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Guest Cerebus

Schiavone & Ross feud?

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Guest Cerebus

"There has been talk within WWE to calling Tony Schiavone to hire him to replace Jim Ross for a few weeks on the RAW announcers table. This would play into the real life bitter rivalry between the two men and would avoid viewers from having to listen to Jonathan Coachman, who many feel is not getting the job done. Nevertheless the idea of Schiavone has been shot down by Kevin Dunn of WWE, so it is being doubted to happen."


source: Rajahwwf.com


Anyone know what Shiavone & Ross hate each other for?

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Guest AndrewTS

"This would play into the real life bitter rivalry between the two men and would avoid viewers from having to listen to Jonathan Coachman, who many feel is not getting the job done."




Wow, even WWE knows that Coach absolutely sucks.

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Guest Choken One

I don't blame Dunn, He has been at it for years...Why deal with another idiot announcer...But c'mon get rid of coach...He is fine as a Backstage guy...But not as a Announcer...


hey! Al SNow isn't doing anything these days...let him rip it up on raw...

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Guest AndrewTS
I don't blame Dunn, He has been at it for years...Why deal with another idiot announcer...But c'mon get rid of coach...He is fine as a Backstage guy...But not as a Announcer...


hey! Al SNow isn't doing anything these days...let him rip it up on raw...

Not as a color guy. Al is just not very witty. Although him on PBP and Foley on color...THAT would be gold.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Why deal with another idiot announcer...But c'mon get rid of coach...He is fine as a Backstage guy...But not as a Announcer...

How long did we rip on Michael Cole? These days, most of us like the little bastard.


Coach will never get better working with Lawler.

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Guest Downhome

I hope Schiavone comes in, I REALLY miss him. He's better than most, I've always prefered him actually, even over JR. Besides, both King and JR have become almost parody's of themselves, it'd be nice for a change.


However, I don't know how a FEUD could work between the two, and God knows I don't want to see a match between them both.

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Guest Lightning Flik
However, I don't know how a FEUD could work between the two, and God knows I don't want to see a match between them both.

Who says they'd have a match?


They'd just get some pitiful wrestlers to do the one upsmanship for the two guys.


JR would get Test to do the wrestling for him.


Schiavone would get Steiner to do his work.



...wait a minute. Dear God~! IT COULD ACTUALLY HAPPEN~!

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Guest NoCalMike

YAAAAAAAAAAH. Ross vs. Schivone feud. Finally Vince is thinking. That is gonna flood the ratings gate wide open. WWE is back baby.(mark mode off) UGH....

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

This is the most important thread in the history of our forum!

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Guest razazteca

They need Tony to do the During the commercials we left the tape machines rolling


I don't know who is worst Tony shrilling Hogan or JR shrilling Austin.


Back in WCW they did sound good together.........its time to bring back the 3 man announcer team for Monday Nite Nitro.

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::imagines a three-man booth between JR, Schiavone and Lawler::


uhhh..... err....





But seriously, I cannot see JR and Tony today working together as they did back in the 80s...

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Guest AndrewTS
I hope Schiavone comes in, I REALLY miss him. He's better than most, I've always prefered him actually, even over JR. Besides, both King and JR have become almost parodies of themselves, it'd be nice for a change.

Is there ANYONE that WCW employed in the late 90's you don't want to see hired by WWE? :P


I guess it's going to be JR back on Raw next week. Ugh.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Maybe this could lead to an Announce Table on a Scaffold Match...first person to oversell something and fly from the scaffold to the floor LOSES

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Oh fuck it already and just call raw WCW Nitro..is it that hard?

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Guest Slapnuts00

No one answered your question, I noticed. I guess I will. Back in the early 90s when they were both announcers in WCW, after Bill Watts was fired many expected Jim Ross to take over since he had the expirience and respect, but it instead went To Eirc Bishoff, who made Tony Schiavone executive producer instead of Ross. This pissed off Ross (really who wants Tony Schiavone as their boss) and he left for the WWF. I think thats the story.

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Guest Olympic Slam
::imagines a three-man booth between JR, Schiavone and Lawler::


uhhh..... err....





But seriously, I cannot see JR and Tony today working together as they did back in the 80s...

Now there's an axis of evil!



Why are people ripping on Coach so much? He isn't that bad! A step up from the cantankerous Boomer Sooner.

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Guest Trivia247

its all about the coveted First chair position, and both men wanted it since both were in WCW.


but neither of dem Bitches can outshine....


The Fallen..Gorilla Monsoon.

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