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Guest Dmann2000

Okay if someone made The Dark Night Returns

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Guest Dmann2000

If someone managed to get off the ground an adaptation of The Dark Night Returns, who would you cast as the 50-60 year old Batman?

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Guest mach7

Keaton could do it. He's all balding and shit, just need to dye his hair grey and add a few wrinkles via latex FX.

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Guest Lethargic

Ian McKellan. He's in every other friggin movie, he might as well be in this one.

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Guest Dmann2000
Ian McKellan. He's in every other friggin movie, he might as well be in this one.

Well that would once and for all solve the Batman & Robin relationship (course in DKR Robin is a girl, they'd have to make Robin another young boy)

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Actually, no FX would be needed for Keaton. He was looking kind of old in Batman Returns, which is about 10 years old.

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Guest Walter Sobzak

Someone who already played Batman. Michael Keaton, because 1) He's already played Batman, 2) He's the only one who was any good at it, and 3) he's Michael Keaton and he rules.


They should've just done a Dark Knight inspired take to bring the original Batman series to a roundabout conclusion. They won't, of course, but they should.

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Guest DrTom

The problem is that the Batman in TDKR is brawny instead of lithe and wiry, as he's supposed to be during the normal years of his career. You'd need someone in the part who fits that bill. They can always have age added to them digitially (like Hopkins had it removed in Red Dragon), so finding someone 50ish isn't necessary. The key is to find someone with both brawn and some acting chops, since the older Bruce Wayne is very cerebral, complex, and comtemplative. It would not be an easy role to cast.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't think the comic movies will ever have brawny guys cast in the leading roles. You would need bodybuilders or football players if you wanted them to look the way they look in the comic books. My problems with Keaton in the first Batman were mostly the fact that he looked short and his haircut looked kind of stupid for Bruce Wayne. He seemed alot better as Batman in the second movie. I think they worked around his physical shortcomings alot better by having a different guy in the Batman costume and letting Keaton wear clothes that didn't show his lack of bulk. As long as you don't want Batman to look huge, you could work around stuff like that if you really wanted to. Hell, you could have Anthony Hopkins do it if you could have his face look a little less fat. Just dress him properly so that you can't see his physical limitations.

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Guest Vern Gagne

When and if a new Batman movie is made. Any idea who the Villain might be?

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