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Guest JMTapes

Indies in Mass.?

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Guest JMTapes



Up here in New England, there isn't much in the way of indy TV. You've got Chaotic Wrestling which is a very good product, but they haven't had TV in over a year. Then I know there are some in CT and points south. All Im looking for is some TV. Anybody know of any that reaches northeastern MA? Thanks. -JM

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Guest ShooterJay

Sorry JM, there isn't any.


In fact, there are hardly any indys in Northeastern MA anymore. Which is odd, because for such a heavy wrestling fanbase in this area, you'd figure business would boom.


Green Mountain Wrestling has TV in New Hampshire I think, but their product is atrocious. NWA New England got thrown off TV because they were violating some sort of content standards, same with Empire Wrestling. A while ago I told you guys a friend and I tried to put together TV for a small NH based indy- the 5 pilot episodes ran on some MA public access stations, but there was no interest anywhere else and we stopped production in October. And you know about Chaotic.


Hopefully NECW can put together a small state TV deal, or Chaotic gets back on its feet. The problem is that basically these promotions have to put their TV shows in paid programming slots, which isn't profitable at all-no exposure and you spend a ton of money.

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I wouldn't quite call GMW attrocious. But that's just me!


NECW kept talking about TV but I wouldn't hold your breath.


The WFA out of NH (run by Steve Bradley) has had 2 TV tapings but I think you can only catch that in NH and VT.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

The last indy in NE I saw on TV was Rhode Island-based Primal Conflict. Okay for what they were (a hardcore indy), but they only aired one episode of TV on WNDS (a station out of, I believe, New Hampshire), and then got taken off the air. Methinks it might have had something to do with the lightbulb ladder match they aired as the main event on the first show...

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