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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Favorite alcoholic beverage

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I like Maduri Sours (spelling?) and rum and coke.

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Guest stardust

Anything with vodka, Kahlua, and/or Bailey's in it, for the most part.


Shot: Blowjob (Kahlua and Bailey's--love 'em), Oatmeal Cookie/Carrot Cake (Jager, Bailey's, Goldslagger (sp?) and Kahlua--tastes just like an oatmeal cookie)


Mixed Drink: White Russian, Mudslide, Frozen B-52, Jim and Coke or Jack and Coke


Other: Smirnoff Triple Black

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Guest JHawk

Give me my rum and Coke and I'm a happy camper.


I really can't wait for my friend's wedding. Open bar. All the rum and Coke I cand drink before I pass out.

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Guest ShooterJay

Drinking in the room: Rum and coke is the only thing I can tolerate. I HATE the taste of most beers.


Drinking at the bar: White Russina, Kahlua mudslide, there's a specialty drink at the bar I used to go to called a "howyadoin'" that was really good.

Edited by ShooterJay

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Blowjobs are good, and not only for their name! LOL! On my friend's b'day she bought us all around. I am not the drinker of the group so they bought me the biggest friggin one the bar had!

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Guest RepoMan

I'm just a beer guy, with the occasional shot now and then. So I guss Labatt's wins.

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Guest stardust
Blowjobs are good, and not only for their name! LOL! On my friend's b'day she bought us all around. I am not the drinker of the group so they bought me the biggest friggin one the bar had!

First time I ever did a Blowjob shot was New Year's Eve before last, and I was like the only chick up at the bar, and there were all these guys around, and my best friend was sitting there telling me "Take it all, bitch" and I couldn't stop laughing to actually take the damned shot. But since then, I've learned to have fun with them, especially if a guy who doesn't know what the shot is happens to be involved. Me: "Hey, you want a blowjob?" Him: "Sure, reaches for pants." Me: *pulls out shot glass and liquor bottles* Him: *look of disappointment* Ordering one is also quite handy when flirting with the cute bartender, too. *grin*

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Guest Vern Gagne
Give me my rum and Coke and I'm a happy camper.


I really can't wait for my friend's wedding. Open bar. All the rum and Coke I cand drink before I pass out.

Open Bar Weddings rule. At my cousins wedding last November we all got loaded (some worse than others). My drink of choice is either beer or Colorado Bulldogs.

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Guest franchise632

Gotta go with Jim Beam and Coke as first choice. Secondly would have to be a Screwdriver, Vodka (pref. Smirnoff or Absolut) and OJ.


And because I am such a Flair mark I have to try and drink as many Kamkazzies as him. My personal record is 12 in an hour.

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Guest ElectricRaccoon

Wood's Old Navy rum, with ice. Trois Pistoles dark ale is a close second.

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Guest Sturgis

Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Vodka with Orange soda or Black Cherry.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva
Blowjobs are good, and not only for their name!  LOL!  On my friend's b'day she bought us all around.  I am not the drinker of the group so they bought me the biggest friggin one the bar had!

First time I ever did a Blowjob shot was New Year's Eve before last, and I was like the only chick up at the bar, and there were all these guys around, and my best friend was sitting there telling me "Take it all, bitch" and I couldn't stop laughing to actually take the damned shot. But since then, I've learned to have fun with them, especially if a guy who doesn't know what the shot is happens to be involved. Me: "Hey, you want a blowjob?" Him: "Sure, reaches for pants." Me: *pulls out shot glass and liquor bottles* Him: *look of disappointment* Ordering one is also quite handy when flirting with the cute bartender, too. *grin*

LOL, our big joke is about the whip cream on top. I don't like whip cream on my drinks so before I take the shot we pass it around and ask who wants to suck the head off first! Sigh... fun memories! Actually, I don't think I have ever had one of those in a straight bar. There a lot of gay bars up the street from where I work, so when I do go with my friends we usually go there. Gay bars are so much more fun than straight bars!

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Guest stardust
LOL, our big joke is about the whip cream on top. I don't like whip cream on my drinks so before I take the shot we pass it around and ask who wants to suck the head off first! Sigh... fun memories! Actually, I don't think I have ever had one of those in a straight bar. There a lot of gay bars up the street from where I work, so when I do go with my friends we usually go there. Gay bars are so much more fun than straight bars!

I've never been to a gay bar, but I have a friend who keeps asking me to go to one with him down in Austin or up in Dallas. If I ever get a Sunday or Saturday off from work, I might have to.


And for some odd reason, I find it hilarious that the bar I normally order those at also includes a cherry placed on top of the whipped cream.

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Guest thetrendsetter

Beer: Keith's Or Kokanee


Hard Liqour: Jack Daniels...

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Guest NoCalMike

I mostly drink beer, but I do like the drink "stiff dick" which is bailey's creme in a shot glass topped off with butterscotch schnapps. Also Scooby Snacks which is midori, rum, pineapple juice and halfNhalf.

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Guest HBK16

I might be ubderage but I have some experience. What I like? It depends on the atmosphere. If I am outdoors sitting in lawn chairs with a few friends then its Bud Light or Tecate. If its at a party I will show up with my own 40 and drink from the Keg. If I am with my friends at a house I will normally have vodka. Last Sunday though, I was sitting outside with someone I just met and we had something I havent had before. It was really good shit. It was 100 proof and it went down smoother than most I have had. But my favorite beverage can depend on the atmosphere.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Jagermeister or Tequila, out of the bottle.


Mixed drinks: Everclear and Tobasco sauce.


I very very rarely drink, but if I am, chances are it's one of those three things.


I hate beer and any liquor that tastes sweet. Liquor and dairy products are also pointless.

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Guest DrTom

For beers, I prefer Corona, Amstel Light, Newcastle Brown Ale, Sapporo, and MGD.


Mixed drinks: I don't drink these often, but there's nothing wrong with a Jack & Coke.


Shots: TEQUILA~!, Jack, most vodkas and whiskeys.


And for straight-from-the-bottle goodness, nothing beats Southern Comfort.

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Guest ElectricRaccoon
I hate beer and any liquor that tastes sweet. Liquor and dairy products are also pointless.

Mixing milk and alcohol can only lead to tears. When a drink is so bad you can't even choke it down on the pretense of it being a "hangover cure", you have to wonder why someone ever thought it was a good idea. I'm a little uncomfortable with this disparaging of beer, though (this is where I'd use an emoticon to imply that this is all in good fun, if I didn't loathe those things)


As for straight-from-the-bottle, its gotta be Yukon Jack. Made from god only knows what (my best guess is it's grapefruit-flavored whiskey - the label only says "made with Canadian whiskey" and leaves the rest to the imagination), but it's cheap, good and effective. It's the only thing even resembling a liqueur that I'll drink - I haven't been able to face Southern Comfort in years.

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Guest Walter Sobzak

Any beer on hand and any hard alcohol on hand, mixed. All I give a shit about when drinking is getting fucking drunk. That is it.


But preferably brown stuff, except for rum. I hate rum.

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Guest Zero_Cool

Crown and Vodka are up there as two of my favorites. 7&7 is a good one as well.

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Guest Y2BigJ

Beer: Pabst Blue or Murphy's



Booze: Jameson'snd Jagermeister


Mixed Drinks:Cap Codders, White Russians, and 7&7

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Guest HungryJack

Rum is brutal, but if you've got vodka, you can be my friend.


beers are also excellent, but it'll take me far too long to list all the beers I like.


So i'll do this:


favorite cheap swill beer : Labatt Blue


favorite expensive domestic: Big Rock Grasshopper wheat ale


favorite import: either Caffrey's or Smithwick's depending on the day.

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Guest nl5xsk1

Liquor: Jack Daniels on the rocks (top choice would be Single Barrel, but since most places don't have Single Barrel, standard old number 7 will be fine. If I want to seem like less of a drunk, Jack and Dr Pepper is delicious, if no Pepper is available then just Jack and Coke.) HOWEVER, I am moving towards being a gin and tonic guy now that's almost summer. (Gordan's, Bombay or Beefeater, normally)


Beer: Cheap Category: Miller High Life (the champagne of beers)

Beer: Expensive Category: Samual Smith's, either the Taddy Porter or the Oatmeal Stout.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Beer: Sam Adams Light

Mixed: Kahlua Mudslide


I don't drink much so my drinking repertoire isn't very exciting.

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Guest eiker_ir

Rum with Coke


for shots, my friends and i always drink tequila.

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