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For some strange reason when using my computer, my computer starts going batshit, my mouse starts moving in different directions on it's own and getting into stuff and I am not the one doing this.


Is there some way I can fix this problem?

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Guest TheGame2705

My guess right off the bat is that you haven't done the orientation on a wireless mouse or some's remotely connecting to your comp and screwing around.

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Guest MentallyNormal

Check for trojans,viruses and make sure you turned of that remote desktop feature in winxp if you are not using it.


To turn off that remote feature as he mentioned if it's even on


Go to Control Panel/Peformace Maintinece/System/Remote

If classic view Control Panel/System/Remote


Remove the checks if their are any located in Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop check boxes

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I get that every now and then and I run windows ME. is there a way to do that for that OS?

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I'm not sure if there is a thing like that for Windows ME, I don't run that anymore.


I also did the advised things, scanned for viruses, none came up. I also turned off that remote feature.


Does anyone have any links to some good firewalls? I had some firewalls before, but I've had to fdisk my hard drive several times and lost them and have forgotten the links.

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