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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Vince vs Shane

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Guest Cerebus
Shane - Prime Minister Dad...I think it would be great if Benoit won the title next month at Judgment Day...


Steph - Father, I think Brock and Paul Heyman should be married in a private service and begin destroying cruiserweights like they were garden gnomes...


Vince - QUIET, Lt. Son....you are a complete moron...I do not trust you know what you are saying... I see you watching that NWA and Honor stuff like it was made by me....HIGH TREASON I say...OFF WITH THIS HEAD...


*shane is dragged away*


...as for you, Lance Corporal Princess...you show signs of utter stupidity as well...but I like it....I think the Big Show should be next in line for a title shot...


Steph - Yes, Mr. Prime Minister...I'll be right on that...


Vince - Ahh....you are such a good suck up...keep up the good work, Princess...

Queen Mom: Your all idiots, put Austin back on tv now


Prime Minister: Linda you ignorite slut, you have a point, I'll let you have your way........So get to the ring and do a segment with ** General Eric.


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Guest The Tino Standard

Big Show also had the closest thing to a good run when he was associated with Shane-O-Mac. Test had what was probably his best angle ever with Shane too.


Shane might have favorites, but at least he seems to bring out the best in them.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Who shot Vince?, in the hands of competent writers, could probably be a pretty funny and intriguing storyline, with hospital vignettes of Vince in a coma and everybody suspicious of everyone else. It could be used to lay to rest all these inane GM storylines and finally move the company away from the storyline rut they've been stuck in for years. Ah, never happen, but at least it couldn't be worse than fucking Katie Vick.


As to Shane, I'm pretty sure I read that he was the guy in the mid-nineties pushing Vince to change things and move the company towards ECW's product and the Attitude era, so I think he'd have a better shot at raising the product from the almost dead than the obvious alternative.

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Guest crandamaniac
Who shot Vince?, in the hands of competent writers, could probably be a pretty funny and intriguing storyline, with hospital vignettes of Vince in a coma and everybody suspicious of everyone else. It could be used to lay to rest all these inane GM storylines and finally move the company away from the storyline rut they've been stuck in for years. Ah, never happen, but at least it couldn't be worse than fucking Katie Vick.

Oh God, not a rehashed Tommy Fierro idea.


And wasn't Shane the head of New Media (internet site and stuff like that)? Sounds to me the man who heads up the internet site would be more receptive to the ideas we had (good or bad) and to our thoughts on the current show. Would be a lot better then Steph and Vince's idea of sticking their fingers in their ears

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