” I have

I usually attend the PPV live event instead of watching it on TV

I cannot afford PPV due to budget constraints

I watch other shows at the same time as PPV

My friends and family rotate who buys PPV, and it’s not my turn

WWE™ PPV is not as good as it used to be

I became tired of watching WWE™ PPV

I watch enough WWE™ Programs on other channels so I don’t pay for PPV

I go online to see PPV results

I “listen” to PPV on other wrestling sites as it happens

The storyline and matches are less interesting to me than before

PPV is too expensive

I cannot see all of my favorite Superstars on one show

Season of the year

I am as satisfied watching PPV recaps on WWE™ shows as I would be watching PPV live

The new Superstars that I like are not on PPV as much as I would like

I buy the event on VHS or DVD

My favorite Superstars don’t wrestle any more

The Superstars that I most enjoy are not featured on PPV


30. What 2 reasons would improve your satisfaction as a PPV buyer OR make you buy a PPV if you do not do so now? (Check a maximum of two)

Twists or matches that can only be seen on PPV

No recaps on WWE™ Programming

Price decrease

Return of favorite past Superstars

Debut of new Superstars

More naughty or suggestive content

PPVs on during a different time

Match twists with favorite superstars (Hell in a Cell Cage match, etc.)


31. I would buy a pay-per-view for $34.95 featuring Raw® Superstars ONLY.

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree


32. I would buy a pay-per-view for $34.95 featuring Smackdown!™ Superstars ONLY.

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree


33. I would buy a pay-per-view for $34.95 featuring Raw® AND Smackdown!™ Superstars.

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree


34. Did you order WrestleMania® XIX this year?




35. Did you watch WrestleMania® XIX this year?




36. If you watched WrestleMania® XIX this year, did you

watch alone

watch with family/friends

watch in a sports bar or restaurant


37. How many times have you ordered WrestleMania® in the past?

1 time

2-5 times

6-10 times

11-15 times

>more than 15 times

Every WrestleMania® in the past

Never ordered WrestleMania® in the past


38. How many times have you watched WrestleMania® in the past?

1 time

2-5 times

6-10 times

11-15 times

>more than 15 times

Every WrestleMania® in the past

Never watched WrestleMania® in the past


39. If you did not order WrestleMania® XIX the reason you did not

I never order WrestleMania®

I could not afford it

I attended WrestleMania® in Seattle

I was not available to purchase or view

I was watching news or war coverage

I was watching other programming

Technical problems prevented me

My cable company did not offer it on my system

WrestleMania® matches, card, Superstars, and content did not seem to be worth $39.95

I will buy the event on DVD or VHS instead of watching it on PPV


40. Compared to other WrestleManias® in the past, this year's show was

More interesting

Less interesting

About the same as other WrestleManias®

Did not watch


41. Watching the highlights of the past 19 WrestleMania® programs would be interesting to me.

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree


42. Finding out what past WrestleMania® Superstars are currently doing (in real life) would be very interesting to me

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree


43. People I know who used to be fans might start watching WWE™ shows to see old WrestleMania® shows and Superstars from the past

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Do not know anyone who has been a fan in the past

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Guest Trivia247

gee I want them to send me one of those in the mail, how did you get it?

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I am on their mailing list they use to send out updates and stuff.


Its a monster questionnaire, and some fo the questions are so poorly constructed I nearly gave up completing it.

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Guest Aero

Yes, I just filled mine out five minutes ago. I live in Jersey, BTW. Interesting survery, and I was 100% honest for mine, not that it'll make a difference, but might as well. There was that string of questions with answers "RAW, Smackdown, Both, Neither"... every answer I gave was either Smackdown or Neither. Go figure...

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Guest TheHulkster

That's a much better survey than the previous one, I gotta say. It's a lot more thorough.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

What got to me was that on some of the questions that said 'what would make you buy more...' or 'I prefer' there were no answers that enabled me to say 'more wrestling' or 'better wrestling' - just crap about matching their programming to my soap tastes.

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Guest Dmann2000

When asking if I'd like more "funny or witty" superstars I was afraid what their definitions of "funny and witty" would be?


*dog poop, lots of dog poop*

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Guest Slapnuts00

I was just about to post this! In fact go here http://surveys.wwe.com/ to fill out 4 WWE surverys. The first 20 questions for all are the same but maybe we can get our voices heard...

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Guest HellSpawn
I live in the UK and some of these questions are clearly for American's...

How about this...


20. Where do you live?

United States






South America

U.S. Military Base



Well, I live in Mexico, so... nope, thats not EU or Canada, neither South America, Africa? Europe? Asia? No US MB? Hell No!


So, its "other" for me.


I cant believe the WWE totally forgot either North America or Central America.

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Guest kane3212321

New "big" super-muscle Superstars (Brock Lesnar™, etc.)


New "funny or witty" Superstars


More new Superstars who are daredevils who can do amazing stunts (Rob Van Dam™, Rey Mysterio™, etc.)


What if I just want good wrestlers who mix up their styles like Guerrero?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
<Dusty Rhodes>FUNKY LIKE A MONKEY!</Dusty Rhodes>



I filled them out during Raw, though I absolutely refuse to fill out those first 20 questions multiple times (why not combine them all into one quiz for those who want to do all?), so I just did the first 5 and then went onto the new questions.


I was surprised the WWE had my option down for live events. I'm comped at everything I go to, and that was an option.

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