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Guest Trivia247

The Dragon has Signed

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Guest Mulatto Heat

This is the point where the "It could be worse" rebuttal comes in.

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Guest Trivia247
Ultimo will be good for the intial 2 months... That's about how long the WWE's interest in push the cruiserweight division is. Then it's putting over Albert, Demott, Taker, Big Show, Jones. Why do you think most of the Hosses are on Smackdown?? So they can throw around the cruiserweights.


But hey, if you're happy and content with those two months... the more power to you.

gotta give you this much, for someone who don't watch anymore your arguement is still seems accurate.

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Guest Vitamin X
What have they done to you?


Hmm, given them over a decade of loyalty and they don't care and even worse, they spit on it. Every time they LIE about their history, the history that I have witnessed, every time they CHANGE their history, the history that I have lived through, it's a SLAP in the face. Not to mention that all the stupid storylines and plot holes and time dedicated to NOTHING. My time is a very personal thing, time is life, no?

But you choose to dedicate your time to it, thus it is your fault and noone else's especially WWE's. It's their product, you decide to watch it or be loyal to it or not.


They take my time, my loyalty and they don't care.  I dunno bout you, but when I care about something for a long time I would like to have that care about me in return.  I don't mean a personal thank you card, I mean intelligent storylines, I mean them doing the best they can possibly do to put on a great show.  Is that so much to ask?


I doubt they don't try to put on a great show with entertaining storylines (how else are they going to make money?), they're just doing a horrific job of it. It's not too much to ask, but again your 'loyalty' is laughable as it is your choice to watch it or not, and from what I've seen you've already chosen Puro and MMA over WWE. So your 'loyalty' as of now is a mootpoint, because you have chosen the competition.


Yes, they may have messed up with a lot of wrestlers in the past, present, and as we all know future, but they've shown before they can turn things around.


Yeah, and you know what?  All this, all of what you are watching right now. It will be forgotten about.  Get it?  It's POINTLESS.  The time you put in right now is completely meaningless because once they get popular again they will act like it NEVER HAPPENED.  So why watch?


Because it is occassionally entertaining.


Just so you can watch stupid storyline after stupid storyline?


If it means I get to the parts that entertain me, possibly. And I don't have to pay attention nor care anyways.


What are the rewards that you as a fan get for watching?

What "reward" do we get for watching ANYTHING? If you're talking about entertainment, it's in the form of Benoit, Angle, Jericho, etc. and their matches.


They don't and won't give you their best product, how does that make you feel?


I don't know. I don't have an emotional attachment to something as trivial in the grand scheme of things as professional wrestling.


And being cynical about it and just generally hating everything about the product, that won't ever help your opinion of the WWE at all, it seems as if you never have and never will give them a chance. You're more cynical than Scott Keith, for christ's sake. At least he likes Benoit.


I like Benoit.  I don't like what they are doing with Benoit.  Oh, I gave them chances FOR YEARS!!!!! Chance after chance after chance after chance after chance!  Why should they get a chance with Ultimo Dragon?  They certainly don't deserve it.  My cynicism is completely warranted.


For YEARS? Benoit has been with the company roughly about 3 years, one year (and a half or so was it?) in which he was injured, and is just now starting to get over despite his lack of charisma. That's not enough time to get a 'main event' push especially with the injury and all. Why should they get a chance with Ultimo Dragon? I don't know, ask him. The man is already a legend in the sport and literally an international superstar, so why he took the chance of signing with the WWE is up to him. He probably feels his time in the company with the talent they possess might be worth it, to have fun doing what he loves to do. And he's a smart guy, he has his own promotion, so why would he put up with the political bullshit or anything else he mgiht severely disagree with when he can leave and sit out the remainder of his contract to protest, ala Steve Austin.


My, my defensive are we?


Not so much defensive as curious... Of course, I don't ask you why you post what you post, I just sorta expect the same courtesy.


Of course, there's no need to ask why I post what I post, I don't have a stereotypical cynicism to the way I post or regarding my opinion as per the WWE. And you are receiving the same courtesy, right now. :D


Because your cynicism is a cancer to the WWE folder, knowing that no unbiased opinion will ever come from out of your posts, and it's almost laughable that you hate the product so much that you continue to follow up on it for the mere purpose of insulting it.


A cancer you say? Gee, “I’m just stating my opinions”  I thought this board was all pro-opinions.  How exactly are my posts biased?  There is PLENTY of evidence to show that the WWE will screw up on Ultimo Dragon.  Sure, my posts are hateful toward the WWE’s, but it’s not like they are factually incorrect or anything...


Your posts aren't just what's biased it's your attitude which translates into your posts which is utterly and completely biased. You refuse to give WWE a chance at all in anything to do. Granted, while I'll agree with you that it is warranted to a certain extent, it's your opinion of said warranting exceeding the certain extent that makes it biased. There are a few diamonds in the rough in regards to WWE match-wise, and while it may hard to deny that for most of you, you can do so with ease because of your blatant cynicism and negativity. And I'm not the only one who has complained about you being a cancer in the WWE folder as some people have stopped coming here because of your general attitude towards the WWE. I personally choose to ignore it, until now when I felt I should ask why. (and perhaps cancer is a bit too harsh of a word, but generally it's that the negativity spreads. Like a...)


Why the need to expend so much energy on something you apparently loathe so much?


I enjoy it.  Duh.  Why shouldn't I?


Giving a (seemingly) sarcastic answer shows that you really have no response to the question I just asked. Think the question through, and answer seriously, that question is essentially the basis of what I'm trying to figure out about you.

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Guest Downhome

RRR, for some reason I can not PM you (and others by the way as I get a board message error every time when I even just click on the Send PM link) so I'll ask this here...


...tell me some great Pride, or whatever else you watch, bouts to download or the such so I can finally check them out for myself. You always say to just tune into stuff like that, but I'm sure it doesn't appeal to every WWE fan to the extent of being a total alternative.

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Guest wildpegasus

RRR may be cynical but he hits the nail right on the head in his statements about the WWE. The truth hurts. Keep on cynicaling!! Hey, I just made a new word.

As for Dragon, I'm excited about him coming in. The chances are they will push him for a little bit and than throw him to the hosses. I do hope that Ultimo isn't coming in with blinders on and knows how cruiserweights are treated.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But you choose to dedicate your time to it, thus it is your fault and noone else's especially WWE's. It's their product, you decide to watch it or be loyal to it or not.


You asked me what they have done to me. I said I gave them my loyalty and they spat on it. Apparently, it is my fault for that. Typical WWE response.


I doubt they don't try to put on a great show with entertaining storylines (how else are they going to make money?), they're just doing a horrific job of it.


They clearly don't try to put on a great show or else they would be putting them out. It's not like they are a one legged man running a marathon. The one legged man tries his best but just isn't capable of winning the race. They are fully capable, there is no reason as to why they don't put on the best show possible other than they simply don't want to. They don't think you, the fan, is worth it.


It's not too much to ask, but again your 'loyalty' is laughable as it is your choice to watch it or not, and from what I've seen you've already chosen Puro and MMA over WWE. So your 'loyalty' as of now is a mootpoint, because you have chosen the competition.


I'd like to think that my 14 year long loyalty, including their 'down' period in the mid-90's wouldn't be something to laugh at. I mean, I stuck with them when times were REALLY thin, I was a 'true fan' and all that nonsense. They just didn't and don't care. When I realized that, things began to change real fast.


Because it is occassionally entertaining.


There are so many more things on TV that are way more entertaining.


If it means I get to the parts that entertain me, possibly. And I don't have to pay attention nor care anyways.


Settling for less, classic WWE fan stance.


What "reward" do we get for watching ANYTHING? If you're talking about entertainment, it's in the form of Benoit, Angle, Jericho, etc. and their matches.


There are always customer loyalty rewards in all businesses (except the WWE).


I don't know. I don't have an emotional attachment to something as trivial in the grand scheme of things as professional wrestling.


So your time is trivial? You don't really think much of it, do you?


For YEARS? Benoit has been with the company roughly about 3 years


They were two freakin different issues. I was able to separate your comment about Benoit and keith from giving them second chance, is it really so hard to do the same? I gave them so many chances with so many different angles...


one year (and a half or so was it?) in which he was injured, and is just now starting to get over despite his lack of charisma. That's not enough time to get a 'main event' push especially with the injury and all.


Benoits return was SO FUCKED UP, they could have made him into a superstar...


Why should they get a chance with Ultimo Dragon? I don't know, ask him. The man is already a legend in the sport and literally an international superstar, so why he took the chance of signing with the WWE is up to him. He probably feels his time in the company with the talent they possess might be worth it, to have fun doing what he loves to do.


From what I hear he is a WWE mark and just wants to work for the company.


And he's a smart guy, he has his own promotion, so why would he put up with the political bullshit or anything else he mgiht severely disagree with when he can leave and sit out the remainder of his contract to protest, ala Steve Austin.


Cause he's like a lot of the guys in wrestling today? He wants to wrestle on the big stage and is willing to compromise several things (including his intergrity - hello funaki ) to do so.


Of course, there's no need to ask why I post what I post, I don't have a stereotypical cynicism to the way I post or regarding my opinion as per the WWE. And you are receiving the same courtesy, right now.


I still don't see a reason to ask why I post what I post...


Your posts aren't just what's biased it's your attitude which translates into your posts which is utterly and completely biased.


The way in which I post is one thing, what I post is another. I like to think my negativity motivates what I say, but it doesn't dominate what I say.


You refuse to give WWE a chance at all in anything to do.


I gave them a chance w/ Angle vs. Lesnar. Ask Anglesault, I was defending it all the way up to the end... They fucked it up, naturally. Another sure thing fucked up... classic WWE. Man, you're just OFF tonight, aren't you?


Granted, while I'll agree with you that it is warranted to a certain extent, it's your opinion of said warranting exceeding the certain extent that makes it biased.


I think my negativeness toward the WWE is perfectly reasonable.


There are a few diamonds in the rough in regards to WWE match-wise, and while it may hard to deny that for most of you, you can do so with ease because of your blatant cynicism and negativity.


No, we can do so with ease because nothing the WWE does is 100% right... or even 90% right... or even 80% right... the hbk/jericho match for example. There is a clear glaring error in that match, Jericho should have gone over. That is a fundamental fuck up. Of course the WWE should be producing Diamonds every night - it is in their power to do so - they just don't do it. You don't seem to get that.


And I'm not the only one who has complained about you being a cancer in the WWE folder as some people have stopped coming here because of your general attitude towards the WWE.


Really? Wow, COOL!... what a bunch of pussies.


I personally choose to ignore it, until now when I felt I should ask why. (and perhaps cancer is a bit too harsh of a word, but generally it's that the negativity spreads. Like a...)


You choose to ignore a lot of things, don't you...


Giving a (seemingly) sarcastic answer shows that you really have no response to the question I just asked.


I've given you several answers now to your question, you don't accept them for whatever reason. If you aren't willing to accept my answers then why did you ask the fucking question?


Think the question through, and answer seriously, that question is essentially the basis of what I'm trying to figure out about you.


Clearly, whatever answer I give to you isn't going to be suitable. You came into this discussion having already answered your own question.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Well since I can't PM you...


Pride is an excellent alternative to the WWE. It offers you a bit of everything and has it's roots in pro-wrestling. Some matches are just as dramatic as great wrestling matches, only they are real - which totally "up's" it in terms of a connection to you, the viewer. It's a very easy transition from being a wrestling fan to being a MMA fan because Pride is packaged very much in a pro wrestling type format.


In terms of events:


Pride 10

Pride 15

Pride 17

Pride 19

Pride 20

Pride 25


Are some absolutely amazing shows. (Especially Pride 25, it's amongst the best PPVs ever - INCLUDING wrestling) I haven't seen the earlier shows, but from what I hear Pride didn't really hit their stride until after the GP and 10.


In terms of individual matches (I'll just give you 5):


Frye vs. Takayama from Pride 21 is AMAZING. Just a solid, balls-out fist fight that will leave you breathless.


Sperry vs. Ninja from Pride 20 is excellent and is one of Prides top fights.


Newton vs. Pele from Pride 19 has it all and will give you a HOLY SHIT moment that you won't soon forget and is one of my personal favourite matches as I am a bit of a Carlos Newton mark.


Jackson vs. Sakuraba from Pride 15 is probably the closest thing to a wrestling match that you will see :) Quinton "Rampage" Jackson likes to slam people... Be that Body Slam, German Suplex, or Powerbomb :)


Nog vs. Sapp from Pride Shockwave is just sublime. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira becomes a GOD in this match.


www.sherdog.com is the place to be in terms of MMA. If you check out the message board there is an "ask the fighters" section where guys like Bas Rutten, Enson Inoue, Gary Goodrich, Tom Erikson, and some more post. It's actually a really nifty feature. It also gives you a lil background on the fighters (more like statistics - a nice resource) and has some really great articles.


The thing that you'll find about MMA is that it is A LOT more accessible than pro-wrestling. For example, the site sherdog.com is actually well promoted on the Pride cards - which is something you'd never seen in the WWE. There is more closeness in it, something that is very refreshing compared to the often distant wrestling world.


If you can't find any of it (I'm pretty sure you can) then I'll put some of it on Kazaa if I can.


In terms of UFC.


Maurice Smith vs. Mark Coleman - my favourite fight. The story involved is what makes it.


Dan Henderson vs. Carlos Newton - this just has everything in it. Newton is such a great fighter.


Tito Ortiz vs. Frank Shamrock - A war. Most consider this the best MMA fight of all time.


Pedro Rizzo vs. Josh Barnett - Sick Ending. Sick, Beautiful, Lovely, Ending.


Marco Ruas vs. Paul Varlens - Ok, not a great match, but it's fun watching someone get chopped down.

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Guest Vitamin X
But you choose to dedicate your time to it, thus it is your fault and noone else's especially WWE's. It's their product, you decide to watch it or be loyal to it or not.


You asked me what they have done to me. I said I gave them my loyalty and they spat on it. Apparently, it is my fault for that. Typical WWE response.



Giving a (seemingly) sarcastic answer shows that you really have no response to the question I just asked.


I've given you several answers now to your question, you don't accept them for whatever reason. If you aren't willing to accept my answers then why did you ask the fucking question?


Think the question through, and answer seriously, that question is essentially the basis of what I'm trying to figure out about you.


Clearly, whatever answer I give to you isn't going to be suitable. You came into this discussion having already answered your own question.

Typical WWE response, but it makes sense. You devote so much time to something you hate, and you'll be filled with seemingly more negativity and cynicism against it.


I doubt they don't try to put on a great show with entertaining storylines (how else are they going to make money?), they're just doing a horrific job of it.


They clearly don't try to put on a great show or else they would be putting them out.  It's not like they are a one legged man running a marathon.  The one legged man tries his best but just isn't capable of winning the race.  They are fully capable, there is no reason as to why they don't put on the best show possible other than they simply don't want to.  They don't think you, the fan, is worth it.


How would you know that what they're putting out is honestly not the best they can think of and that they honestly are capable enough of putting out a good show? Business is down, ratings are dropping, and heads will start rolling soon if they don't put out a better product, which they are under constant pressure to do so all the time.


Because it is occassionally entertaining.


There are so many more things on TV that are way more entertaining.


Agreed. But then why waste your time then discussing something you don't even watch or are even entertained by in the least then?


If it means I get to the parts that entertain me, possibly. And I don't have to pay attention nor care anyways.


Settling for less, classic WWE fan stance.


You've said it yourself, Vince McMahon doesn't care what we think. Of course we settle for less, there's nothing we can do to improve the product, and there are portions of the product that do entertain me. And that response in particular had nothing to do with settling for less, but with ignoring what is bullshit instead of being outraged and frustrated at something that I personally cannot do anything about. Other than ignore it.


What "reward" do we get for watching ANYTHING? If you're talking about entertainment, it's in the form of Benoit, Angle, Jericho, etc. and their matches.


There are always customer loyalty rewards in all businesses (except the WWE).


Such as?


I don't know. I don't have an emotional attachment to something as trivial in the grand scheme of things as professional wrestling.


So your time is trivial?  You don't really think much of it, do you?


It's not my time that is trivial, it's professional wrestling in general that is trivial. It's something to discuss, enjoy, hate, whatever, but it is not something I am going to have emotional attachment to as a fan because it is a waste.


Of course, there's no need to ask why I post what I post, I don't have a stereotypical cynicism to the way I post or regarding my opinion as per the WWE. And you are receiving the same courtesy, right now. 


I still don't see a reason to ask why I post what I post...


Because you still haven't given me a direct answer for why you continue to post and discuss something you absolutely loathe. It seems to me like it would be a serious waste of TIME, which you've made clear is not so trivial in your case.


Your posts aren't just what's biased it's your attitude which translates into your posts which is utterly and completely biased.


The way in which I post is one thing, what I post is another.  I like to think my negativity motivates what I say, but it doesn't dominate what I say.


I disagree with that. When people see your name, it is instantly associated with you being negative or cynical with whatever the topic may be about. At least, that's the way I see it. Though on very rare occasion, you seem like you might *gasp* approve of something.


You refuse to give WWE a chance at all in anything to do.


I gave them a chance w/ Angle vs. Lesnar.  Ask Anglesault, I was defending it all the way up to the end...  They fucked it up, naturally.  Another sure thing fucked up... classic WWE.  Man, you're just OFF tonight, aren't you?


Well good for you. And wow, pointing out that I am "off" sure makes you look KEWL~! Sorry to say, but what you misconstrue as an insult, I see it as clearly mental masturbation as you seemingly cannot grasp the concept of answering the main question behind this entire Q&A session, instead having to dissect a post piece by piece, making you feel like you're actually accomplishing something in this overblown discussion when, again you haven't answered the question down below.


Granted, while I'll agree with you that it is warranted to a certain extent, it's your opinion of said warranting exceeding the certain extent that makes it biased.


I think my negativeness toward the WWE is perfectly reasonable.


It's warranted, but it is excessive.


There are a few diamonds in the rough in regards to WWE match-wise, and while it may hard to deny that for most of you, you can do so with ease because of your blatant cynicism and negativity.


No, we can do so with ease because nothing the WWE does is 100% right... or even 90% right... or even 80% right... the hbk/jericho match for example.  There is a clear glaring error in that match, Jericho should have gone over.  That is a fundamental fuck up.  Of course the WWE should be producing Diamonds every night - it is in their power to do so - they just don't do it.  You don't seem to get that.


I was one of the first people in the Wrestlemania thread who was immensely disappointed with the HBK/Y2J match (even going so far as to pick out the coffin in which Jericho's career now lies in) and agreed in your assessment of it. I do get that they SHOULD be producing diamonds, but to them they quite possibly believe they are. Again, refer to my earlier comment about the writers' capability and how far they think they can go to put out a good product. It might just be all they have, of course the solution to which is to get new writers who are more capable and/or people behind the booking decisions who would make more intelligent decisions.


And I'm not the only one who has complained about you being a cancer in the WWE folder as some people have stopped coming here because of your general attitude towards the WWE.


Really? Wow, COOL!... what a bunch of pussies.




I personally choose to ignore it, until now when I felt I should ask why. (and perhaps cancer is a bit too harsh of a word, but generally it's that the negativity spreads. Like a...)


You choose to ignore a lot of things, don't you...


Oh TAG. That was an incredibly lame insult, and an incorrect one at that. Try again, oh Ravishing one.


Giving a (seemingly) sarcastic answer shows that you really have no response to the question I just asked.


I've given you several answers now to your question, you don't accept them for whatever reason.  If you aren't willing to accept my answers then why did you ask the fucking question?


Think the question through, and answer seriously, that question is essentially the basis of what I'm trying to figure out about you.


Clearly, whatever answer I give to you isn't going to be suitable.  You came into this discussion having already answered your own question.


OK, let me phrase this into one simple fucking question that even you could answer.


Why do you continue to discuss and spend your energy as well as time on something that you very much hate, and contribute absolutely no constructive discussion to any topic whatsoever due to your utter complete lack of open-mindedness and optimism due to what supposedly WWE has done to you?

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Guest Downhome

Yes, put some up on Kazaa as I can't find hardly any entire bouts on there right now.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Typical WWE response, but it makes sense. You devote so much time to something you hate, and you'll be filled with seemingly more negativity and cynicism against it.


But what if I enjoy being negative and a cynic?


How would you know that what they're putting out is honestly not the best they can think of and that they honestly are capable enough of putting out a good show?


Because it's not their best. Right now they COULD put on longer matches with great workers and have shorter promos and NO insulting skits... why don't they?


Business is down, ratings are dropping, and heads will start rolling soon if they don't put out a better product, which they are under constant pressure to do so all the time.


And they are doing the EXACT SAME THING they did a few years ago... and the exact same thing WCW did a few years ago. They know the history because they lived it, they should have learned their lesson, they just think they can get away with giving the fans a half-assed job. I mean, how else do you explain Josh Mathews and The Cat commentating? Seriously, there is no excuse for that.


Agreed. But then why waste your time then discussing something you don't even watch or are even entertained by in the least then?


Because I enjoy bashing them.


You've said it yourself, Vince McMahon doesn't care what we think. Of course we settle for less, there's nothing we can do to improve the product, and there are portions of the product that do entertain me.


I just see this as being sad. I used to be like this, but then I figured out that I shouldn't have to settle for less so I just stopped watching and started watching something better.


And that response in particular had nothing to do with settling for less, but with ignoring what is bullshit instead of being outraged and frustrated at something that I personally cannot do anything about. Other than ignore it.


It is about settling for less. You shouldn't have to ignore the WWE, they should be putting out a good product worth watching, they have the ability to do so. But you still give them your time and attention, and even worse, you ignore all the bad things they do.


Such as?


Frequent Flyer Miles for Airlines.


It's not my time that is trivial, it's professional wrestling in general that is trivial. It's something to discuss, enjoy, hate, whatever, but it is not something I am going to have emotional attachment to as a fan because it is a waste.


But over the years you can't help but form one. It becomes part of your life. My childhood memories consist of wrestling memories - they are one.


Because you still haven't given me a direct answer for why you continue to post and discuss something you absolutely loathe. It seems to me like it would be a serious waste of TIME, which you've made clear is not so trivial in your case.


I have given you several direct answers. I am just not giving you the answers that you want. What those answers are, I don't know.


I disagree with that. When people see your name, it is instantly associated with you being negative or cynical with whatever the topic may be about.


But that doesn't mean that I am biased.


At least, that's the way I see it. Though on very rare occasion, you seem like you might *gasp* approve of something.


That's because on a very rare occasions, the wwe seems to might *gasp* do something right.


Well good for you. And wow, pointing out that I am "off" sure makes you look KEWL~!


And I can say the same for this... ~!


Sorry to say, but what you misconstrue as an insult, I see it as clearly mental masturbation as you seemingly cannot grasp the concept of answering the main question behind this entire Q&A session, instead having to dissect a post piece by piece, making you feel like you're actually accomplishing something in this overblown discussion when, again you haven't answered the question down below.


And you just completely avoided my whole point and rather than admitting your claim that I am "negative about everything" was wrong you decided to talk about how I am avoiding your question which I don't. I just don't give the answer that you want to here.


It's warranted, but it is excessive.


Oh I could do so much more...


I was one of the first people in the Wrestlemania thread who was immensely disappointed with the HBK/Y2J match (even going so far as to pick out the coffin in which Jericho's career now lies in) and agreed in your assessment of it.


GOOD. Agreeing with me is good. We're on the right track now...


I do get that they SHOULD be producing diamonds, but to them they quite possibly believe they are.


I don't believe that. The WWE has some excellent wrestling minds right now, they have excellent wrestling talent right now... They can't possibly be thinking before each show "let's give the BEST product we possibly can" - because they aren't coming CLOSE and it doesn't look like they are trying. Scott Steiner for example, anyone with half a brain knew he wouldn't work well in the WWE - but they still signed him. They choose to look past reason. I can't see it any other way. I can't explain the Al Wilson storyline without thinking that the WWE thinks very little about their own fans.


Again, refer to my earlier comment about the writers' capability and how far they think they can go to put out a good product.


That doesn't explain the plot holes. The WWE has a ton of em.


It might just be all they have, of course the solution to which is to get new writers who are more capable and/or people behind the booking decisions who would make more intelligent decisions.


Vince McMahon is the problem, he is the one who dictates the direction of the company, he is the one who can say "ok, from now on things are going to change". Things haven't changed.... in a VERY LONG WHILE.




I'm glad you agree. Of course, if people have stopped coming to the WWE section just because I'm a lil negative and they can't put up with their precious WWE being bashed - then really, what kind of foundation is that fandom based on? A pretty weak one if you ask me.


Oh TAG. That was an incredibly lame insult, and an incorrect one at that. Try again, oh Ravishing one.


You say you ignore my posts. You say you ignore the bad WWE stuff. Am I wrong here?


OK, let me phrase this into one simple fucking question that even you could answer.


I've given you a bunch of answers so far, go back and read them.


Why do you continue to discuss and spend your energy as well as time on something that you very much hate


I don't "hate" bashing the WWE, I very much well like it. This is probably where you are all mixed up. Think about it for a second...


and contribute absolutely no constructive discussion


I wouldn't say that. I mean, I said in another thread that Hogan should be on TV just not in the main event and not dominating television time. That's constructive, isn't it?


to any topic whatsoever due to your utter complete lack of open-mindedness and optimism due to what supposedly WWE has done to you?


Open-Mindness? I am open-minded. Optimistic? Nope, Not at all.


Oh and to answer your question as to why I bash the WWE so much:


1)I enjoy it.

2)The WWE deserves it.


Which I have said time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time again. I am waiting for you to tell me that's not a real answer...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They won't be bouts, they will be like 3rds of PPVs. How fast is your computer?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah that's the ticket.


I got em up - just seach under Pride and you'll find em.

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Guest Vitamin X
Oh and to answer your question as to why I bash the WWE so much:


1)I enjoy it.

2)The WWE deserves it.


Which I have said time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time again. I am waiting for you to tell me that's not a real answer...[/b]

I'm not even going to bother wasting my time dissecting your post, so I'll just summarize my answers. If you enjoy being negative and cynical, that's all well and good, but you contribute absolutely nothing with it and if anything you seem like you're just flame baiting. You want to go ahead and look like you're cool, whatever. I don't care.


OK, so you enjoy bashing them. I get that. WHY? Because they deserve it? That seems like just a poor excuse to waste a bunch of negative energy on something you supposedly dislike.


Here's a couple of points I do want to dispute though:


It's not my time that is trivial, it's professional wrestling in general that is trivial. It's something to discuss, enjoy, hate, whatever, but it is not something I am going to have emotional attachment to as a fan because it is a waste.


But over the years you can't help but form one.  It becomes part of your life.  My childhood memories consist of wrestling memories - they are one.


I've watched wrestling roughly just as long as you have, and I still don't have this emotional involvement. Personally, if I were you, I would look into getting into something else, maybe something you would actually enjoy.


I have given you several direct answers.  I am just not giving you the answers that you want.  What those answers are, I don't know.


If I knew I would ask the question in a way in which I would receive them. How do you know I'm looking for an answer in particular? I'm looking for reasoning here, something you seem to lack besides why you hate the WWE.


Well good for you. And wow, pointing out that I am "off" sure makes you look KEWL~!


And I can say the same for this... ~!


Yes but the difference is that I'm not trying to look cool and horribly failing at it, while you are. And the tildebang was meant in a sarcastic manner there, so it applied just fine.


I'm glad you agree.  Of course, if people have stopped coming to the WWE section just because I'm a lil negative and they can't put up with their precious WWE being bashed - then really, what kind of foundation is that fandom based on?  A pretty weak one if you ask me.


It's not that their precious WWE is being bashed, it's that you seem like yuo're just trying to dissuade people from watching it (which you most likely are, of course) in which case it's absolutely pointless to post in here. It's like going to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer forum and explaining why it's a terrible show and noone should watch it. And while your reasons may or may not be valid, they're still not welcome.


You say you ignore my posts.  You say you ignore the bad WWE stuff.  Am I wrong here?


If I take a casual interest in something I used to love watching, I don't want to hear about how I shouldn't watch it and blah blah blah Vince McMahon hates me and all this bullshit. I'd rather discuss the product then hear about why I shouldn't watch it. Like the example I just made above. I ignore the bad WWE stuff because it detracts from the good. I have a selective mind like that, though I'm open minded enough to give everything a chance. Often times it doesn't seem like that's the case on your part.


Why do you continue to discuss and spend your energy as well as time on something that you very much hate


I don't "hate" bashing the WWE, I very much well like it.  This is probably where you are all mixed up.  Think about it for a second...


Right up there I never said anything about you hating to bash the WWE. Perfect example of your misinterpretation of what I'm saying or trying to ask you. Read it again. Now YOU think.

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Guest goodhelmet

that is 100% wrong.the wwe folder is not for those who ONLY ENJOY wwe. it is to discuss wwe... whether you like the product or not.


i am in the same boat as rrr. i simply don't care to invest the time or money or support for a company that ...dare i say it... is fucking up MORE than wcw at this point. i watch the ppv's once a month because there might be a decent 15 minute match hidden in all of the shit (although not at backlash). that doesn't mean that i can't express my opinion on an inferior product.

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Pride is awesome. I have a few of the Pride DVD. I love the PRIDE 10 -Return of the Warriors one. Sakuraba vs. Gracie has a sick ending as well, and it's funny seeing Ken Shamrock kicking someones ass and what the result is. RRR, we agree on this, Pride is much more entertaining then WWE now, and the entrances and intros are amazing. Bob Sapp has more charisma and sports entertainment in his hand then most guys have in WWE.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Don't be so negative everyone.... he will probably have some decent matches against Noble, Tajiri, Rey, and Hardy. I doubt he will get squashed by hosses as much as Smackdown Numba One Announcer or Rey.

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Guest Goodear

What I don't get about RRR, is that he clearly digs the hell out of Pride... but only really talks about it when he wants to put down WWE by comparison. Infect us with the LOVE MAN. WE WANT THE LOVE!

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Guest Vitamin X
that is 100% wrong.the wwe folder is not for those who ONLY ENJOY wwe. it is to discuss wwe... whether you like the product or not.

You're missing the point. What I'm saying is it makes no sense into putting so much time and energy into something that you hate and loathe so much, and will refuse to give them any more chance or choice since what they have done in the past has affected you so much and so deeply.


I can honestly say I don't like most of the product, but I do like enough of it that I'll watch it on a semi-regular basis. If I don't like something (for example, I can't stand baseball anymore, not like when I was younger), I don't go in baseball forums around the internet and bash the hell out of the sport, just for the sake of bashing it. That seems like just a whole lot of wasted energy and time.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I didn't really know how many Pride/MMA fans there are on this board, so I don't really talk about it in the Misc Promotions sec. I just go to the Sherdog MB.



I'm not even going to bother wasting my time dissecting your post, so I'll just summarize my answers.


I don't see it so much as dissecting as it is more like dividing the thought process. You say something I take issue with, I respond.


If you enjoy being negative and cynical, that's all well and good, but you contribute absolutely nothing with it and if anything you seem like you're just flame baiting. You want to go ahead and look like you're cool, whatever. I don't care.


But you obviously *do* care. You have asked the question, and spent time following up on the replies. I don't see how I contribute 'nothing' to discussions though.


OK, so you enjoy bashing them. I get that. WHY? Because they deserve it? That seems like just a poor excuse to waste a bunch of negative energy on something you supposedly dislike.


There you go, dismissing my reasons. I don't understand why you'd ask the question if you won't find the response suitable. The WWF made me a wrestling fan. I spent a lot of time dedicated to the product. Even when times were tough, I still watched. I'd like to think that that sort of loyalty would be appreciated - it's not. Now that I look back and see that, it makes me angry. The WWE thinks they can get away with all the stupid things they do because their fans are willing to take it - well this fan isn't. I'm not going to fade away and just say nothing, you're going to hear my voice. You're going to hear my dissatisfaction.


I've watched wrestling roughly just as long as you have, and I still don't have this emotional involvement.


Ok, you don't. Other people here do. I had this whole conversation w. Banky a few months ago - it's been established that having an emotional connection/involvement with wrestling is not an unfamiliar/strange thing.


Personally, if I were you, I would look into getting into something else, maybe something you would actually enjoy.


I have gotten into something else *points to sig*.


If I knew I would ask the question in a way in which I would receive them. How do you know I'm looking for an answer in particular?


Because I have given you plenty of answers and you ignore them.


I'm looking for reasoning here, something you seem to lack besides why you hate the WWE.


How isn't "I don't like the WWE, I feel they deserved to be bashed" not reasoning?


Yes but the difference is that I'm not trying to look cool and horribly failing at it, while you are. And the tildebang was meant in a sarcastic manner there, so it applied just fine.


Ok, so are you (a)not trying to look cool or (b) Trying to look cool and succeeding? I don't quite get it. I don't really think about being 'cool' or 'kewl' on a message board. I like to goof around w/ lame stories or made up conversations and whatnot to get a chuckle out of someone, but cool? Nah, I'll leave that up to you and your ~!.


It's not that their precious WWE is being bashed, it's that you seem like you're just trying to dissuade people from watching it (which you most likely are, of course) in which case it's absolutely pointless to post in here.


Actually it is. If it were up to some people this forum would be all Mcmahon-cocksucking complacency. "Let's just all watch it like Marks" and crap like that. The WWE doesn't deserve to have fans turn a blind eye to their product - they have done that too much already.


It's like going to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer forum and explaining why it's a terrible show and noone should watch it. And while your reasons may or may not be valid, they're still not welcome.


But Buffy isn't a show that constantly pisses on its viewers like the WWE does.


If I take a casual interest in something I used to love watching, I don't want to hear about how I shouldn't watch it and blah blah blah Vince McMahon hates me and all this bullshit.


Why? Does it make you feel insecure? Do you feel uncomfortable? I mean, I can see if you take issue if something I say is wrong, but you're not, you just don't like how I post. I don't like how a lot of people post on this board, but do I go up to them and say "why are you posting here?" No, of course not.


I'd rather discuss the product then hear about why I shouldn't watch it.


I discuss it. It just happens that I don't discuss it in a way that you like.


Like the example I just made above. I ignore the bad WWE stuff because it detracts from the good. I have a selective mind like that, though I'm open minded enough to give everything a chance. Often times it doesn't seem like that's the case on your part.


I am open-minded, if the WWE changed their style and approach to wrestling I'd consider watching them again - but they're not right now, and they won't in the future. They still treat their fans like SHIT.


Right up there I never said anything about you hating to bash the WWE. Perfect example of your misinterpretation of what I'm saying or trying to ask you. Read it again. Now YOU think.


But your wires are crossed. You question why would I spend time bashing something I don't like. The answer is pretty clear there. The misinterpretation is yours. My time isn't spent on the WWE, I don't watch the WWE, it's spent on bashing it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo





They have some GREAT fighter montages.


Lots of Stats (The Pride website links to them)


The Message Board has Enson Inoue, Gary Goodrich, and Bas Rutten~!


"Never really got challenged because they knew who I was but recently I got jumped by about 12 Yakuza's..."


-Enson Inoue on "does your MMA skills get you in challenged by street "tough guys"?" (His follow up, more detailed, response is a RIOT.

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Guest razazteca

damn RRR your responses are as big as that old Pride FC pic from your sig.


So if the WWE is going for a slow match style, how will this effect the Ultimo Dragon?

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Guest Bart913

Ulitimo Dragon doesn't deserve any sympathy no matter what happens. If they ruin him then he should've seen it coming. Ultimo Dragon has been around long enough and he should be familiar with WWE's track record in regards to their treatment of foreigners and smaller wrestlers. Nobody is forcing Ultimo to go anywhere. This is his own decision and he will need to take responsibility himself if he ends up being buried.

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Guest Sakura

Bitching about WWE can make you feel better. Some of us are still fans(or at least want to be fans) and still love WWE deep down and it makes us upset that we can't watch our hobby anymore. Complaining and venting helps and is better than just being sad about it.


Also it feels good to argue and bitch about the apologists. It's like I partially blame them for taking away my hobby.

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Guest The Hamburglar
It's like going to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer forum and explaining why it's a terrible show and noone should watch it. And while your reasons may or may not be valid, they're still not welcome.


But Buffy isn't a show that constantly pisses on its viewers like the WWE does.

Ah, but Buffy has been pissing on its fans for the past two years, which is even worse considering the high dramatic quality of its previous years. It has fallen from much higher dramatic standards then the WWE has. Some of the Buffy stuff from the last few years is far more insulting to its fans then anything the WWE has done, including Al Wilson and Katie Vick. They may have been retarded, but there's always something retarded going on in the WWE. Contrast this with "Willow is on CRACK MAGIC" or "The source of Buffy's feminist power is being raped by demon mist controlled by loads of old guys" and I know which show is insulting its past more. But then again, at least the Buffy makers actually still bother to make one decent show, so they're one up on the WWE there.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Also it feels good to argue and bitch about the apologists. It's like I partially blame them for taking away my hobby.

I see what you're saying here. Reflecting back, over the last year or two I have tried to find redeeming qualities about segments or matches that were supposedly good/funny/entertaining that I would have just ignored and be happier for it, but it then ended up taking away from the parts I did enjoy. And it usually occured after reading comments like "give it a chance" and similar ilk. Therefore, these days I know what I will like or won't like and watch accordingly.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ah, but Buffy has been pissing on its fans for the past two years, which is even worse considering the high dramatic quality of its previous years.


Ok, I'll say that season 6 wasn't very good but that was more of a character development/transition seasons. I mean, how can you follow up on the Glory Saga? This season has been good though.


It has fallen from much higher dramatic standards then the WWE has. Some of the Buffy stuff from the last few years is far more insulting to its fans then anything the WWE has done, including Al Wilson and Katie Vick.


Oh come on! The simple fact that the Buffy universe is one that steps well outside reality and has established that fact since the beginning and the WWE isn't makes the comparison between the two nearly night and day.


They may have been retarded, but there's always something retarded going on in the WWE. Contrast this with "Willow is on CRACK MAGIC" or "The source of Buffy's feminist power is being raped by demon mist controlled by loads of old guys" and I know which show is insulting its past more.


I hate the whole Witchy Willow thing so I won't defend that, but the Proto-Slayer deal made sense - Buffy is all about dealing with responsibility that one does not really want, ESPECIALLY in this season. They already established the proto-slayer in earlier seasons, so it's not like they just pulled it out of their ass for convenience or controversy like Katie Vick. It's not like they are building to nothing like the Al Wilson storyline did.

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