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Guest HartFan86

IC Title rumored to come back

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Guest HartFan86

From 1wrestling.com's report of Byte This:


Coach asks what ideas he has for Raw.  Austin says that he has a couple of buddies who have been fired that he’d like to rehire, and mentions something about titles that have been retired.  He adds that he would rather wait until Monday to talk about his plans.  Generally, he just wants to add attitude and enthusiasm to the show.


Thank god. The mid card needs help and I think with good use of the IC title again, it will help.

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Guest AndrewTS

There better be a tournament.


Question: if Austin and Bischoff have equal control, how would any ruling by either of them overrule the other?

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Guest Downhome

How great would it be if Austin just handed the IC title to HHH, since it IS in the World Title? :D


I am one that believes that a return of the IC title, could help more than many would think so. As long as they build it up with a tourny, give it to someone who is very strong (RVD, hurricane, etc...) it could be magical once again.


Sure, to many of you RVD, Jericho, and the sort are above that title, but I would much rather them be fighting over this than being in pointless feuds with no reason to them. I like RVD where he is right now actually, him and Kane seem to be MEGA over.


Hell, I wouldn't be suprised if they had Goldberg face Jericho in the finals for a tourny for the strap, or something like that. Like him or not, he's over, Jericho is over, and it would be hot.


I'm all for it returning, as long as they keep it off of guys like Albert, The Godfather, and others who are below the title.

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Guest Downhome

How about those that Austin will bring back? Is it just JR and Lita, or is there someone else I'm forgetting?

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Guest Downhome

They were fired? I must have totally missed that one.

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Guest HartFan86

They were fired? I must have totally missed that one.

Indefinately suspended as of Backlash by Morley.

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Guest Downhome

They were fired? I must have totally missed that one.

Indefinately suspended as of Backlash by Morley.

I'm not doubting you, I believe you and all, but when did he say this?

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

I'd like to see Hurricane get it.


I feel that Jericho is somewhere above it, and he and Goldberg don't need the IC belt involved in their feud. IF the WWE builds it correctly, heat should be enough to go on. And considering Goldberg will run through opponents, he'll probably get the World at some point. So I feel throwing the belt on him would be a waste and a rip-off of what they did in WCW with Goldberg.


As for RVD, he and Kane are beginning to grow on me. Keep them in the tags for now, considering they didn't have jack for RVD to do outside of it before. I don't think the IC belt would help him more or less than the Tag belts.


Hurricane has gotten a nice push recently though, and the IC belt would be perfect for him.


Anyone think this'll just lead to Steph "one-upping" Raw though? By making her own, new mid-card belt?

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Guest Youth N Asia

Watch Bischoff give the belt to Hunter...who will lose it to Shawn at Summerslam

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Guest Steviekick

About freaking time~! I love secondary titles like a fat kid loves cake.

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Guest Downhome
I'd like to see Hurricane get it. 


I feel that Jericho is somewhere above it, and he and Goldberg don't need the IC belt involved in their feud.  IF the WWE builds it correctly, heat should be enough to go on.


As for RVD, he and Kane are beginning to grow on me.  Keep them in the tags for now, considering they didn't have jack for RVD to do outside of it before.  I don't think the IC belt would help him more or less than the Tag belts.


Hurricane has gotten a nice push recently though, and the IC belt would be perfect for him.


Anyone think this'll just lead to Steph "one-upping" Raw though?  By making her own, new mid-card belt?

On the surface, I agree with everything you just said. My only concern with it, is that I'm sure they want/need someone who is mega strong to be the first guy to hold this title again. Yes, Hurricane would be a great fit for it at this point in his career, but I'm just worried that if he is the first to hold it again, the belt will be looked at as something of a joke/novelty. The first person who holds it needs to really be strong and look like a serious contender, which is the only reason I mentioned Goldberg/Jericho. I'd give it to Jericho, but that's just me. If he wins it though, you can bet your ass that they'll have Goldberg beat him for it, then go on to face whoever the champion is...


...just like they did in WCW with Goldberg beating Raven for the US Title then going on to beat Hogan for the World Title.


If not Goldberg/Jericho right now, then someone who isn't looked at as a joke/novelty. Have someone serious hold it first, then after a bit of magic is restored to the belt, then let's give Hurricane his shot, or better yet let Shane Helms have a shot at it.


If I was a betting man, I'd say they will put it on either Goldberg, Jericho, Steiner, or Booker T. Just someone of that status to stat with.

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Guest AM The Kid

Thank goodness. I've been missing the title so much lately. This might get me watching RAW again.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Maybe RVD can put it above the wolrd title like he did with the ECW tv title...wouldn't take much.

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Guest TheArchiteck

So Raw will have 4 titles?? Kind of a lot for a 2 hour show. Especially since they hardly have a story for the tag & world titles.


World, Tag, Women's & IC

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Guest Choken One

If they DO bring back the title...The Tournament should be at BAD BLOOD as a wink to history...


That would help WWE from having to BOOK an Entire PPV with THAT roster...


Just have an One Night Eight Man Tourny (I'll give a bracket in a sec), The Nash/Goldberg Title Match...Tag Titles...Women's Title...and Might as well go with HBK/Jericho II or HBK/HHH III.


Put the Tag Titles On the French Dudes and have those guys against APA.


I.C Title Tourny


Booker T.

Test (Heel)


Chris Nowinski

Scott Steiner


Rob Van Dam

The Mack





Then Ya Have Booker/Nowinski and RVD/Xstaina and have RVD/Booker FACE VS FACE FINALS...


The only concern is what to do with Jericho and HHH...HBK will be their opponet...So one of them (Jericho) will be left out...Perhaps Jericho can pull a Owen for the viewing audience...


That would be the best thing to do...

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Guest Anglesault
Hell, I wouldn't be suprised if they had Goldberg face Jericho in the finals for a tourny for the strap, or something like that. Like him or not, he's over

Goldberg sucks! Goldberg sucks!


I guess by definiton, over means "getting a reaction" so you're right.


And if Rodney Mack or Test come NEAR this belt, I want it retired again.

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Guest Trivia247



Bring back dem titles!! IC Hardcore...european Yessss Les Resistance needs to wrestle for something LOL.

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Guest CanadianChris

I don't care who gets it...I just want them to bring back the old belt (the one Savage, HTM, Warrior, Bret, Shawn, etc. wore).


That new IC title never clicked with me.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool
If not Goldberg/Jericho right now, then someone who isn't looked at as a joke/novelty. Have someone serious hold it first, then after a bit of magic is restored to the belt, then let's give Hurricane his shot, or better yet let Shane Helms have a shot at it.


If I was a betting man, I'd say they will put it on either Goldberg, Jericho, Steiner, or Booker T. Just someone of that status to stat with.

That's the thing I hate about Hurricane. As a goofy character like that, you'll never be looked at as champion material by anyone.


I've long been a proponent for him dropping the Hurricane act, and becoming something of a defeated 'fallen hero' who becomes more serious and tries to regain his past glory. The best chances for those though were when Noble and Nidia stole his mask, and when he was unable to help Kane in last year's TLC. I think WWE really dropped the ball with those two instances in what they could've done with his character. Not to mention that I think the full-on Hurricane gimmick has just about now run it's course.


I agree though in that the belt can't be looked at as a joke or novelty, especially not so early, and especially considering that the old belt really did become a joke in it's final years.


I'm all for Booker T getting it. Less enthused with Jericho getting it and I just have to say no to Goldberg or Steiner. Because like I said, Goldberg will run roughshod through everyone anyway, and I feel that Steiner can't even put on matches worthy of a title anymore.


The problem in all this, is that you only have a few names to pick from. Most everyone hasn't been built up enough that they can be worthy of this title, and the others are simply above it. RVD and Kane still have the tag division. Storm, aside from being tag champion, has been jobbed in and out, and is now back on Heat duty. Morley hasn't been back around long enough and has been down the IC road before.


Choken One's tournament doesn't sound too bad though. But the Frenchie's should have a little more build-up before putting the tag belts on them. And I have to agree to AngleSault. No Mack and no Test.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I have no faith in WWE at all at this moment.


WWE brings back IC Title.


I get happy. :D


WWE puts title on Goldberg.


I get sad. :(


I refuse to allow myself to get too excited about anything these fuck heads are doing right now.


I never thought of myself as a bitter/angry smark, but these assholes are pushing my buttons right now.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

I'd rather it be a TV Title than the IC. The IC is now the Big Fake Gold Belt.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
I'd rather it be a TV Title than the IC. The IC is now the Big Fake Gold Belt.

now that u mention this, i found this a little wierd. I am a collector of replica belts, and WWE recently put out a new strap scheduled to sip in June...and its the WCW TV title....i was wondering why in the hell they would do this. I guess itd make sense if they were bringing back the title. heres the link, if anyone wants to check it out... http://secure.wrestlingsuperstore.com/supe...&ProductId=6987

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Guest AndrewTS

Probably Bradshaw or one of the Cliq will show up on Raw with the title and the commentators will say he won a one-night tournament in Rio.

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Guest AM The Kid

If they hold a tournament it would be awesome. The only thing the WWF has to remember is to use their talented superstars for this and not guys like Rosie and Jamal and have it go down the shitter. What I would like to see:


Booker T.

Chief Morley

Lance Storm

The Hurricane


Chris Jericho

Rob Van Dam


Steven Richards

Scott Steiner


Rodney Mack




Chris Nowinski



I feel that Jericho would bring alot of prestige back to the title and he could pimp it on the hi-lite of the night. Jericho could carry the belt to be bigger than the world title.

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