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Heat Spoilers

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Guest bob_barron

Y2J beat Hurricane

Maven beat Richards

Victoria beat Jacqueline

Harvard beat jobber

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Y2J beat Hurricane

Makes Heat 50 times more watchable than Raw last night.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

jericho on heat? nice, ill have a reason to watch, plus maven/richards should be good. and i need my victoria fix for the week.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Victoria was way over until she lost the belt. Did she piss someone off or what?

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

maybe its because her and stephanie are both brunettes and they didnt want us to confuse the 2

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

The only reason (for me) to go to Raw next week in Philly is because of the dark matches and Heat. I guarantee we'll get some ROH talent doing matches.


Looks like an ehhh show, but Steven/Victoria wrestling, along with the Main Event, should be good.

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Guest AndrewTS

No Molly?!


Well, at least she isn't fired. Heat > Raw this week, as usual. :P

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Y2J beat Hurricane - Goes from being the opener of Raw, to the main-event [i'm assuming...] of Heat? Yeah, we all know those extra four minutes went to Nash and HHH punching. :rolleyes: Seriously, the only thing interesting about that encounter was JR going "Bah Gawd, they're killing each other!"

Maven beat Richards - Stevie!!! :wub: Uh...yeah...should be a good match.

Victoria beat Jacqueline - Victoria=Good. Victoria w/ Stevie = Better Than Awesome. Jacqueline=Yuck. It's a mixed bag here.

Harvard beat jobber - Quickly ignorable.

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Jacquline Vs Victoria w/ Stevie


Short match, victoria cheats to win. Match goes on to...


Stevie Richards Vs. Maven


Maven wins with Jaqulines help. Dropkick off the top rope.


credit rajahwwf.com

I read that in the Lisa_MarieVaron group. Just thought of this: They're not thinkinng of pairing Jacqueline up with Maven......are they?? Shit, a Maven/Jacqueline vs Jazz/Mack feud? *shudder*

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Guest Youth N Asia
Victoria was way over until she lost the belt. Did she piss someone off or what?

Um...what were you watching?


Trish is the only over female wrestler, and I don't count Sable, Torrie, or Stacy cause they can't wrestle.


Trish is the only one who gets any kind of pop at all.

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Guest TheArchiteck
Victoria was way over until she lost the belt.  Did she piss someone off or what?

Um...what were you watching?


Trish is the only over female wrestler, and I don't count Sable, Torrie, or Stacy cause they can't wrestle.


Trish is the only one who gets any kind of pop at all.

Yup...too bad my girl Jazz gets neglected from the crowd. :angry:

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