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Guest Pegasus Kid

Rolling Germans Review: Scramble Madness

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Guest Nevermortal

Good review as always, Baisden.


I'll admit, I didn't like your style at first, but its grown on me like some sort of a weed.

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Guest Pigsy

I like your review style. Your occasional use of CAPITALS actually makes it easier to read, as well as emphasising certain points.


BTW, didn't you say something (a while ago) about adding a section to your site describing certain moves for those unfamiliar with Puro and US indies? I think that would be a good idea, although I realise that would take time and you actually have a life.

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Guest Pegasus Kid
BTW, didn't you say something (a while ago) about adding a section to your site describing certain moves for those unfamiliar with Puro and US indies? I think that would be a good idea, although I realise that would take time and you actually have a life.

It never panned out. I thought about it and Rev Rey's Big Book of Moves (or whatever the exact name is) does a far better job in that area than I ever could. It's something I may consider with help and a more focused approach (like moves that are specific to one wrestler alone) but not a project I see myself working on in the immediate future.


Thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming.

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Guest Goodear

The issue I have with your style is that sometimes its hard to get an idea of how you feel about a match from the play-by-play. Like trying to tell a five star from a three star just from your description is a little tough sometimes. But I think that sort of goes hand-in-hand with your exurberant style ... which is kind of refreshing actually.

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Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop

Good stuff, especially the great job done on the Williams/Danielson match, but one slight correction, the Savior of Life Itself, Salvatore Rinauro, is the Wildside Jr. Champ, not Slim J.

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Guest Pegasus Kid
one slight correction, the Savior of Life Itself, Salvatore Rinauro, is the Wildside Jr. Champ, not Slim J.

Hmm... I haven't seen much of that fed but he was champ last time I checked and even their site still has him as their champion. *shrugs* thanks for the heads up though, I appreciate it.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Personally, I suggest just tossing in quick move explainations for moves with really bizarre names, or rare moves. Like, I won't lie - I have no idea what the fuck a "satellite" anything is. And it's not the first time I've encountered moves I've never even heard of before in your reviews. So I think that quick, basic explainations couldn't really hurt anything, and could probably help the simple ones (like me) understand what is going on in the match better.


I do enjoy your reviews though, for the most part.

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Guest Pegasus Kid
Personally, I suggest just tossing in quick move explainations for moves with really bizarre names, or rare moves.

I already talked about this when I was handling feedback to the last review. Whenever I come across a new/rare move I explain it at that point and never again. If I had to explain it every time, then the reviews would get really long, especially during matches like The Scramble where ten guys are doing all sorts of stuff.


On a side note, you can pretty much substitute "Satellite" with "Tilt A Whirl" when it applies to a DDT or a Headscissors.

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Guest goodhelmet

here's my two cents on "scramble madness". i agree with your assessment on the two big matches... the scramble match is the best spotfest i have ever seen... bar none. much better than the overly contrived tlc matches that everyone raves over (esp. WM17). The Iron man match is another match i enjoy although I may not put it in my top ten ROH matches.


however I do have a problem with a couple of match ratings and your final assessment of the overall show.


1st- Daniels and Briscoe vs. Red and Briscoe- You complained about the heat segment but I thought that it woked the tag team formula to perfection and was much better than any heat segment from the WWE this year (not 2002... but inc. the guerrero-team angle matches). while the briscoes did not factor into the match, i didn't think they should have since daniels beating red was the perfect ending. red is not in daniels league and should promptly put to rest after encountering daniels despite his flashy offense. i thought it was a great way to open the show and one of the best ROH openers out there (not THE best but up there).


2nd- samoa joe vs. homicide- what makes this match a full star less than ki vs. joe? it was practically the same match but i thought this one was a little more intense and a little better laid out instead of the typical "i can no-sell your chop more than you can no-sell mine." personally, i would put this above ki-joe. just my 2cents.


3rd- styles vs. daniels. i really don't see how you can give other matches **** with a blink of the eye but yet rate this less than lesser matches. maybe it just comes down to a personal preference in moveset or character personality but i think the styles-daniels matchiups are as good as anything that ROH has put out there and much better than shane-london lader of doom which received ****+. once again, i like daniels' style so it may be just a personal preference.


Finally, your overall recommendation. While the show didn't have a MOTY, you only gave it a mild recommendation. yet there were two **** and two *** matches on the card. Much better than many cards that would receive highest recommendations from you or other net tape reviewers. In my view, the show was much better than you let on and is a disservice to prospective buyers.


don't get me wrong. these are minor quibbles about personal preferences but i feel i should get it off my chest. i have already discussed your reviews with you in the past so it should come as no surprise but hey... at least it may generate discussion!

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Guest Andy

I have always enjoyed reading your reviews also.


The only slight problem I have is that if I am reading your reviews at work, having swear words in block capitals can somewhat stand out and make it seem I'm looking at an inappropriate web site.


Otherwise, highly enjoyable.


Cheers - A.

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Where do you work? Wouldnt wrestling sites as a whole be inappropriate when your supposed to be working?


Just joking man, if you can get away with it, why not.

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