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Guest JHawk

Raw from JHawk's Beak is up

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Guest Kingpk

Looks like I was right in turning to Nets/Celtics and then to Red Sox/Royals when that was over (Nomar's sucking as much as RAW does, though).

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Guest Goodear

I can't believe you enjoyed that opening segment, it looked to me to be a microcosm of every problem that WWE has in one 30 minute segment. A bunch of nonwrestlers blabbing about stuff that won't make any money or put anyone who can actually work a match over. Hell the only active wrestler on the scene got beat up by Jerry Lawler, fired, and then fired again... its any wonder no one new gets over anymore.

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Guest CanadianChris

18 minutes of wrestling. EIGHTEEN MINUTES. That's unacceptable on a one-hour show, let alone two and change.


That alone says everything about WWE's problems. Hell, the last time they rolled through Halifax for TV, the MAIN EVENT was about that long.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Hearing the crowd turn against Nash and JR trying to cover the pops that Jericho received was great! I came home in time to catch the 2nd hour and I was more or less entertained. I hate how JR was saying that the Canadians were sucking up to the crowd. How is that different than Hogan or anyone else chanting USA?

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Guest Samurai_Goat

You know, I really dig the whole corona/coffee thing. You could bring up one of those charts that say how drunk you are depending on body weight (of, uh, wrestling fan in you, I guess), and find out at what point in RAW you'd be drunk, or dead. I'd just like to see the death toll, actually.

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Guest bob_barron

After you read JHawk's RAW recap- head over to smarktalk and read mine.


I thought the opening segment was hilarious

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Guest goodhelmet

as always, jhawk gives the best and most detailed RAW recap on the net. i always kept track of the hhhater clock but the new drinking game might be something i could work with. i love alcohol!!!!

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Guest Samurai_Goat

Oh, for 19 beers, that'd kill anybody under probably 150 pounds of pure WWE fan in you.


*Edit: Assuming you drank quickly, or someone pumped you full after you passed out.

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Guest goodhelmet

19 beers in 2 hours would def. be a one way trip to hell for anyone who attempted it... regardless of weight. i think the person would proly puke or pass out before they got that far.

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The only salvation of last night was that I happened to have an ECW tape in the player and I watched Tommy Dreamer vs CW Anderson right after RAW. B-)

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