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Guest TheGame2705

Last night had so many attributes of the RAW Brand

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Guest TheGame2705

Popular wrestler is on a quest to take away the title from a stale champion who gained the belt through nepotism but jobs and is made to look weak after he uses interference and his finisher twice and still can't get the job done, Angle based solely racial inequality, Four team tag scene with one team having issues, and some other situations I can think of.


I'm not saying the matches are the same but I hear alot of complaining about the creative part of RAW yet you see the same storylines here.

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Hey Game, incase you haven't realized, 90% of the people here are bitching about Jarrett retaining and are comparing him to HHH so what are you talking about?



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Guest TheGame2705

I know about that. I'm just saying that the show has had RAW creative elements yet it still enjoyed but RAW isn't and not just on this show.

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Guest Zack Malibu
I know about that. I'm just saying that the show has had RAW creative elements yet it still enjoyed but RAW isn't and not just on this show.

That's because teams like Saturn/Credible, AMW and New Church are not stale like the Dudleys. The Harrises were the only team I hated in the 4 way.


Rodney Mack has no charisma, and Teddy Long is being made to sound like a stereotype with his "Holla atcha playa!" talk. Killings and Konnan have charisma and make VALID arguments when doing their race schtick.


The only thing you'll get support for is your JJ/HHH comparison, as last nights finish took the wind out of my sails. However, it's not like JJ is out there burying people week after week, and only selling for his friends.

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Guest bob_barron

The 'Kash suspends Trinity and she interferes and costs him the title' reminded me of the Morley-Dudleyz feud which I HATE

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
The only thing you'll get support for is your JJ/HHH comparison, as last nights finish took the wind out of my sails. However, it's not like JJ is out there burying people week after week, and only selling for his friends.

A while back there was talk that Jerry wanted Jeff to be over big and Jeff and Russo wanted him to put people over. I think they are building to something bigger down the line.

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Guest Zack Malibu
The only thing you'll get support for is your JJ/HHH comparison, as last nights finish took the wind out of my sails.  However, it's not like JJ is out there burying people week after week, and only selling for his friends.

A while back there was talk that Jerry wanted Jeff to be over big and Jeff and Russo wanted him to put people over. I think they are building to something bigger down the line.

Exactly my point. I know JJ isn't booking himself strong, but the reign is stale. His character evolution (becoming "paranoid Jeff", etc.) has also been done really well, but he shouldn't have retained last night.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

This all will actually probably build Raven's character more. Make him more desperate to fulfill his destiny.

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Guest RedJed
This all will actually probably build Raven's character more. Make him more desperate to fulfill his destiny.

Yup exactly.


I think using comparisons of TNA to RAW is unfounded myself, at least at this point. Way back when we had pointless opening segments building the main events at times, with guys just going through the motions of working the mic on each other, etc.

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Guest Sandman9000

It's because we have faith that TNA will do the right thing (whatever that might be) in the end when it deals with these issues. Unlike RAW, in which we have no faith in.

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Guest JHawk

I can sort of understand the argument, but look at it this way.


In less than four months, Raven was built up so well as a credible main eventer that the heel section damn near rioted when Jarrett retained. But WWE had Raven for nearly three YEARS and refused to even TRY to build him into a credible non-hardcore wrestler.


Score one for NWATNA, at least for the time being.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Another thing is the match quality. Would we have seen a match as good as Raven/Jarrett, or as good as Styles/D'Lo vs. Young/Siaki, or even as good as Sabin/Shark/Rave/Cross on Raw? Nope.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Like...I get the JJ thing...I really do.


But how the rest of it was like RAW I don't get.


It was...you know...GOOD for one.


For two the midcarders had storylines.

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and tna listens to the fans. if we dont like something, they change it unless they have big plans for it (possibly the raven/jarrett drama). wwe thinks fans dont know what they want, in some cases its true, but they still dont try and cater to their fans. they just try what they want to try.

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Guest Ulysses Everett McGill

To compare this past week's TNA show to RAW is downright stupid. Anybody who actually SAW this past week's show could never compare it to RAW. It was tightly paced, well written, and had a hot crowd, well built up storylines and good matches.


How is that like RAW?

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The only WWE show you could compare a TNA show to is a PPV, because weekly TNA does what WWE can only do once a month and that is make a show that is truly worth your money. WWE hardly does that anymore. Last week's TNA show was better than Backlash because they can truly build feuds and storylines. I would much rather watch Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven over Bill Goldberg vs. The Rock, A.J. Styles and D'Lo Brown vs. Sonny Siaki and David Young over Triple H, Ric Flair, and Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Booker T, and Chris Sabin vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Jason Cross vs. Shark Boy over Los Guerreros vs. Team Angle.

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